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time - Scenario time (sec). pos - Central Body Fixed position (meters). vel - Central Body Fixed velocity (meters/sec). 备注:CBF coordinates may be converted to any other system using commands in the Aerospace Toolbox. The command stkCentralBody may be used to obtain the central body name of the object. 2.12.3 stkSetFacPosCBF 作用:Set Facility Position, Central Body Fixed coordinates 用法:stkSetFacPosCBF('facPath', pos) 说明:facPath - Valid facility class path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. pos - Central Body Fixed position (3x1, in meters). 备注:CBF coordinates may be obtained from any other system using commands in the Aerospace Toolbox. 2.12.3 stkSetFacPosLLA 作用:Set Facility Position, Geodetic coordinates 用法:stkSetFacPosLLA('facPath', llaPos) 说明:facPath - Valid facility class path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. llaPos - Geodetic lat, long, alt position (3x1, [rad; rad; meters]), or use the local terrain altitude by specifying lat, long only (2x1, [rad; rad]). 备注:LLA coordinates may be obtained from any other system using commands in the Aerospace Toolbox. 2.13 区域目标(Area Targets) 2.13.1 Area Target boundary 2.14 STK工具(STK Tools) 2.14.1 stkAccess 作用:获取链路间隔Access intervals 用法:intervals = stkAccess('fromPath', 'toPath') 说明:fromPath, toPath - String name of objects obtained from stkObjNames. intervals - Access interval times structure array with fields: start - start time of access interval stop - stop time of access interval 2.14.2 stkReport 作用:Generate an object report 用法:[secData, secNames] = stkReport('objPath', 'rptStyle') [secData, secNames] = stkReport('objPath', 'rptStyle', tStart, tStop, dT) 说明:objPath - String name of object obtained from stkObjNames. rptStyle - String name of existing STK report style valid for the object. tStart - Start time for report (override style default). tStop - Stop time for report (override style default). dT - Time step of data (override style default). secData - Cell array of report data, one cell per report section. secNames - Cell array of section names, one cell per report section. 备注:Each section of an STK report style is arranged into a fixed number of rows and columns (MxN). Each cell array element of secData is a 1xN structure with fields: name - the data element name, e.g. 'Time' data - Mx1 matrix of element values Use stkFindData to extract desired data elements from a report section. Reports generated from this interface are unitless. This is a departure from STK reporting, where users may control the units of various dimensions. This function returns all data in default internal units as follows: Dimension Unit --------------- --------- Distance Meter SmallDistance Meter Time Second Angle Radians Mass Kilogram Date EpochSec Latitude Radians Longitude Radians Temperature Kelvin Power Watt Frequency Hertz SmallTime Second Ratio Decibel Rcs Decibel DopplerVelocity M/S SARTimeResProd Meter*Sec PowerDensity Db/Hz PRF Hertz Bandwidth Hertz Duration Sec Force Newton 2.14.3 stkAccReport 作用:Generate an Access report 用法:[secData, secNames] = stkAccReport('objPath', 'accObjPath', 'rptStyle') [secData, secNames] = stkAccReport('objPath', 'accObjPath', 'rptStyle', tStart, tStop, dT) 说明:objPath - String name of object obtained from stkObjNames. accObjPath - String name of access object. rptStyle - String name of existing STK report style valid for the object. tStart - Start time for report (override style default). tStop - Stop time for report (override style default). dT - Time step of data (override style default). secData - Cell array of report data, one cell per report section. secNames - Cell array of section names, one cell per report section. Each section of an STK report style is arranged into a fixed number of rows and columns (MxN). Each cell array element of secData is a 1xN structure with fields: name - the data element name, e.g. 