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minLat - minimum latitude of bounding box (rad). maxLat - maximum latitude of bounding box (rad). rect - 1x4 array [minLon maxLon minLat maxLat] (rad). h - handle to the terrain patch. use atbClearDtedPatch to clear the patch from memory. 3.9.9 atbClearDtedPatch 作用:清除DTED的句柄 用法:atbClearDtedPatch(h) 说明:h - terrain patch handle obtained from atbGetDtedPatch 3.9.10 atbAllDtedPatches 作用:获取当前DTED的句柄 用法:hVec = atbAllDtedPatches 说明:hVec - terrain patch handles 3.9.11 atbDtedPatchInfo 作用:获取DTED句柄中的信息 用法:[rect, res] = atbDtedPatchInfo(h) 说明:h - terrain patch handle(s) rect - matrix of boundarys [minLon maxLon minLat maxLat] for each handle res - resolution of each handle [longRes latRes] (rad) 3.9.12 atbDtedElev 作用:获取中心体DTED的高度 用法:altMN = atbDtedElev('cbName', lat, lon) altN = atbDtedElev('cbName', latLon) 说明:cbName - valid central body name lat - MxN latitude array (rad) lon - MxN longitude array (rad) latLon - 2xN lat and lon array [lat;lon] (rad) altMN - MxN altitude (meters) altN - 1xN altitude vector (meters) 3.9.13 atbDtedPatchElev 作用:获取句柄DTED的高度 用法:altMN = atbDtedPatchElev(h, lat, lon) altN = atbDtedPatchElev(h, latLon) 说明:h - terrain patch handle obtianed from atbGetDtedPatch lat - MxN latitude array (rad) lon - MxN longitude array (rad) latLon - 2xN lat and lon array [lat;lon] (rad) altMN - MxN altitude (meters) altN - 1xN altitude vector (meters) 3.9.14 atbAzElMask 作用:compute an az/el mask 用法:[az, maxEl, riseEl, riseDist] = atbAzElMask('cb', posLLA, NAz) 说明:cb - central body name posLLA - 3x1 LLA observer position vector [rad;rad;meters]. NAz - number of azimuth points az - NAz x 1 vector of azimuths (rad) maxEl - NAz x 1 vector of maximum elevations along az (rad) risEl - NAz x 1 cell array of intermediate elevations along az (rad) 3.9.15 atbDtedRes 作用:get DTED resolution 用法:res = atbDtedRes('cb', lat, lon) 说明:cb - central body name lat - latitude (rad) lon - longitude (rad) res - resolution of DTED data at lat/lon (rad) 3.9.16 atbDtedLOSExist 作用:compute existence of line of sight between two points 用法:losAngle = atbDtedLOSExist('cb', fromLLA, toLLA) 说明:cb - central body name fromLLA - 3x1 LLA vector [rad;rad;meters]. toLLA - 3x1 LLA vector [rad;rad;meters]. losAngle - angle between the maximum terrain elevation point between the points and the direct line of sight between the points. A positive number indicates the terrain does not obstruct the line of sight. 3.10 运动属性(Propagators) 3.10.1 atbLambertFixedTime 作用:Lambert targeting algorithm - fixed time 用法:startVel = atbLambertFixedTime(startPos, finalPos, gm, deltaTime) 说明:startPos - 3x1 starting position [x;y;z] (meters) finalPos - 3x1 final position [x;y;z] (meters) gm - gravitational parameter (meters^3 / sec^2) deltaTime - time to move from start to final pos startVel - 3x1 starting velocity vector [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) 备注:Computes the Lambert targeting algorithm to design a two-body trajectory between the initial and final positions. 3.10.2 atbLambertMinEnergy 作用:Lambert targeting algorithm - minimum energy 用法:[startVel, deltaTime] = atbLambertMinEnergy(startPos, finalPos, gm) [startVel, deltaTime] = atbLambertMinEnergy(startPos, finalPos, gm, longWayFlag) 说明:startPos - 3x1 starting position [x;y;z] (meters) finalPos - 3x1 final position [x;y;z] (meters) gm - gravitational parameter (meters^3 / sec^2) longWayFlag - flag to compute the alternate long way around the orbit. The default is the short way around. startVel - 3x1 starting velocity vector [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) deltaTime - time to move from start to final pos 3.10.3 atbLambertMinEccen 作用:Lambert targeting algorithm - minimum eccentricity 用法:[startVel, deltaTime] = atbLambertMinEccen(startPos, finalPos, gm) [startVel, deltaTime] = atbLambertMinEccen(startPos, finalPos, gm, longWayFlag) 说明:startPos - 3x1 starting position [x;y;z] (meters) finalPos - 3x1 final position [x;y;z] (meters) gm - gravitational parameter (meters^3 / sec^2) longWayFlag - flag to compute the alternate long way around the orbit. The default is the short way around. startVel - 3x1 starting velocity vector [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) deltaTime - time to move from start to final pos 备注:Computes the Lambert targeting algorithm to design a two-body trajectory between the initial and final positions. 3.10.4 atbKeplerProp 作用:Kepler two body propagator 用法:[pos, vel, accel] = atbKeplerProp(startPos, startVel, gm, times) 说明:startPos - 3x1 starting position [x;y;z] (meters) startVel - 3x1 starting velocity [vx;vy;vz] (meters/sec) gm - gravitational parameter (meters^3 / sec^2) times - N length vector of times at which to compute the orbit. The first time in the vector is considered to be the start time. pos - 3xN orbit position [x;y;z] (meters) vel - 3xN orbit velocity [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) accel - 3xN orbit acceleration [ax;ay;az] (m^2/s) 备注:Propagates a two-body trajectory from the given initial conditions. 3.10.5 atbJ2Prop 作用:J2 propagator 用法:[pos, vel, accel] = atbJ2Prop(startPos, startVel, gm, eccRad, J2, times) 说明:startPos - 3x1 starting position [x;y;z] (meters) startVel - 3x1 starting velocity [vx;vy;vz] (meters/sec) gm - gravitational parameter (meters^3 / sec^2) eccRad - equatorial radius (meters) J2 - zonal harmonic coefficient (unitless) times - N length vector of times at which to compute the orbit. The first time in the vector is considered to be the start time. pos - 3xN orbit position [x;y;z] (meters) vel - 3xN orbit velocity [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) accel - 3xN orbit acceleration [ax;ay;az] (m^2/s) 备注:Propagates a two-body trajectory from the given initial conditions. The propagator uses a first order J2 perturbation algorithm which models only the secular effects on the orbital elements. The output positions, velocities and accelerations are in the same inertial coordinate system as the input elements. There is an implicit assumption in this algorithm that the central body is in a simple spin about its Z axis and that the inertial and central body fixed Z axes are aligned. 3.10.6 atbJ4Prop 作用:J4 propagator 用法:[pos, vel, accel] = atbJ4Prop(startPos, startVel, gm, eccRad, J2, J4, times) 说明:startPos - 3x1 starting position [x;y;z] (meters) startVel - 3x1 starting velocity [vx;vy;vz] (meters/sec) gm - gravitational parameter (meters^3 / sec^2) eccRad - equatorial radius (meters) J2 - zonal harmonic coefficient (unitless) J4 - zonal harmonic coefficient (unitless) times - N length vector of times at which to compute the orbit. The first time in the vector is considered to be the start time. pos - 3xN orbit position [x;y;z] (meters) vel - 3xN orbit velocity [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) accel - 3xN orbit acceleration [ax;ay;az] (m^2/s) 备注:Propagates a two-body trajectory from the given initial conditions. The propagator uses a second order J2/J4 perturbation algorithm which models only the secular effects on the orbital elements. J2 effects are considered to the second order and J4 effects are considered to the first order. The output positions, velocities and accelerations are in the same inertial coordinate system as the input elements. There is an implicit assumption in this algorithm that the central body is in a simple spin about its Z axis and that the inertial and central body fixed Z axes are aligned. 3.10.7 atbLaunchProp 作用:Simple ascent propagator 用法:[pos, vel] = atbLaunchProp('centBody', launchLLA, burnoutLLA, burnoutSpeed, retroFlag, times) 说明:centBody - valid central body name, i.e. 'Earth' launchLLA - 3x1 LatLonAlt vector [rad;rad;m] burnoutLLA - 3x1 LatLonAlt vector [rad;rad;m] burnoutSpeed - burnout speed (meters/sec) retroFlag - retrograde flag times - N length vector of times at which to compute the orbit. pos - 3xN orbit position [x;y;z] (meters) vel - 3xN orbit velocity [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) 备注:Propagates an elliptical trajectory from the launch LLA point to the burnout LLA point, generating a velocity profile which is zero at launch and burnoutSpeed at burnout. The burnout velocity vector will be perpendicular to the burnout position vector. The initial velocity vector will be parallel to the launch positition vector. The trajectory will be generated in the plane formed by the launch and burnout position vectors. 3.10.8 atbMissilePropDataFixedTime 作用:Missile propagator data - fixed time 用法:[posCBI, velCBI, apogeeAlt, deltaV] = atbMissilePropDataFixedTime('centBody', startPosCBF, endPosCBF, startTime, longWay, deltaTime) 说明:centBody - valid central body name, i.e. 'Earth' startPosCBF - 3x1 CBF position vector [x;y;z] (meters) endPosCBF - 3x1 CBF position vector [x;y;z] (meters) startTime - time corresponding to startPosCBF (sec) longWay - flag to generate the trajectory the long way around the central body deltaTime - time of flight (sec) posCBI - 3x1 initial position [x;y;z] (meters) velCBI - 3x1 initial velocity [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) apogeeAlt - apogee altitude of the trajectory (meters) deltaV - velocity impulse required for trajectory(m/s) 备注:Determines the initial inertial position and velocity for a missile trajectory between two CBF position vectors. Use atbLambertMinEccen to determine the minimum valid time. 3.10.9 atbMissilePropDataFixedAlt 作用:Missile propagator data - fixed altitude 用法:[posCBI, velCBI, deltaTime, deltaV] =