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lat - latitude (rad) alt - altitude (meters) fpa - horizontal flight path angle (rad) az - flight path aximuth (rad) v - speed (meters/sec) 3.7.6 atbOrbDelToCart 作用:将两行(Delaunay)根数根数转换成直角坐标下的位置速度 用法:[pos, vel] = atbOrbDelToCart(delElems, gravParam) 3.7.7 atbOrbEquiToCart 作用:将春分(equinoctial)根数根数转换成直角坐标下的位置速度 用法:[pos, vel] = atbOrbEquiToCart(equiElems, gravParam) 3.7.8 atbOrbModToCart 作用:将两行(Delaunay)根数根数转换成直角坐标下的位置速度 用法:[pos, vel] = atbOrbDelToCart(delElems, gravParam) 3.7.9 atbOrbSphereToCart 作用:将两行(Delaunay)根数根数转换成直角坐标下的位置速度 用法:[pos, vel] = atbOrbDelToCart(delElems, gravParam) 3.7.10 atbOrbMixedSphereToCart 作用:将两行(Delaunay)根数根数转换成直角坐标下的位置速度 用法:[pos, vel] = atbOrbDelToCart(delElems, gravParam) 3.8 轨道根数分量的转换(Orbit Element Parameter Conversions) 3.8.1 atbOrbEccToTrue 作用:偏近点角E转换为真近点角f 用法:trueAnom = atbOrbEccToTrue(eccAnom, eccentricity) 说明:eccAnom - eccentric anomaly (rad) eccentricity - unitless trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) 3.8.2 atbOrbTrueToEcc 作用:真近点角f转换为偏近点角E 用法:eccAnom = atbOrbTrueToEcc(trueAnom, eccentricity) 说明:trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) eccentricity - unitless eccAnom - eccentric anomaly (rad) 3.8.3 atbOrbMeanToTrue 作用:平近点角M转换为真近点角f 用法:trueAnom = atbOrbMeanToTrue(meanAnom, eccentricity) 说明:meanAnom - mean anomaly (rad) eccentricity - unitless trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) 3.8.4 atbOrbTrueToMean 作用:真近点角f转换为平近点角M 用法:meanAnom = atbOrbTrueToMean(trueAnom, eccentricity) 说明:trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) eccentricity - unitless meanAnom - mean anomaly (rad) 3.8.5 atbOrbLanToRaan 作用:升交点经度(地理)转化为升交点赤经(天球) 用法:raan = atbOrbLanToRaan('cbName', lan, curTime, tpan) 说明:cbName - valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' lan - longitude of ascending node (rad) curTime - current time (sec) tpan - time past ascending node (sec) raan - right ascension of ascending node (rad) 3.8.6 atbOrbRaanToLan 作用:升交点赤经(天球)转化为升交点经度(地理) 用法:lan = atbOrbRaanToLan('cbName', raan, curTime, tpan) 说明:cbName - valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' raan - right ascension of ascending node (rad) curTime - current time (sec) tpan - time past ascending node (sec) lan - longitude of ascending node (rad) 3.8.7 atbOrbPeriRadToPeriod 作用:近地点向径转化为轨道周期 用法:period = atbOrbPeriRadToPeriod(perigreeRad, eccentricity, gm) 说明:perigreeRad - perigree radius (meters) eccentricity - unitless gm - gravitational parameter, see atbCbGravParam period - orbit period (sec) 3.8.8 atbOrbPeriodToPeriRad 作用:轨道周期转化为近地点向径 用法:perigreeRad = atbOrbPeriodToPeriRad(period, eccentricity, gm) 说明:perigreeRad - perigree radius (meters) eccentricity - unitless gm - gravitational parameter, see atbCbGravParam period - orbit period (sec) 3.8.9 atbOrbPeriRadToSMajAxis 作用:近地点向径转化为轨道半长轴 用法:semimajorAxis = atbOrbPeriRadToSMajAxis(perigreeRad, eccentricity) 说明:perigreeRad - perigree radius (meters) eccentricity - unitless semimajorAxis - semimajor axis length (meters) 3.8.10 atbOrbSMajAxisToPeriRad 作用:轨道半长轴转化为近地点向径 用法:perigreeRad = atbOrbSMajAxisToPeriRad(semimajorAxis, eccentricity) 说明:perigreeRad - perigree radius (meters) eccentricity - unitless semimajorAxis - semimajor axis length (meters) 3.8.11 atbOrbTPANToTrue 作用:过升角点时转化为真近点角 用法:trueAnom = atbOrbTPANToTrue(tpan, argOfPerigree, sma, eccentricity, gm) 说明:tpan - time past ascending node (sec) argOfPerigree - argument of perigree (rad) sma - semimajor axis length (meters) eccentricity - unitless gm - gravitational parameter, see atbCbGravParam trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) 3.8.12 atbOrbTrueToTPAN 作用:真近点角转化为将过升角点时 用法:tpan = atbOrbTrueToTPAN(trueAnom, argOfPerigree, sma, eccentricity, gm) 说明:tpan - time past ascending node (sec) argOfPerigree - argument of perigree (rad) sma - semimajor axis length (meters) eccentricity - unitless gm - gravitational parameter, see atbCbGravParam trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) 3.8.13 atbOrbTPPToTrue 作用:过近地点时转化为真近点角 用法:trueAnom = atbOrbTPPToTrue(tpp, sma, eccentricity, gm) 说明:tpp - time past perigree (sec) sma - semimajor axis length (meters) eccentricity - unitless gm - gravitational parameter, see atbCbGravParam trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) 3.8.14 atbOrbTrueToTPP 作用:过近地点转化为时真近点角 用法:tpp = atbOrbTrueToTPP(trueAnom, sma, eccentricity, gm) 说明:tpp - time past perigree (sec) sma - semimajor axis length (meters) eccentricity - unitless gm - gravitational parameter, see atbCbGravParam trueAnom - true anomaly (rad) 3.9 DTED操作(DTED operations) 3.9.1 atbCbListDtedTypes 作用:列出中心体的所有数据类型 用法:typeInfo = atbCbListDtedTypes('cb') 说明:cb - central body name typeInfo - structure array with following fields: id - terrain type string, possible values are: MRAS NIMADMED NIMAFILE MTOP DEM XTRA MOLA CONVERTEDMOLA provider formalName fileSuffix 3.9.2 atbCbListDted 作用:列出中心体的所有数据源 用法:[sources, rect] = atbCbListDted('cb') 说明:cb - central body name sources - cell array of source file names rect - matrix of boundarys [minLon maxLon minLat maxLat] for each source (rad) 3.9.3 atbCbAddDtedSource 作用:给中心体增加DTED 用法:atbCbAddDtedSource('cb', 'type', 'filePath') 说明:cb - central body name type - valid terrain file type, choices are: MRAS NIMADMED NIMAFILE MTOP DEM XTRA MOLA CONVERTEDMOLA filePath - full file path 3.9.4 atbCbDtedSourceUI 作用:用一个GUI管理地球DTED 用法:atbCbDtedSourceUI 备注:Associates terrain files with Earth. 3.9.5 atbLoadNimaDted 作用:递归加载压缩包中所有的NIMA DTED 用法:atbLoadNimaDted(rootFolder, wildcard) 说明:rootFolder - string name of the root folder to recurse wildcard - optional file name filter, default is '*.dt*' 3.9.6 atbCbRemDtedSource 作用:删除中心体的DTED 用法:atbCbRemDtedSource('cb', 'fileName') 说明:cb - central body name fileName - a string or cell array of strings use the string 'ALL' to remove all files use atbCbListDted to obtain an array of loaded files 3.9.7 atbCbGetDtedSourceForPos 作用:获取周围地形数据 用法:sources = atbCbGetDtedSourceForPos('cbName', lat, lon) 说明:cbName - valid central body name, e.g. 'earth' lat - geodetic latitude (radians) lon - geodetic longitude (radians) sources - cell array of terrain sources with boundaries encompassing lat/lon 3.9.8 atbGetDtedPatch 作用:获取DTED的句柄 用法:h = atbGetDtedPatch('cb', minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat) h = atbGetDtedPatch('cb', rect) 说明:cb - central body name minLon - minimum longitude of bounding box (rad). maxLon - maximum longitude of bounding box (rad).