高考英语一轮复习语法练习情态动词和虚拟语气 下载本文

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to join us?”

A. begin B. have begun C. began D. had begun

7. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ____ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.

A. wouldn’t have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall

8. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____ a goal. A. had scored B. scored

C. would score D. would have scored

9. If only he _______ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. A. lies B. lay

C. had lain D. should lie

10. Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth at night ____ for us to live.

A. would be freezing cold B. will be freezing coldly C. would be frozen cold D. can freeze coldly

11. I forget where I read the article, or I _____ it to you now. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m A. will show B. would show C. am going to show D. am showing 12. “It looks as if he were drunk.” “So it does. _____.” A. He’d better give up drinking

B. He shouldn’t have drunk so much C. Health is more important than drink D. I wonder why he is always doing so

13. “Mary looks hot and dry” “So _____ you if you had so high a fever.” A. do B. are C. will D. would

14. “He will come tomorrow.” “But I’d rather he _____ the day after tomorrow.” A. will come B. is coming C. came D. had come

15. All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he ____ at once.

A. should be; be operated on B. were; must be operated on C. was; should be operated D. was; be operated on

16. ______ smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung.

A. Was he given up B. Had he given up w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m C. Did he give D. If he gave up

17. “I still haven’t thanked Aunt Lucy for her present.” “It’s time you _____.” A. do B. did C. had D. would

18. “Do you know his address?” “No, I also wish I _____ where he _____.” A. knew, live B. knew, lives w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m C. know, lives D. know, lived

19. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ____ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. wouldn’t have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall

20. Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth at night ____ for us to live. A. would be freezing cold B. will be freezing coldly C. would be frozen cold D. can freeze coldly

21.________ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.

A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be

22.You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _____ be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

23.—Excuse me. But I want to use your computer to type a report. —You _____have my computer if you don’t take care of it . A. shan’t B. might not C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

24. He _____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

25. I ______ have been more than six years old when the accident happened. A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

26. There _____ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

27. I was on the highway when this car went past fol. Lowed by a police car. They ______ at least 150 kilometers an hour.

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing C. could have done D. would have done

28. — I’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake. — It ______ Harry’s. He always wears green.

A. has to be B. will be C. mustn’t be D. could be 29. — Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you. — Thanks. You ______ it. I could manage it myself. A. needn’t do B. needn’t have done C. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done 30. — Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary. — She _______. I’ve already borrowed one.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t



【解析】选B.It’s time you did 为 It’s time you thanked Aunt Lucy for her present 之

略。按照英语语法,it’s time 后从句通常要用过去式。

2. 【解析】选A.虽然前有虚拟条件句, 后有使用了虚拟语气的宾语,但 I don’t know 却宜用一般现在时,因为 I don’t know 表述的是现在的真实情况,句意为“我要不是有幸遇到你,我真不知(指现在不知)我会做出什么蠢事来”。


【解析】选B.I’d rather 后接从句时,从句谓语的时态规律是:用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成式表示过去。


【解析】选A.we can’t get there by tomorrow 为客观事实,故宜用陈述语气。 5.

【解析】选B.第一空填 knew,因为 I wish 后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气(即用过去式表示现在的想法);第二空要填lives,即用陈述语气,因为 where he lives 是一个客观事实,而不是 I wish 的内容。


【解析】选C.It’s time… / It’s high time… / It’s about time… 等后接从句时,从句谓语通常用过去式。


【解析】选 B.此题涉及错综时间虚拟条件句,主句与现在事实相反,条件句与过去事实相反。句意为:要不是在七岁时就迷上了 Melinda Cox 图书馆,我真不能想像我如今会在做什么。

8. 【解析】8. 选 D.这是otherwise 引出的含蓄虚拟语气,再根据前面的 hesitated 可进一步知道这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,由此可推知答案选 D.


【解析】选 C.if only 意为“要是……就好了”,其后的句子谓语要用虚拟语气,同时根据 as the doctor instructed 中的过去时态可知从句是与过去事实相反,故选 C.


【解析】选 A.without 引出的介词短语为一个与现在事实相反的含蓄条件句。 【答案】C 11.

【解析】.根据上文的语境可知句中的 or 隐含有一个虚拟的条件,即 or=if I didn’t forget where I read the article(要是我没忘记我在哪儿读过这篇文章的话——但事实上忘了)。

【答案】B 12.

【解析】关键信息是It looks as if he were drunk 中的虚拟语气,句子既然用了虚拟语气,也就是说,“他喝醉了”不是事实,只是他的言行好像是醉了,所以此题的最佳答案是D.

【答案】 D. 13.

【解析】 由于空格后的 if 条件状语从句的谓语用的是虚拟语气(这是很重要的信息),所以主句要用 would 而不用 will,即答案应选D.



【解析】按照英语习惯,would rather 后接that 从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气,即用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成时表示过去。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

【答案】C 15.


【答案】D 16.

【解析】是因为时态前后有矛盾。由于主句谓语是would not have got,这表明是对过去事实作出的假设,所以从句谓语应该是 had given up,而不是像D项那样用一般过去时。另外,当虚拟条件句中有 had, should, were 等词时,通常可以省略 if,并将 had, should, were 提前置于句首。

【答案】B 17.

【解析】It’s time you did 为 It’s time you thanked Aunt Lucy for her present 之略。按照英语语法,it’s time 后从句通常要用过去式。

【答案】B 18.

【解析】第一空填 knew,因为 I wish 后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气(即用过去式表示现在的想法);第二空要填lives,即用陈述语气,因为 where he lives 是一个客观事实,而不是 I wish 的内容。

【答案】B 19.

【解析】 此题涉及错综时间虚拟条件句,主句与现在事实相反,条件句与过去事实相反。句意为:要不是在七岁时就迷上了 Melinda Cox 图书馆,我真不能想像我如今会在做什么。

【答案】B 20.

【解析】without 引出的介词短语为一个与现在事实相反的含蓄条件句。 【答案】A 21.

【解析】句意:万一你被解雇,给你的医疗救助和其它方面的福利也不会被取消。 【答案】B 22.

【解析】句意:你想象不到这么一个表现良好的绅士竟然会对一个女士这么粗鲁。 【答案】C 23.

【解析】shall此处表示“警告”。 【答案】A 24.

【解析】B此处考查情态动词表示推测的用法。should have done表示过去应该做而