新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第四册第三单元教案 下载本文

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New Horizon College English

新视野大学英语4 读写教程

教研室: 教师姓名: 课程名称 授课内容 教学目的 大学英语(4) 授课专业 和班级 Unit 3 Fred Smith and 授课学时 6 FredEx: The vision that changed the world The teaching objective of this unit is to help students: 1. To grasp the main idea and structure of the text; 2. To understand the structure of “biographical information”; 3. To write narratives with biographical information; 4. To master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 5. To conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the text. 1. Text structure analysis 2. Language points: Key words: reshuffle, disperse, exquisite, brainchild, deduce, clan, juvenile, invalid, terrain navigation, revive, charter. Phrases and Expressions: touch down, held sb/sth in high regard, pich on sb, be onto sth, take a stab at, boil down to sth. 3. Writing skills: a narrative with biographical information 1. Communicative approach; 2. Task-based teaching method; 3. Audio-lingual method. 4. Audio-visual method. 1. Pre-reading Activities 2. Text structure analysis. 3. Detailed study of the text. 4. Grammar and exercises. 5. Writing and reading skills practice. Homework: 1. Recite the appointed paragraph. 2.Translate sentences and write a composition with a general statement supported by details Multimedia software, PPT software 教学重点 教学方法 教学过程 作业 辅助手段 辅导答疑 教学内容 I. Pre-reading Activities Show the Ss pictures of famous logo and the founder of the FredEx. Let Ss discuss with each other about the questions on the screen. 1. What do you know about express companies or shippers in China? Shentong, Yuantong, Shunfeng, etc. 2. What are the benefits those companies provide you? High speed, convenient shopping … 3. What do you know about FredEx? 4. What makes it so successful? II. Text structure analysis Purpose: By summarizing the main idea and analyzing the structure of the text to improve students’ reading and writing ability. Method: To read the text individually and discuss in groups; To use task-based teaching method, and communicative approach. Text structure: Part I: (Para.1-2) Introduction: FredEx and the founder Fred Smith. Part II: (Paras.3-11) Body: Smith’s early experiences and the key elements of his business success. Part III: (Para. 12) Conclusion: Further description of Smith’s friendly and agreeable personality and the significance of his P-S-P philosophy. III. Detailed studies of the text New words and expressions 1. reshuffle: a. put in a new order; rearrange Many people have to reshuffle their priorities in life as a result of the rising cost of health care. 由于医疗保健费用不断上升,许多人不得不重新安排生活中的优先事项。 b. change the jobs or responsibilities of the people in a particular group or organization. The PM reshuffled the cabinet and adopted a more radical policy. 首相改组了内阁,并采取了更加激进的政策 2. disperse: vt. a. spread or make things spread in different directions over a wide area All kinds of stories were dispersed about what really had happened in the factory. 那个工厂发生了什么,有各种传闻四下蔓延。 b. go or cause to go in different directions. The PM reshuffled the cabinet and adopted a more radical policy. 首相改组了内阁,并采取了更加激进的政策 3. deduce: vt. know sth. as a result of considering the information or evidence that you have From the cultural relics nearby, it is easy to deduce that there are rare treasures hidden insid the tomb. 从附近的文化遗迹可以很容易地推断,该墓穴藏有稀世珍宝。 4. invalid: n. a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury. 病弱者, 伤残者 adj. a. (only before nouns) ill or injured, esp. permanently. He had kept house for an invalid woman for years untl she died 他给一位病弱的妇女做了好多年管家,直到她去世。 b. not legally effective Credit card companies allow you to cancel invalid transactions even after they’ve cleared. 信用卡公司允许取消无效的交易,哪怕操作已经完成。 5. disrupt: interrupt sth. and prevent t from continuing by creating a problem. The earthquake disrupted the power supply of the whole area. 地震中断了整个地区的电力供应。 6. prototype: the first form of sth. new, made before it is produced in large quantities. They continued working for 10 days and succeeded in designing a prototype for their product. 他们持续工作了10天,终于成功设计出了产品的模型。 7. quantify: vt. calculate the value of sth. and express it as a number or an amount They haven’t been able to quantify the loss yet, as the statistics were kept a secret. 他们一直都不能测定损失,因为统计数据是保密的。 8. touch down; (of an aircraft etc.) land on the ground The pilot managed to touch down the helicopter safely. 飞行员设法安全着陆了直升机。 9. hold ab./sth. in high regard: admire or respect sb./sth. very much Students were excited that people they held in high regard agreed to act as their mentors. 学生们非常兴奋,因为他们所敬重的人同意当他们的指导老师。 10. pick on sb. : keep treating sb. badly or unfairly, esp. by criticizing them The dean always picks on the teachers she doesn’t like. 院长总是挑她不喜欢的老师的刺。 11. be onto sth. : have discovered or produced sth. new and interesting I really believed we were onto something that could save the company. 我真的以为我们找到了拯救公司的好办法。 12. take/have/make a stab at sth.: try to do sth. even though you do not have the necessary skills or you have never done it before I’d like to take a stab at answering that question. 我想试着回答一下那个问题。 13. boils down to sth.: (be able to ) be summarized as sth. The success of a team ultimately boils down to who hired the team. 团体的成功最终在于是谁在聘用这个团队。 14. take sth. for granted: