外研版九年级英语上册期末试卷含答案 下载本文

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班别: 姓名: 考号: 成绩:

一、 单项选择题。(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

( ) 1. Everyone in the team played ________ part in playing this game well. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( ) 2. It’s known that drinking too much is harmful ________ our health, but

some people don’t care.

A. with B. on C. to D. for

( )3. Betty got the job because she had the ________ of knowing several foreign


A. creativity B. purpose C. advantage D. inspiration ( ) 4. Some people think that experiments on animals should be stopped

because they think it is ________.

A. ugly B. cruel C. alive D. pale

( )5. To protect the environment, people are supposed to ________ some waste


A. receive B. recycle C. reflect D. review

( ) 6. Nick came first 3 times ________ a row in the exam. His parents were proud of him.

A. on B. at C. in D. with



( )7. The workers are asked to read the ________ carefully before they start

using the machine.

A. surveys B. instructions C. standards D. purposes ( ) 8. This is their classroom, but where is ________?

A. us B. we C. our D. ours ( ) 9. We like Mrs. Liu very much. We all agree that she is really a ________


A. cruel B. Caring C. strange D. terrible

( )10. Alex gave many reasons for being late. At first he said his alarm hadn’t

gone off, then he said he had helped an old man, and ________ he said his car had broken down.

A. luckily B. recently C. normally D. lastly

( ) 11. If you want to ride well, the first thing to do is to ______ your fear of horses.

A. cause B. double C. overcome D. increase ( ) 12. Du Li wants to learn more about American history. She is ______ such knowledge.

A. good with B. sure about C. responsible for D. thirsty for ( ) 13. Ted, ______ a car when you were living in London?

A. do you have B. were you having C. have you had D. did you have ( )14. —Did you tell Mr. Hunt about the result?

—Oh, no, I forgot. I ______ him at once.

A. have told B. tell C. will tell D. told



( ) 15. Well, it's time ______ goodbye. Please call me if you have any problems. A. say B. to say C. saying D. to saying

( ) 16. Dennis sends e-mails to his parents several times a week. But he prefers ______ telephone calls ______ e-mails.

A. to make; to send B. making; to sending C. to make; to sending D. making; to send

( ) 17. It's ______ late ______ go for a walk now. And it's beginning to rain. A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. such; that ( ) 18. Mr. Clark ______ the electricity as quickly as possible when he saw the fire on the machine.

A. shut off B. took off C. got off D. set off ( ) 19. —The new T-shirt and the trousers look beautiful on you. How much did they cost?

—50 dollars ______.

A. in fact B. in total C. at first D. at least ( ) 20. —Tomorrow is Saturday. What are you doing, Carl?

—______. Just stay at home and relax.

A. Not at all B. No way C. Not much D. No problem

二、 完形填空(共10小题,每题1.5分,共15分)

I live in Missouri, near a river called the Jacks Fork. Before I was born, my grandparents decided to help keep the 21 clean. So they started a club called Stream Team 713. I like its another 22 better — the Jacks Fork River



Rats! Our club makes sure the water is clean and healthy for fish and people. And now I’m big enough to help 23 the river too.

Picking up rubbish is 24 a treasure hunt (搜寻). My friends and I find plastic bags, bottles, paper, and all kinds of things. There used to be even more rubbish here. On one weekend, my grandparents 25 picked up 6 tons of rubbish. That’s as much as an elephant weighs!

That rubbish was 26 to the river or the animals and plants that lived there. So the River Rats taught people who were playing around the river to take rubbish with them rather than 27 it. Now there’s much less rubbish for 28 to pick up. Maybe one day we won’t find any rubbish here.

My favorite job is to look for water bugs (虫子)! The bugs like to stay at the river bottom. Some bugs don’t 29 how dirty the water is, but other bugs can only live in clean water. 30 we find lots of bugs that need clean water, then we will know the river is clean enough for fish and for us.

I love taking care of the Jacks Fork River. We help make sure it’s a clean, safe place for me and my friends to play.

( ) 21. A. state B. club C. block D. river ( ) 22. A. goal B. opinion C. name D. position ( ) 23. A. take care of B. run out of C. get out of D. be in control of ( ) 24. A. for B. like C. with D. from ( ) 25. A. only B. once C. also D. still ( ) 26. A. reusable B. unusual C. harmful D. difficult ( ) 27. A. passing B. collecting C. providing D. throwing
