大学生微信使用情况现状调查分析概要 下载本文

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学 院:公共卫生学院 年 级:2009级 专 业:预防医学 姓 名:韦彦军 学 号:0919015131 指导教师:祝丽玲


摘 要

目的: 通过调查微信在大学生群体中的使用状况,了解大学生使用微信的现况并分析对大


方法:采取网络随机抽样调查的方法对2011 2012 2013级的在校大学生为研究对象展开问

卷调查,每个年级投放200份,共回收535份 其中有效份数为520份。

结果:(1)在校大学生开通微信数为532占88.7%(2)大学生最常的使用软件中微信以45.2%的百分率超越了QQ 38.5% 及其他软件的使用率(3)微信使用的主要原因是 大家都在用占41.0%;其次是节省通话费用29.5%;结交好友18.0%;玩游戏打发时间的占11.5%(4)在校大学生自我报告的微信在线时间,其中少于1小时的占55.0%;2~3小时占30.2%;3小时以上占14.8%。其中以在课余休息时间使用微信人数最多43.7%,晚上睡觉前同样高达32.8%,上课时间玩的占13.1%,其他约10.4%。在玩微信的时间里47.0%的学生总会去看朋友圈的分享,45.9的人偶尔回去看,而7.1%从不会去关注。(5)大学生微信好友主来来源为QQ和通讯录分别为36.6%和41.0% 其他途径为23.4%,也就是约77.6%为从认识的人中获得;微信交流中和认识人互动多的占57.9%和陌生人交流多的占15.3%,二者差不多为26.8%。(6)对于朋友圈的分享10.9%人认为都有益处,37.7%认为大部分有益处,认为部分有益处的为46.4,几乎没有益处的占4.9%。(7)浏览公共平台中占前三位的分别是生活感悟24.0%,科学教育23.0%,新闻社会评论19.1%。(8)对于微信给大学生带来的方便或益处认为很大和较大分别占14.2%和27.3%,认为一般的占44.8%,认为很小和几乎没有的分别占9.8%和3.8%。 结论:(1)大学生中微信使用率很高(2)大家都在用和节省通话费用,是排在前两位的大学生使用微信的动机。(3)微信好友的主要来源仍然是来自于QQ好友和通讯录即认识的人。(4)大部分人在课余时间玩微信且关注朋友分享圈。(5)微信并未给大学生学习生活带来的更多的方便及益处。

关键词:微信 社交网络 大学生教育


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A statistical survey for micro WeChat use in University students has been conducted,So that to understand the basic information,analyze the effect on college students’ learning and life by using micro WeChat,get the conclusion. Method

With the random survey,every 200 questionnaires for each of Grade 20 10,Grade2011,Grade 201 2 in University students were issued respectively.535 pieces were returned,and 520 of them were counted as validated. Result

(1)535 students use micro WeChat,88.7%of the total valid sample;(2)Micro WeChat to the most commonly used software of college students with 45.2% percentage beyond 38.5% and other QQ software usage.(3)Micro letter using the main reason is that everyone is accounted for 41.0%; The second is 29.5% cost savings calls; Make friends by 18.0%; Play games to kill time accounted for 11.5%.(4)College students self-reported micro letter online time, of whom 55.0% less than 1 hour; 2 ~ 3 hours (30.2%); More than 3 hours (14.8%).To rest in their spare time to use micro letter number up to 43.7%, same as high as 32.8%, before he goes to bed at night time to play in the class (13.1%), other about 10.4%.n play micro letter time 47.0% of the students will go to see a circle of friends to share, return occasionally look at the 45.9, and 7.1% from don't pay attention to.(5)Micro for QQ friends main source to college students and contacts are respectively 36.6% and 41.0% in the other way is 41.0%, which is about 77.6% obtained from know;Micro letter communication and understanding to interact more 57.9% and stranger communication more 15.3%, almost 26.8%.(6)For friends share 10.9% of people think that there are benefits, 37.7% think most beneficial, think it is good part of the 46.4, almost no benefits account for 4.9%.(7)Browse the public platform of the top three life feeling is 24.0% respectively, science education by 23.0%, 19.1% news social commentary.(8)For micro WeChat to college students think very convenient or benefits and 14.2% and 27.3% respectively, think that the average 44.8%, think that is very small


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