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eccentricity - unitless inclination - units in radians argOfPerigree - units in radians RAAN - units in radians meanAnomaly - units in radians 2.6.3 stkSetPropEqui 作用:设置春分点坐标下卫星运动的参数 用法:stkSetPropEqui('objPath', 'propagator', 'coordSystem', ... tStart, tStop, dt, orbitEpoch, semimajorAxis, ... h, k, p, q, meanLongitude, formulation, coordEpoch) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. propagator - 'TwoBody', 'J2Perturbation', 'J4Perturbation', 'HPOP' or 'PODS' This parameter is case sensitive! coordSystem - string name of coordinate system, valid choices are: 'Fixed', 'J2000', 'MeanOfDate', 'MeanOfEpoch', 'TrueOfDate', 'TrueOfEpoch', 'B1950', 'TEMEOfDate', 'TEMEOfEpoch', 'AlignmentAtEpoch'. This parameter is case sensitive! tStart, tStop - times in epoch seconds. dt - time step in seconds. orbitEpoch - reference time of orbit data, in scenario epoch seconds coordEpoch - coordinate system epoch, required by all '...OfEpoch' coordinate systems. semimajorAxis - units in meters h, k, p, q - unitless meanLongitude - units in radians formulation - string, 'Posigrade' or 'Retrograde' 2.6.4 stkSetPropSGP4 作用:设置SGP4描述下卫星运动的参数 用法:stkSetPropSGP4('objPath', tStart, tStop, dt, tleInfo) stkSetPropSGP4('objPath', tStart, tStop, dt, ... 'SSC', 'orbitEpoch', meanMotion, ... eccentricity, inclination, argOfPerigree. ... RAAN, meanAnomaly, meanMotionDot, meanMotionDotDot, bStar) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. tStart, tStop - times in epoch seconds. dt - time step in seconds. tleInfo - tleInfo from atbTLEInfo SSC - U.S. Space Surveillance Center Catalog Number (as a char string) orbitEpoch - string date, must be in YYDDD.SSSSSSS format meanMotion - rev/day eccentricity - unitless inclination - units in radians argOfPerigree - units in radians RAAN - units in radians meanAnomaly - units in radians meanMotionDot meanMotionDotDot bStar - m^2/kg 2.6.5 stkPropagate 作用:设置卫星运动的参数 用法:stkPropagate('satPath', tStart, tStop) 说明:satPath - Valid satellite path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. tStart, tStop - times in epoch seconds. 2.7 飞行器位置与速度(Vehicle Position and Velocity) 2.7.1 stkPosVelCBF 作用:获取中心体本体系下位置和速度 用法:[pos, vel] = stkPosVelCBF('objPath', time) 说明:objPath - Vehicle or facility path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. time - Scenario time (sec). pos - Central Body Fixed position (meters). vel - Central Body Fixed velocity (meters/sec). 备注:CBF coordinates may be converted to any other system using commands in the Aerospace Toolbox. The command stkCentralBody may be used to obtain the central body name of the object. 2.7.2 stkPosVelCBI 作用:获取中心体惯性系下位置和速度 用法:[cbiPos, cbiVel] = stkPosVelCBI('vehPath', time) 说明:vehPath - Vehicle path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. time - Scenario time (sec). cbiPos - Inertial position (meters). cbiVel - Inertial velocity (meters/sec). 备注:CBI coordinates may be converted to any other system using commands in the Aerospace Toolbox. The command stkCentralBody may be used to obtain the central body name of the object. 2.7.3 stkEphemerisCBF 作用:本体系飞行器星历数据 用法:[time, pos, vel, cb] = stkEphemerisCBF(objPath, dt) [time, pos, vel, cb] = stkEphemerisCBF(objPath, dt, start, stop) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path dt - time interval for data start - starting time (sec) stop - stop time (sec) time - 1xN vector (sec) pos - CBF cartesian position, 3xN (meters) vel - CBF cartesian velocity, 3xN (meters/sec) cb - central body name 2.7.4 stkEphemerisCBI 作用:惯性系下的飞行器星历数据 用法:[time, pos, vel, cb] = stkEphemerisCBI(objPath, dt) [time, pos, vel, cb] = stkEphemerisCBI(objPath, dt, start, stop) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path dt - time interval for data start - starting