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1. fallacy:[C] false or mistaken belief 错误的见解; 谬
见: It's a fallacy to suppose that wealth brings happiness. 认为财富能带来幸福, 这是一种错误的见解.
2. merry:pleasant 令人愉快的; 令人快乐的: the merry
month of May 美好的五月
3. enterprising: adj having the ability to think of new
activities or ideas and make them work有事业心的,富进取心的 Some enterprising students are designing
4. for/in a month of Sundays: (尤用於否定句) for a
very long time 很长时间: I've not seen her for/in a month of Sundays. 我很久没有见到她了.
5. unfetter: to set free from restraint of any kind; to
liberate the right of free speech unfettered by the party system不受政党限制约束的言论自由权
6. Venture: dare to go (somewhere dangerous or
unpleasant) 敢於去(危险的或令人厌恶的地方): * The mouse never ventured far from its hole. 老鼠从来不敢离开窝太远.
7. limp (adj): not firm or strong
His body suddenly
went limp and he fell down on the floor.
8. flaccid adj : soft and weak; loose and limp; not
firm 软弱的; 松弛的; 不结实的
9. spongy adj :海绵状的,轻软的,多孔的soft and full of
holes that contain air or liquid like a sponge The earth was soft and spongy underfoot.
10. Instance: n ~ (of sth) example; case 例子; 实
例; 事例: * In most instances (ie Mostly) the pain soon goes away. 在多数情况下, 这种疼痛很快就消失.
11. Pedantic: adj paying too much attention to rules
or to small unimportant details 书生气的,迂腐的pedantic about Some people can be very pedantic about punctuation.
12. discipline n branch of knowledge; subject of
instruction 学科; 教学科目: scientific disciplines 科学科目.
13. keen (of the mind) quick to understand (指头脑)
敏捷的, 精明的
14. calculating adj thinking carefully about how to
get exactly what you want, often without caring about anyone else - used to show disapproval深谋远虑的,精明的
He gave her a calculating look.
15. perspicacious adj (fml 文) having or showing
great insight or judgement; discerning 有洞察力的; 判断力强的; 有识别力的: a perspicacious analysis of the problem 对问题的精辟分析
16. acute: shrewd; perceptive 精明的; 有观察力的: He
is an acute observer. 他是个敏锐的观察家
17. astute adj clever and quick at seeing how to gain
an advantage; shrewd 精明的; 机敏的; 狡诈的: It was an astute move to sell just before prices went down. 正好在价格下跌前脱手, 真是精明之举.
18. dynamo: device for converting steam-power,
water-power, etc into electricity; generator 发电机
19. scales [pl v] balance or instrument for weighing 天
平; 磅秤: a pair of scales 一台天平
20. scalpel n small light knife used by surgeons 手术
刀; 解剖刀.
21. impressionable
adj someone who is
impressionable is easily influenced, especially because they are youngThe kids are at an impressionable age .
22. submit suggest (sth); argue 建议(某事物); 认为: *
The case, I would submit, is not proven. 本人认为此案证据不足.
23. negation n when something is made to have no
effect or be the opposite of what it should be Much of what passes for Christianity is a negation of Christ's teachings.
24. craze n [C] a fashion, game, type of music etc
that becomes very popular for a short time = fad craze for At that time, scooters were the latest craze .
25. idiocy n plural something that you think is
extremely silly or stupid = stupidity He smiled calmly
at the idiocies of mankind
26. acme highest stage of development; point of
perfection (发展的)顶点; (尽善尽美的)极点: reach the acme of success 达到成功的顶点.
27. appendicitis阑尾炎
28. laxative n, adj (medicine, food or drink) causing
or helping the bowels to empty 缓泻的; 通便的; 泻药; 有通便作用的饮食: If you're constipated you may need a laxative. 便秘时可服用泻剂.
29. raccoon (esp US) (Brit also racoon) (also US
infml 美式口语作 coon) small N American flesh-eating mammal with a pointed snout and a bushy black-ringed tail 浣熊(北美产的食肉的哺乳动物).
30. mumble v ~ (about sth); ~ sth (to sb) speak
or say sth unclearly and usu quietly, so that people cannot hear what is said 含糊地说某事; 叽咕; 咕哝: He always mumbles when he's embarrassed. 他感到难为情时说话就含糊不清了.
31. thickly 副词 ad. 声音沙哑地,不清晰地\
of here,\让我们离开这个地方,\汤姆声音重浊地说。
32. wail v ~ (about/over sth) cry or complain
(about sth) in a loud (usu shrill) voice (大声)哭, 诉苦(通常指尖声地): wail with grief 恸哭
33. perceive:become aware of (sb/sth); notice;
observe 意识到, 注意到, 观察到(某人[某事物]): I perceived a change in his behavior/that his behavior had changed. 我发觉他的行为有些变化.
