计算机网络第四版中文答案 下载本文

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ss=txt>和真空中的光速为 300,000 公里/秒, 因此最佳的传播延迟为


medium-speed line, a low-speed line, or no line. if it takes 100 ms of computer time 13. what is the principal difference

between connectionless communication and to generate and inspect each topology, how long will it take to inspect all of connection-oriented communication?(e) them?(e) 将路由器称为 a,b,c,d 和 e.

则有 10 条可能的线路;ab, ac, ad, ae, bc, bd, be, cd, ce,和 de 每条线路有 4

410 = 1,048,576。

检查每个拓扑需要 100 ms,全部检查总共需要 104,857. 6 秒,或者稍微超过 29 个小时。

9. a group of 2n - 1 routers are interconnected in a centralized binary tree, with a router at each tree node. router i

communicates with router j by sending a message to the root of the tree. the root then sends the message back down to j. derive an approximate expression for the mean number of hops per message for large n, assuming that all router pairs are equally likely.(h)

这意味着,从路由器到路由器的路径长度相当于路由器到根的两倍。 若在树中,

根深度为 1,深度为 n,从根到第 n 层需要 n-1 跳,在该层的路由器为 0.50。 从根到 n-1 层的路径有 router 的 0.25 和 n--2 跳步。 为:

l = 0.5*(n-1)+0.25*(n-2)+0.125*(n-3)……

结果化简为 l=n-2,平均路由路径为 2n-4。

10. a disadvantage of a broadcast subnet is the capacity

wasted when multiple hosts attempt to access the channel at the same time. as a simplistic example,

suppose that time is divided into discrete slots, with each of the n hosts attempting to use the channel with probability p

during each slot. what fraction of the slots are wasted due to collisions?(h)

区分 n-2 事件。 事件 1 到 n 由主机成功地、没有冲突地使用这条信道的事件组 成。 这些可能性的事件的概率为 p(1-p)n-1。事件 n+1 是一个空闲的信道,其概率 为(1- p)n。事件 n+2 是一个冲突。由于事件 n+2 互斥,它们可能发生的事件必须统

一合计。 冲突的可能性等于那些小部分的槽的浪费,只是 1- np(1-p)n-1- (1-p)n

11. what are two reasons for using layered protocols?(m) 通过协议分层可以把设计问题划分成较小的易于处理的片段 分层意味着某一层的协议的改变不会影响高层或低层的协议 因此,路径长度 l 种可能性(3 速度或者不是线路),拓扑的总数为

主要的区别有两条。 17. in some networks, the data link layer handles transmission errors by requesting damaged frames to be retransmitted. if the probability of a frames being 段, 的

they differ.(e)

后又写了另外 1024 那么接收方共读了 文 1024 字节。 个 example.(e)

度就是一个例子。 16. in fig. 1-19

服务是由 k 层向 k+1 层提供的。

服务必须由下层 k 提供,即,对层 k 的服务是由 k- 1 层提供的。 damaged is p, what is the mean number of transmissions required to send a frame? 21. list two ways in which the osi reference model and the tcp/ip reference assume that

acknowledgements are never lost.(m) model are the same. now list two ways in which they differ.(m) k-1假设某帧传到第 k 次才传输成功,起初 k-1 次传输皆尝试失败,概率为 p ,相似点:都是独立的协议栈的概念;层的功能也大体相似。

第 k 不同点:osi 更好的区分了服务、接口和协议的概念,因此比 tcp/ip 具有更好次传输成功,概率为(1-p) ,则发送一帧成功的平均传输次数为: 的

隐藏性,能够比较容易的进行替换;osi 是先有的模型的概念,然后再进行协议的 实现,而 tcp/ip 是先有协议,然后建立描述该协议

的模型;层次数量有差别;1. which of the osi layers handles each of the following: tcp/ip a. (a) dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames. 没有会话层和表示层,osi 不支持网络互连。osi 在网络层支持无连接和面向连接 的通信,而在传输层仅有面向连接的通信,而 tcp/ip 在网络层仅有一种通信模式b. (b) determining which route through the subnet to use.(e)