'Time'. data - Mx1 matrix of element values 2.14.4 stkFindData 作用:Extract data from a report section 用法:data = stkFindData(section, 'name') 说明:section - report section, from stkReport or stkAccReport NOTE: stkReport and stkAccReport return a cell array of sections, this function must be passed a single element of the cell. name - name of the data element, e.g. 'Time'. data - data element 备注:assume vehPath is a valid satellite object path [secData, secNames] = stkReport(vehPath, 'Beta Angle'); time = stkFindData(secData{1}, 'Time'); betaAngle = stkFindData(secData{1}, 'Beta Angle'); plot(time, betaAngle); 2.15 连接命令(Connect Commands) 2.15.1 stkOpen 作用:Open a Connection to STK 用法:conID = stkOpen('hostPortStr') conID = stkOpen 说明:conID - STK/Connect handle. hostPortStr - A string specifying the host and port for the connection. When not specified, the hostPortStr will be set to 'localhost:5001'. 2.15.2 stkClose 作用:close an STK Connection 用法:stkClose(conID) stkClose('ALL') stkClose 说明:conID STK/Connect connection ID obtained from stkOpen. Omitting this parameter will close the default connection. 2.15.3 stkExec 作用:Execute an STK/Connect command 用法:rtn = stkExec(conID, 'conCmdStr') 说明:rtn - A character array containing the STK return conID - STK/Connect connection ID, from stkOpen. conCmdStr - String containing the Connect command 2.15.4 stkConnect 作用:Convenience routine for sending Connect Commands to STK 用法:rtnData = stkConnect(conID, 'command', 'objPath', 'cmdParamString') 说明:conID - connection ID, obtained from stkOpen command - STK/Connect command verb, see the STK/Connect documentation objPath - hierarchical name of object to receive command. The function stkObjNames is a useful source of names. cmdParamString - a string containing the command parameters to be processed by STK. This argument may be ommitted. rtnData - string matrix of data returned by STK in repsonse to the command. 三、aeroToolbox函数详细介绍 3.1 坐标系中的历元与数据函数Coordinate System Epoch and Date functions) 3.1.1 atbGetEpoch 作用:Get analysis epoch 用法:epoch = atbGetEpoch 说明:epoch - structure with the following fields: year - e.g. 2000 month - e.g. 1 days - e.g. 1 hours - e.g. 12 minutes - e.g. 30 seconds - e.g. 0 timeZone - e.g. 'Z' isDST - e.g. 0 The above example corresponds to the date 1 Jan 2000, 12:30:00.00 GMT 3.1.2 atbSetEpoch 作用:Set analysis epoch 用法:atbSetEpoch(year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, 'timeZone', isDST) atbSetEpoch(dateStruct) atbSetEpoch(dateVec) atbSetEpoch(dateVec, 'timeZone', isDST) 说明:year - e.g. 2000 month - e.g. 1 day - e.g. 1 hour - e.g. 12 minute - e.g. 30 sec - e.g. 0 timeZone - e.g. 'Z' isDST - e.g. 0 dateStruct - see atbGetEpoch for the format of this structure dateVec - a Matlab date vector, see DATEVEC for more help timeZone - a single character string, the default is 'Z' isDST - a logical flag, the default is 0 (false) The above example corresponds to the date 1 Jan 2000, 12:30:00.00 GMT 备注:This function sets the absolute date corresponding to zero epoch seconds. Inertial coordinate systems are referenced to a particular date. Certain functions within the aeroToolbox require input of a time in seconds to indicate the elapsed (relative) time since the coordinate system epoch. This function sets the coordinate system epoch. 3.1.3 atbDateToEpochSec 作用:Convert an absolute date to epoch seconds 用法:epochSec = atbDateToEpochSec(year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, 'timeZone', isDST) epochSec = atbDateToEpochSec(dateStruct) epochSec = atbDateToEpochSec(dateVec) epochSec = atbDateToEpochSec(dateVec, 'timeZone', isDST) 说明:year - e.g. 2000 month - e.g. 1 day - e.g. 1 hour - e.g. 12 minute - e.g. 30 sec - e.g. 0 timeZone - e.g. 'Z' isDST - e.g. 0