国际股份有限公司管理条例(中英文对照)(参考文本) 下载本文

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第 1 页 共 6 页

interpretation 释义

1 . in these regulations 一、在本章程中

\\法规\指 《公司法》 ;


\duties of a secretary of the company ;

“书记员” ( secretary )指任何被指派履行公司书记员职务的人;

expressions referring to writing shall , unless the contrary intention appears , be construed as including references to printing, lithography , photography and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a visible form ;


words or expressions contained in these regulations shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the

第 2 页 共 6 页

interpretation act , and of the act as in force at the date at which these regulations become binding on the company. 本章程所含的单词和词组应按 《 法律解释法 》 以及本章程对公司产生约束力之日有效的 《 公司法 》 的规定予以解释。 share capital and variation of rights 股本和权利类别

2 . without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class of shares but subject to the act , shares in the company rnay be issued by the directors and any such shares may be issued with such preferred , deferred , or other special rights or such restrictions , whether in regard to dividend , voting, return of capital , or otherwise , as the directors , subject to any ordinary resolution of the company , determine .

二、根据 《 公司法 》 规定,董事会可发行公司股票,所发行的股票可附有董事会按公司通常决议所决定的有关红利、投票、资本利润率,或其他事项的优先、延期,或其他特殊权利或限制,但不得影响已经授予任何现存股票股东的任何特权。

3 . subject to the act , any preference shares may , with the sanction of an ordinary resolution , be issued on the terms that they are , or at the option of the company are

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