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3.4.7 atbCbLclRadCen 作用:Local central body radius, geocentric basis 用法:radius = atbCbLclRadCen('cbName', lat, long) 说明:cbName - Valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' lat - Latitude long - Longitude radius - The central body radius 备注:This function returns the radius of the central body at the input geocentric latitude and longitude. The term geoocentric implies that the latitude and longitude are measured based on the vector from the origin of the central body. 3.4.8 atbCbLclRadDet 作用:Local central body radius, geodetic basis 用法:radius = atbCbLclRadDet('cbName', lat, long) 说明:cbName - Valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' lat - Latitude long - Longitude radius - The central body radius 备注:This function returns the radius of the central body at the input geodetic latitude and longitude. The term geodetic implies that the latitude and longitude are measured from a vector normal to the surface of the central body. 3.4.9 atbCbSurfDistCen 作用:Surface path length, geocentric basis 用法:dist = atbCbSurfDistCen('cbName', lat1, long1, lat2, long2) 说明:cbName - Valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' lat1, long1 - Latitude and longitude of first location lat2, long2 - Latitude and longitude of second location dist - Distance across the surface of the central body 备注:This function returns the distance between two locations on the surface of the central body as specified by the input geocentric latitude and longitude. The term geocentric implies that the latitude and longitude are measured based on the vector from the origin of the central body. 3.4.10 atbCbSurfDistDet 作用:Surface path length, geodetic basis 用法:dist = atbCbSurfDistDet('cbName', lat1, long1, lat2, long2) 说明:cbName - Valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' lat1, long1 - Latitude and longitude of first location lat2, long2 - Latitude and longitude of second location dist - Distance across the surface of the central body 备注:This function returns the distance between two locations on the surface of the central body as specified by the input geodetic latitude and longitude. The term geodetic implies that the latitude and longitude are measured from a vector normal to the surface of the central body. 3.4.11 atbCbSurfNormCen 作用:Surface normal, geocentric basis 用法:normal = atbCbSurfNormCen('cbName', lat, long) 说明:cbName - Valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' lat - Latitude long - Longitude normal - 3x1 CBF vector representing the normal at the lat/long 备注:This function computes a vector which is normal to the surface of the central body at the specified geocentric latitude and longitude. The term geocentric implies that the latitude and longitude are measured based on the vector from the origin of the central body. 3.4.12 atbCbSurfNormDet 作用:Surface normal, geodetic basis 用法:normal = atbCbSurfNormDet('cbName', lat, long) 说明:cbName - Valid central body name, e.g. 'Earth' lat - Latitude long - Longitude normal - 3x1 CBF vector representing the normal at the lat/long 备注:This function computes a vector which is normal to the surface of the central body at the specified geodetic latitude and longitude. The term geodetic implies that the latitude and longitude are measured based on the vector normal to the surface of the central body. 3.5 指向,星历与姿态文件(Waypoint, Ephemeris and Attitude Files) 3.5.1 atbReadAttitudeCBF 作用:read an STK external Attitude file 用法:[time, quats, epoch, cb] = atbReadAttitudeCBF('fileName') 说明:fileName - valid filename of Attitude file time - scenario time, 1xN (sec) quats - attitude quaternions, CBF to Body, 4xN epoch - date string of epoch, will be empty if not specified in file cb - central body name, will be empty if not specified in file 3.5.2 atbReadAttitudeCBI 作用:read an STK external Attitude file 用法:[time, quats, epoch, cb] = atbReadAttitudeCBF('fileName') 说明:同上 3.5.3 atbWriteAttitudeCBF 作用:write an STK external attitude file in CBF format 用法:atbWriteAttitudeCBF('fileName', timeVec, quatMat, 'epoch', 'cb') 说明:fileName - String file name, will be overwritten if already exists timeVec - Length N vector of