34. pound【HIT】 [I and T]to hit something very hard
several times and make a lot of noise, damage it, break it into smaller pieces etc He began pounding the keyboard of his computer.
35. temple n flat part at each side of the forehead 太
阳穴(前额两侧); 颞
36. Charleston n fast dance, popular in the 1920's, in
which the knees are turned inwards and the legs kicked sideways 查尔斯顿舞(流行於20世纪20年代的快步舞, 舞时膝盖内屈, 腿向两侧踢).
37. incredulous adj not willing or able to believe;
showing disbelief 不肯轻信的; 不能相信的; 表示怀疑的: an incredulous look, stare, gaze, etc 怀疑的神情﹑ 注视﹑ 逼视等.
38. Big Man on Campus 固定词组 ph. 校园巨人(指大
学的男生体育健儿、体育明星)n [C] AmE informal an important and popular male student at a college or university, especially someone who is good at sports
39. frequent v (文) often go to or visit (a place) 常去,
常到(一地方): He used to frequent the town's bars and night-clubs. 他从前常去镇上的酒吧和夜总会.
40. passionately副词 ad. 热情地;激昂地They were
kissing passionately. 他们在热情地接吻。
41. unsanitary adj dirty and likely to cause disease =
unsanitary conditions
42. shed v lose (sth) by its falling off; let (sth) fall or
come off 使(某物)脱落﹑ 剥落﹑ 蜕下或脱下: Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals. 到时候树就落叶﹑ 花就掉瓣.
43. unsightly adj not pleasant to look at; ugly 难看的;
不雅观的; 丑陋的: London's unsightly suburban sprawl 伦敦郊外不雅观的无计画扩展的地区.
44. in/out of the `swim (infml 口) aware or
involved/not aware or involved in what is going on 了解或介入[不了解或不介入]当前情况: Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things). 我虽已退休, 但仍做些义务工作, 以便了解当前的情势.
45. precision adj [only before noun] precision
tool/instrument:a precision tool or instrument is used for making or measuring something in a very exact way精密仪器/工具
46. gear: used to talk about the amount of effort and
energy that someone is using in a situation During this period, Japan's export industries were in top gear (=were as active as they could be) .The Republican's propaganda machine moved into high gear.
47. narrowly ad. 严密地;仔细地She watched him
narrowly. 她仔细地端详他。
48. affirm v ~ sth (to sb) state sth as the truth;
assert sth 肯定某事物属实; 断言某事物: She affirmed her innocence. 她坚称自己无罪.
49. ringing adj a ringing sound or voice is loud and
clearshe pronounced her final words in ringing tones.
50. stroke v pass the hand gently over (a surface), usu
again and again (用手)轻抚, 抚摩(某物表面)(通常指反覆地): stroke a cat, one's beard, sb's back 抚摩猫﹑ 自己的胡须﹑某人的背.
51. undergraduaten university or college student who
has not yet taken his first or bachelor's degree (尚未获学士学位的)大学生; 大学肄业生: undergraduate grants, students 给予大学生的助学金﹑ 大学生
52. attic n space or room immediately below the roof
of a house 阁楼; 顶楼: an attic bedroom 顶楼卧室.
53. covet v want very much to possess (esp sth that
belongs to sb else) 贪求(尤指别人的东西); 觊觎: covet sb's position, status, possessions, rewards 觊觎某人的职位﹑ 地位﹑ 财产﹑ 报酬
54. shrewd adj (-er, -est) having or showing good
judgments and common sense 有准确判断力和常识的; 精明的; 敏锐的: make a shrewd guess, ie one that is likely to be right 猜得相当准.
55. cerebral adj intellectual (rather than emotional) 理
智的(非感情的): His poetry is very cerebral. 他的诗很有理性.
56. omission n [U] action of omitting or leaving out
sb/sth 忽略; 疏忽; 省略; 删除; 遗漏; 排除: His omission from the team is rather surprising. 队里没有他, 令人惊奇. 57. specification n [C esp pl 尤作复数] details and
instructions describing the design, materials, etc of sth to be made or done 规格; 规格说明: * the technical specifications of a new car 新汽车的技术规格. [U] action of specifying 具体说明; 详述: the specification of details 细节的详述.