time (sec) stop - stop time (sec) time - 1xN vector (sec) pos - CBF cartesian position, 3xN (meters) vel - CBF cartesian velocity, 3xN (meters/sec) cb - central body name 2.7.5 stkSetEphemerisCBF 作用:本体系下设置飞行器星历数据 用法:stkSetEphemerisCBF(objPath, cb, time, pos, vel) stkSetEphemerisCBF(objPath, cb, time, pos, vel, eFilePath) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path cb - central body name time - 1xN vector (sec) pos - CBF cartesian position, 3xN (meters) vel - CBF cartesian velocity, 3xN (meters/sec) eFilePath - file name to create. Default is to create a file in the scenario directory named {objName}.e, where objName is derived from the objPath. 2.7.6 stkSetEphemerisCBI 作用:惯性系下设置飞行器星历数据 用法:stkSetEphemerisCBI(objPath, cb, time, pos, vel) stkSetEphemerisCBI(objPath, cb, time, pos, vel, eFilePath) 说明:pos - CBI cartesian position, 3xN (meters) vel - CBI cartesian velocity, 3xN (meters/sec) 2.7.7 stkLoadEphemeris 作用:从文件中载入星历 用法:stkLoadEphemeris('objPath', 'fileName') 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. fileName - file name. 2.7.8 stkSaveEphemerisCBF 作用:保存星历到文件 用法:stkSaveEphemerisCBF('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName') stkSaveEphemerisCBF('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName', stopTime) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. timeStep - Granularity of time steps (sec). fileName - file name. startTime - start time (sec). stopTime - stop time (sec). 2.7.9 stkSaveEphemerisCBI 作用:保存星历到文件 用法:stkSaveEphemerisCBF('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName') stkSaveEphemerisCBF('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName', stopTime) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. timeStep - Granularity of time steps (sec). fileName - file name. startTime - start time (sec). stopTime - stop time (sec). 2.7.10 stkSaveDynState 作用:保存动力学数据 用法:stkSaveDynState('objPath', 'varName', 'fileName', dT) 说明:objPath - string name of vehicle or facility varName - variable name for MAT file fileName - MAT file name dT - time step of dynamic state data 2.7.11 stkDynState 作用:产生动力学数据 用法:dynState = stkDynState(objPath, dt) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path dt - time interval for data dynState - dynamic state data structure startTime, startTime, 2.8 飞行器姿态(Vehicle Attitude) 2.8.1 stkAttitudeCBF 作用:飞行器姿态数据 用法:[time, quats, cb] = stkAttitudeCBF(objPath, dt) [time, quats, cb] = stkAttitudeCBF(objPath, dt, start, stop) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path dt - time interval for data start - starting time (sec) stop - stop time (sec) time - 1xN vector (sec) quats - CBF to body quaternions, 4xN cb - central body name 2.8.2 stkAttitudeCBI 作用:飞行器姿态数据 用法:[time, quats, cb] = stkAttitudeCBI(objPath, dt) [time, quats, cb] = stkAttitudeCBI(objPath, dt, start, stop) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path dt - time interval for data start - starting time (sec) stop - stop time (sec) time - 1xN vector (sec) quats - CBI to body quaternions, 4xN cb - central body name 2.8.3 stkSetAttitudeCBF 作用:设置飞行器姿态 用法:stkSetAttitudeCBF(objPath, cb, time, quats) stkSetAttitudeCBF(objPath, cb, time, quats, aFilePath) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path cb - central body name time - 1xN vector (sec) quats - CBF to body quaternions, 4xN aFilePath - file name to create. Default is to create a file in the scenario directory named {objName}.a, where objName is derived from the objPath. 2.8.4 stkSetAttitudeCBI 作用:设置飞行器姿态 用法:stkSetAttitudeCBI(objPath, cb, time, quats) stkSetAttitudeCBI(objPath, cb, time, quats, aFilePath) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path cb - central body name time - 1xN vector (sec) quats - CBI to body quaternions, 4xN aFilePath - file name to create. Default is to