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八年级英语(上)Unit5 Do you want to watch a game



( ) 1. Mulan is_____exciting action movie. It comes from_____old Chinese story.

A. a, a B. a ,an C. an , an D. an a

( ) 2. Girls likes comedies because they are ___________.

A. relaxing B. exciting C. serious D. interested ( ) 3. -What happened _____ him yesterday?

He happened ______ meet one of his old friends in the street.

A. to, for B. of , to C. to , of D. to ,to

( ) 4. The magazine _______on the first day of every month.

A. comes in B. comes up C. comes out D. comes from

( ) 5. ________ the answers to the questions are right, but _______ are wrong.

A. Some of; other B. Each of; the others C. Every of; others D. Some of; the others ( ) 6. Quite a few people ________ their houses in the


A. lose

B. to lose C. losing D. lost

( ) 7. I plan _______ a new computer ______you?

A. buying; of B. to buy; for C. to buy; about D. buying; at

( ) 8.It is important _______ some useful information from

the TV shows .

A. learning B. learns C. to learn D. learned ( ) 9. Would you mind__________ the door for us? A. to open open

( ) 10. -Why do you expect to the history museum?

-Because I think it's________.

A.educational B.boring C.serious D.comfortable ( ) 11.Mrs.Brown isn't feeling well . Who___ her place___us the swing dance?

A.brings,to teach B.take, teaching C.bring,teaching D.takes,to teach

( ) 12. His grandparents’ grandparents lived _______. They were very poor then.

A. in 1850s B. in the 1850’s C. in the 1850 D. in the 1850’

B. opening C. opened


( )13.The old can’t be good with the young______. Because they’re pretty_____.

A. easy, noise B. easily, noise C. easy, noisy D. easily, noisy

( ) 14. The radio shows are usually not _____as the TV shows nowdays.

A. so popular B. as simple C. so difficult D. seriously

( ) 15. –He likes Around the World very much. - ________ .

A. I too B. Me, too C. I either D. Me neither ( ) 16. The ticket is over there. Can you please ________?

A. show me it B. showing me them C.show it to me D.show me them

( ) 17. My little sister is only ________ girl.

A.an eight-month-old B. a eight-month-old C.an eights-year-old D.eight months old

( ) 18. The Tang poem is a famous symbol of Chinese ______ .

A. culture B. discussion C. article D. newspaper. ( ) 19. -When ____ your brother _____ the army? –Last