times quatMat - Matrix of CBF to body quaternions, 4xN epoch - epoch of data, date string cb - central body name 3.5.4 atbWriteAttitudeCBI 作用:write an STK external attitude file in CBI format 用法:atbWriteAttitudeCBI('fileName', timeVec, quatMat, 'epoch', 'cb') 说明:fileName - String file name, will be overwritten if already exists timeVec - Length N vector of times quatMat - Matrix of CBI-to-body quaternions, 4xN epoch - epoch of data, date string cb - central body name 3.5.5 atbReadEphemerisCBF 作用:read an STK external ephemeris file 用法:[time, pos, vel, epoch, cb] = atbReadEphemerisCBF('fileName') 说明:fileName - valid filename of ephemeris file time - scenario time, 1xN (sec) pos - CBF position matrix, 3xN (meters) vel - CBF velocity matrix, 3xN (meters/sec) epoch - date string of epoch, will be empty if not specified in file cb - central body name, will be empty if not specified in file 3.5.6 atbReadEphemerisCBI 作用:read an STK external ephemeris file 用法:[time, pos, vel, epoch, cb] = atbReadEphemerisCBI('fileName') 说明:fileName - valid filename of ephemeris file time - scenario time, 1xN (sec) pos - CBI position matrix, 3xN (meters) vel - CBI velocity matrix, 3xN (meters/sec) epoch - date string of epoch, will be empty if not specified in file cb - central body name, will be empty if not specified in file 3.5.7 atbWriteEphemerisCBF 作用:write an STK external ephemeris file in CBF format 用法:atbWriteEphemerisCBF('fileName', timeVec, posMat, velMat, 'epoch', 'cb') 说明:fileName - String file name, will be overwritten if already exists timeVec - Length N vector of times posMat - Matrix of CBF positions, 3xN velMat - Matrix of CBF velocities, 3xN epoch - epoch of data, date string cb - central body name 3.5.8 atbWriteEphemerisCBI 作用:write an STK external ephemeris file in CBI format 用法:atbWriteEphemerisCBI('fileName', timeVec, posMat, velMat, 'epoch', 'cb') 说明:fileName - String file name, will be overwritten if already exists timeVec - Length N vector of times posMat - Matrix of CBI positions, 3xN velMat - Matrix of CBI velocities, 3xN epoch - epoch of data, date string cb - central body name 3.5.9 atbWriteWaypointFile 作用:write an STK waypoint file 用法:atbWriteWaypointFile('fileName', 'startTime', llaMat, speedVec, accelVec) atbWriteWaypointFile('fileName', 'startTime', llaMat, speedVec) 说明:fileName - String file name, will be overwritten if already exists startTime - start time date string. See stkEpoch for valid formats. llaMat - Matrix of LLA positions, 3xN, (radians and meters) speedVec - Vector of speeds Nx1 (meters/sec) accelVec - Vector of accelerations, Nx1 (meters/sec^2) 3.6 位置与速度函数(Position and Velocity Functions) 3.6.1 atbGeometry 作用:compute absolute and relative geometry 用法: geom = atbGeometry(times, dynState) [fromGeom, toGeom] = atbGeometry(times, fromDynState, toDynState) 说明:times - times to compute state dynState - raw dynamic data generated by STK propagators. geom - array of currentData structures corresponding to each time. 备注:atbGeometry calculates absolute and relative state data for a single object or a pair of objects. A dynState structure contains a full description of a vehicle's position, velocity and attitude over the vehicle's lifetime. atbGeometry interpolates the data in the dynState structure for the times given. When two dynStates are passed, relative geometry is calculated in addition to absolute geometry. If a time is requested that is outside the time interval of the dynState, geometry with each field set to zero is returned at the array index corresponding to the invalid time. Users should test for a zero'd currentData state structure prior to using it. The currentData structure has the following fields: time in seconds from propagator epoch pos in CBF cartesian coordinate (meters) vel in CBF cartesian coordinates (m/s) relPos in CBF cartesian coordinates (meters) empty when computing absolute geometry only relVel in CBF cartesian coordinates (m/s) empty when computing absolute geometry only range in meters timeDelay in seconds cbfToBody transfomation matrix from CBF to object body frame cb central body name, i.e. 'Earth' isDir whether to position vectors represent a direction as opposed to an