(无 把传输的比特流划分为帧——数据链路层 连接),但在传输层支持两种模式。 决定使用哪条路径通过子网——网络层. 22. what is the main difference between tcp and udp?(e) 19. if the unit exchanged at the data link level is called a frame and the unitexchanged at the network level is called a packet, do frames encapsulate packets or

25. when a file is transferred between two computers, two acknowledgement do packets encapsulate frames? explain your answer.(e)

帧封装包。 当一个包到达数据链路层时,整个数据包,包括包头、数据及全部strategies are possible. in the first one, the file is chopped up into packets, which are

individually acknowledged by the receiver, but the file transfer as a whole is not 内 acknowledged. in the second one, the

packets are not acknowledged individually, 容,都用作帧的数据区。或者说,将整个包放进一个信封(帧)里面,( 如果能but the entire file is acknowledged when it arrives. discuss these two approaches. 装入的 (e) 话)。 - 2 -

如果网络容易丢失分组,那么对每一个分组逐一进行确认较好,此时仅重传因为 许多无线设备需要移动,电池使用寿命不长也是其缺点之一。 的分组。 chapter 2 the physical problems 如果网络高度可靠,那么在不发差错的情况下,仅在整个文件传送的结尾发送一

installation costs usually far overshadow equipment costs. nevertheless, they also have some disadvantages. name two of them.(e)




-3 the performance of a client-server system is influenced by two network factors: the bandwidth of the network (how many bits/sec it can transport) and the latency (how many seconds it takes for the first bit to get from the client to the server). give an example of a network that exhibits high bandwidth and high latency. then give an example of one with low bandwidth and low latency.


答:横贯大陆的光纤连接可以有很多千兆位/秒带宽, 但是由于光速度传送要越过数千公里,时延将也高。相反,使用56 kbps调制解调器呼叫在同一大楼内的计算机则有低带宽和较低的时延。

1-4 besides bandwidth and latency, what other parameter is needed to give a good characterization of the quality of service offered by a network used for digitized voice traffic?


声音的传输需要相应的固定时间,因此网络时隙数量是很重要的。传输时间可以用标准偏差方式表示。 实际上,短延迟但是大变化性比更长的延迟和低变化性更糟。

1-6 a client-server system uses a satellite network, with the satellite at a height of 40,000 km. what is the best-case delay in response to a request?

一个客户-服务器系统使用了卫星网络,卫星的高度为40000km。在对一个请求进行响应的时候,最佳情形下的延迟是什么? 答:由于请求和应答都必须通过卫星,因此传输总路径长度为160,000千米。在空气和真空中的光速为300,000 公里/秒, 因此最佳的传播延迟为160,000/300,000秒,约533 msec。 1-9 a group of 2n - 1 routers are interconnected in a

centralized binary tree, with a router at each tree node. router i communicates with router j by sending a message to the root of the tree. the root then sends the message back down to j. derive an approximate expression for the mean number of

hops per message for large n, assuming that all router pairs are equally likely.


答:这意味着,从路由器到路由器的路径长度相当于路由器到根的两倍。 若在树中,根深度为1,深度为n,从根到第n层需要n-1跳,在该层的路由器为0.50(50%)。

从根到n-1 层的路径的路由器为0.25(25%)和n?--2跳步。 因此,路径长度l为: 或

表达式归约为 l=n-2,平均的路由器到路由器路径为2n-4。 1-11 what are two reasons for using layered protocols? 请说出使用分层协议的两个理由?


1-13 what is the principal difference between connectionless communication and connection-oriented communication?

在无连接通信和面向连接的通信二者之间,最主要的区别是什么? 答:主要的区别有两条。


其二:面向连接的通信具有数据的保序性, 而无连接的通信不能保证接收数据的顺序与发送数据的顺序一致。

1-14 two networks each provide reliable connection-oriented service. one of them offers a reliable byte stream and the other offers a reliable message stream. are these identical? if so, why is the distinction made? if not, give an example of how they differ.

两个网络都可以提供可靠的面向连接的服务。其中一个提供可靠的字节流,另一个提供可靠的报文流。这二者是否相同?如果你认为相同的话,为什么要有这样的区别?如果不相同,请给出一个例子说明它们如何不同。 答:不相同。在报文流中,网络保持对报文边