58. pin-up n [C] a picture of an attractive person,
often not wearing many clothes, that is put up on a wall to be looked at and admired a pin-up of her favourite boy band
59. the makings: 素质;内在条件
60. carriage:way in which sb holds and moves his
head and body 仪态; 举止; 姿势: have a very upright carriage 挺着腰板
61. bearing n (a) way of standing, walking, etc;
deportment (站立﹑ 步行等的)姿态: a man of soldierly bearing 有军人仪态的人. (b) behaviour 行为; 举止: her dignified bearing throughout the trial 在整个审讯过程中, 她那端庄的举止.
62. poise n [U] quiet dignified self-confidence and
self-control (安然的)自信, 自制: a woman of great poise 极稳重的女子.
63. breeding: the fact of coming from a family of high
rank and having polite social behavior教养(尤指行为或礼貌方面);训育Tolerance is a sign of breeding. 容忍是有良好教养的表现。
64. exquisite adj extremely beautiful or delicate;
finely or skilfully made or done 优美的; 优雅的; 精致的; 制作精良的: an exquisite piece of lace 精美的花边.
65. pot-roast n piece of meat browned in a pot1(1a)
and cooked slowly with very little water 炖肉.
66. gravy n [U] juice that comes from meat while it is
cooking; sauce made from this 肉汁; 调味肉汁.
67. dipper n [C] a large spoon with a long handle,
used for taking liquid out of a container big dipper长柄勺,汲器
68. sauerkraut n [U] (German 德) chopped pickled
cabbage 泡洋白菜丝.
69. veer v (esp of a vehicle) change direction or
course (尤指交通工具)改变方向或路线: The wind has veered round. 风向相反了
70. get at sth (infml 口) (no passive; used only in the
continuous tenses and usu in questions 不用於被动语态, 仅用於进行时态, 通常用於疑问句) suggest sth indirectly; imply sth 意指; 暗指: What exactly are you getting at? 你究竟指的是什麽意思?
71. gamy adj (of meat) having the strong flavour or
smell of game that has been kept for a long time (指肉)(野味经长久保存)气味强烈的, 有臭味的.
72. greasy adj (-ier, -iest) covered with grease;
slippery 涂有油脂的; 沾有油脂的; 滑的: greasy fingers 沾着油脂的手指
73. pelt /n skin of an animal, esp with the fur or hair
still on it 动物的皮; (尤指)毛皮: beaver pelts 海狸皮.
74. canny adj (-ier, -iest) shrewd and careful, esp in
business matters 精明仔细的(尤指在生意上).
75. mince v not `mince matters; not mince (one's)
`words speak plainly or bluntly, esp. when condemning sb/sth 直言不讳: I didn't mince matters: I said he was an idiot. 我不讳言, 我说过他是白痴.
76. stout
adj brave and determine stout
defence/support/resistance He put up a stout defence in court.>stoutly adv She stoutly denied the rumors.
77. waif n homeless person, esp an abandoned child
无家可归的人; (尤指)流浪儿: a home for waifs and strays, ie homeless and neglected children 流浪儿童收容所 *
78. bakery n [C] a place where bread and cakes are
baked, or a shop where they are sold面包房
79. jaw: either of the bone structures containing the
teeth 颌: the upper/lower jaw 上[下]颌.
80. resolute adj ~ (in sth) having or showing great
determination or firmness 坚决的; 坚定的; 有决心的: a resolute refusal, approach, measure 断然的拒绝﹑ 坚决的手段﹑ 果断的措施
81. swivel v (~ (sth) (round) (cause sth to) turn on
or as if on a swivel (使某物)(似)在旋轴上转动: He swivelled (round) in his chair to face us. 他把坐着的转椅转过来面向着我们
82. wax and wane: 月圆月缺;兴衰,盛衰to increase and
decrease over time Interest in the show has waxed
and waned.
83. comply v ~ (with sth) do as one is requested,
commanded, etc; obey 按要求﹑ 命令去做; 依从; 顺从; 听从; 服从: She was told to pay the fine, but refused to comply. 通知她交纳罚款, 但她拒不服从.
84. bunch v ~ (sth/sb) (up) (cause sth/sb to) be
formed into a bunch or bunches (使某物[某人])成束, 成捆, 成群: a blouse that bunches at the waist 束腰女衬衫
85. mound n mass of piled-up earth; small hill 小丘;
土墩; 小土岗.
86. in the nature of 具有…的性质的 87. delish=delicious
88. bid :~ sth to sb say sth as a greeting, etc 说(问
候﹑ 打招呼等的话): bid sb good morning 向某人道早安
89. grave adj grave problems, situations, or worries
are very great or bad→serious Matthew's life is in
grave danger .