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南京大学考博英语真题2006年答案 Section 1
Part 1
1-5 AABCC 6-10 CBDDC Part 2
11-15 BCDDC 16-20 DDCAC Part 3
21-25 ADAAC 26-30 CBDCD 31-35 DAAAC 36-40 BBABB
Section 2
41-45. D A C A B 46-50 B A C C C 51-55 C A B A C 56-60 B C B D D
Part A
放弃对于获得幸福至关重要,其重要性并不逊于努力。面对我们可以阻止的不幸,明智的人不会屈服,但对于那些不可避免的甚至是可以避免的事情,若时间和经历要求他们放弃以追求更加重要的东西,他们不会浪费时间和感情而是选择顺从。很多人常常为鸡毛蒜皮的琐事而大发脾气,并因此浪费了大量原本可以有大用处的大量精力。在追求真正重要的目标中太过沉溺,导致潜在失败的可能性时时威胁我们的思维,这是不明智的。工作效率往往和我们所投入的感情并不对称。事实上,情感偶尔会妨碍效率。我们在服从命运安排的同时应当竭尽全力。顺从分两种:其一是源于绝望,其二则源于不可征服的希望……前者坏,后者好。 Part B
1. In a populous city, the idea that a man must know his neighbors has been extinct. But it is still
true of that in small towns and villages.
2. People living as long as each other may have quite different lifestyles. Some go far away and
enjoy fantastic scenery while others are incarcerated in a small room and until death does them not know how far-flung the world is.
3. The biggest falsehood of humans is they take for that social and political problems are so
simple that they can be judged and solved with practical experience, instead of strict training with scientific methods. Unfortunately, it is quite contrary in the case.
4. You can’t get rid of jealousness merely through being successful because there are someone in
history who are more successful than you. Enjoy the happiness at hand and do what you are supposed to do. Don’t compare what you imagine or even entirely wrong with those who are more lucky than you. Then, you can cast off jealousness.
5. So, this is the true spiritual civilization: make the most of human’s brightness and wiseness to
find truth, to control nature, to change matters for human’s use, to relieve human of needless hardships, to liberate human’s spirit from blindness and superstition.
Section 1
Part 1
1-5 AAABC 6-10 BCCDA Part 2
11-15 ABCBA 16-20 CDCAA
Part 3
21-25 CADBA 26-30 BAAAC
Section 2
31-34 B D B C 35-38 D A B D 39-42 B C A B 43-46 D D D C 47-50 B A C B
Part A
可以肯定的是,今天的人们对于成功的渴望以及其为我们带来的好处绝不亚于过去。避暑别墅、欧洲假期、度假和宝马——此类消费品较十年前或两年前仍然大受欢迎。不同的是今天的人们不会和从前一样公开坦承自己对成功的渴望,唯恐被人指为爱出风头、贪婪和粗俗。对此类人或更多并不引人注目的人来说,最恰当的莫过于“不惜一切代价获取成功但又不能太过锋芒毕露”,对于野心的攻击来自方方面面,而公开的拥护者则少之又少。昔日的美国人把雄心壮志看作健康的推动力和值得赞赏的品质,并且鼓励青年人要有抱负,而如今这种热情早已今非昔比了。然而,这并不意味着雄心的消亡,人们再也感受不到它的驱动力;而是意味着它不再被人们公开宣扬。鉴于此,人们采取隐蔽或迂回的战术来实现对成功的渴求。 Part B
6. Scientists are the small group of people who strive to discern nature to seek for disciplines in
disorderly and unsystematic surface. Having special abilities to think and analyze, they have unlimited patience to observe and collect data.
7. The most crucial issue we were facing was the short of skilled labor force and teachers who
could train them, as well as the decline of research capability caused by the shortage of teachers and modern equipments used in education and research.
8. Science requires us to be down-to-earth. Being solid learning, science must have no falsehood
at all and thus requires formidable labors. Meanwhile, science also needs creation and fantasy for where there is fantasy, there will be the break with tradition. Then, science grows.
4. If you fail in the career for yourself, don’t despair. There is vastly difference between “I failed three times” and “I am a loser”. You may succeed in future so long as you try to draw lessons from failure , instead of having negative attitude toward yourself and equate yourself with failure.
Section 1
Part 1
1-5 BDABD 6-10 ABACC Part 2
11-15 CCCBB 16-20 BDACD Part 3
21-25 BCABC 26-30DDCCD
Section 2
26-30 C A B D D 31-35 B B D C B 36-40 D ? C B A 41-45 D B A C C
Part A (此文节选自新概念英语第四本第25课)
在工业部门工作和在军队中服役的许多人对噪声音有切身的体会他们认为对这个问题进行调查中浪费时间, 甚至不愿承认噪音可能对人有影响。 另一方面,那些讨厌噪音的人有时
会用不充分的证据来支持他们希望有一个较为安静的社会环境的要求。要求减少噪音是件好事,但是如果与拙劣的科学掺杂在一起的话,就不会被人们所信任,这是很遗憾的。对于噪音问题,需要对大量生活在噪音中的人进行研究,看一看他们是否比其他人更易患精神病。例如,美国海军前些时候调查了许多在航空母航上工作的人,这次调查被称之为:“安内英工程”。即使住在离机场几英里以外的地方,机场的噪音也会使人难受。但是,不管进行精神病学的调查访问,还是进行客观的测试,都不能显示噪音对这些美国水兵有任何影响。这个结果只不过证实了美国和英国早些时候的研究结论: 如果噪音对精神健康有影响的话, 那也一定是微乎其微,以致现代的精神病诊断方法还发现不了。这并不是证实不存在噪音对健康的影响。
Part B
1. Science and technology constitute a primary productive force. To revitalize the economy, what
we first do is to promote science. We can gain initiative in drastic competition only when we confirmedly propel the development of science. Our economy is confronted with the great task of accelerating development and adjusting structure so as to improve economic performance. To accomplish the task, scientific consciousness must be improved all around the society and more must be invested in science and technology to make progress with the help of science and technology.
2. World Intellectual Property Organization is an inter-governmental organization, the
headquarter of which is located in Geneva. It is one of many specialized agencies attached to UN. It is in charge of boosting the protection of world intellectual property through international cooperation. Intellectual property involves two mains: industrial property right and copyright. At present, the protection of world property should be attached special importance by us.
3. Cultural exchange came into being since people got culture. By and large, culture originates
from the communication among countries and nationalities. The communication propels cultural development and mutual study, and favors the construction of cultural diversities. In the new period, we should attach much importance to communication with foreign countries, constantly drawing lessons from them and enrich Chinese culture as time goes by.