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Book Five Module 5


1狂欢节 2 基督教的 3 鬼;幽灵 4 掩藏;躲藏

5 服装;化妆服 6 杂乱;混乱 7延长 8 假装 9火器 10帝国 11记忆 12复兴 13预定 14 漫步;闲逛 15 优美的;高雅的 16地方议会 17 魅力,魔力 18日历;月历 19 鸽子 20 豆子 21 面粉 22大蒜 23 洋葱 24 豌豆 25 猪肉 26 香肠 27 药草,芳草 28 使人放松的 29哨子

30 美味可口的 31 (庆祝)游行 32 农庄,庄园 33跨文化的 34 标志 35 贸易 36主人 37 废除 38运输;运送 39地主

40华丽的;富丽堂皇的 41引进;进口 42 自由 43 联合 44 起源 二、基本短语

1 出来;出版;开花 2 假装做某事 3 秘密的 4 挤满 5 完结 6 装扮;打扮

7由…组成;由… 构成 8 用暴力迫使,强行 9 取笑某人 10接管;接任

11学校放假 12 乔装打扮;盛装 13 各地 14 为…做准备 15 把…看作 16 意味着…

17 打算做… 18 随着时间的流逝 19 竖直着;连续地 20 暗地里;秘密地 21 追溯到

22 打扮成 23入狱 24 禁止某人做某事

25. 20世纪80年代早、中、晚期

26 对…有益 27 对…有害处 28 对某人有好处

29 全欧洲 30满是…挤满…: 31. 假装做…. : 32. 由…组成 33. 听说.. 34宁愿做…

35 结束;终结 36一代一代 37 热衷于… 狂热 38放弃 39 或多或少 40 高潮



41 足够可笑的 42 与生俱来的

43用饮料将饭吃下 44 通过散步来消化 45 被迫 46 取而代之;接替;接管 三、重点词语讲解

1 extend vt & vi 延伸,伸展,延长(指长度或宽度的增加) 【相关搭配】extend a warm welcome to sb. : 热烈欢迎某人 2 pretend vt & vi 假装;伪称

【相关搭配】pretend to do sth. : 假装干某事 pretend to be doing sth. : 假装正在干… pretend to have done sth. : 假装干了….

3 from memory : 凭记忆 in memory of =in honor of : 为了纪念 4. see… as :把…看作;把… 视为

【相关搭配】 accept .. as ; consider… as ; regard .. as ; think of … as ; look on…as ; treat …as ; take…as ; respect …. As

5. go 作系动词用,意为“变成;变得,成为”,常接形容词或过去分词作表语,尤其指朝坏的方面变化或存在的状态

go bad / mad / wrong / red / grey / sour / hungry / 6 take off :起飞;除去;脱掉;(事业等)腾飞;休假;扣除;减去 7 come to an end : 结束;终止

put to an end = put ..to an end : 使 …终止 bring to an end = bring… to an end : 使结束 四、锁定高考

1.While she tried to ____ her disappointment at losing the game, it was the game, it was obvious that she had opened to win.

a. throw away b. hide c. find d. hold

2. When the boss came in, the workers pretended ______ hard on their machines. a. to work b. to be working c. to have worked d. working 3. --- I beg your pardon?

--- Your mind must be _____ when I was speaking, wasn’t it?

a. wondering b. wandering c. walking d. speaking 4. He asked me to find a book ______ his name.

a. marked with b. being marked with c. marked by d. marking on 5. I picked up a copybook in the schoolyard yesterday _____ with name and class. a. marking b. to mark c. marked d. being marked 6. The cars _____ to the far-off countries by ship.

a. have transported b. are transporting c. are transported d. transport 7. We have to wait until the discussion between them ____.

a. make an end b. come to an end c. put an end d. bring to an end 8. ____ in her best clothes, the girl tried to make herself ____ at the party.



a. Dressed; noticed b. Dressing; to be noticed c. Get dressed; noticed d. Dressing; noticing 9. The committee ______ of fifteen members.

a. consists b. is consisted c. formed d. make up 10. My mother has to wash a handful of pills_____ with a big glass of water. a. up b .out c. down d .off

11.In some parts of the world, tea ______ with milk and sugar. a. is serving b. is served c. serves d. served

12. This is Ted’s phone. We miss him a lot. He _____ trying to save a child in the earquake. a. killed b. is killed c. was killed d. was killing 13. --- Have you moved into the new house? --- Not yet, the rooms _____.

a. are being painted b. are painting c. are painted d. are being painting 14. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ____ yet. a. are not decided b. have not been decided c. is not being decided d. has not been decided

15 The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets____. a. was booked b. had been booked c. were booked d. have been booked 16. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _____ whether they will enjoy it.

a. to see b. to be seen c. seeing d. seen

17. While shopping, people something can’t help ______ into buying something they don’t really need.

a. to persuaded b. persuading c. being persuaded d. be persuaded 18. I feel it is your husband who ______ for the spoiled child.

a. is to blame b. is going to blame c. is to be blamed d. should blame 19. --- You’ve made great progress in your studies of English, haven’t you? --- Yes, but much _____.

a. remains to do b. is remained to do c. remains to be done d. is remained to be done 20. It _____ quite correct that happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive way. a. has turned out b. has been turned out c. is turning out d. is turned out 21 He _____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

a. should b. must c. wouldn’t d. can’t

22. --- Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere. --- Well. He _____ have gone far --- his coat’s still here.

a. shouldn’t b. mustn’t c .can’t d. wouldn’t

23. I was on the highway when this car went followed by a police car. They _____ at least 150 kilometers an hour.
