五年级上英语教案-Lesson 5 Where is the Eiffel Tower新路径英语 下载本文

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Lesson 5 Where is the Eiffel Tower?


第一课时:1)Work in pairs.

2)Listen and Practise:the Great Wall the Eiffel Tower the White House. 3)Play a game.

第二课时:1)Listen and Practice:Big Ben Mount FujiJapan Britain. 2)Listen and circle. 3)Ask and answer. 第三课时:1)Let's talk. 2)Look circle and write.


第四课时:1)Circle the word in each group that has the same long vowel sound as the red word.

2)Red and make up a similar story.



2.通过本课的学习进一步把握询问对方从哪儿来的句型“where is she/he from?”以及辨认物体的句型“Is this /that/ it...?”和“where is it?”等。






1.复习一起所学国家名称的词汇和本课所学的国名及各国标志性物体的名称,要求发音准确。 2.能将句型“Is this /that...?”和“where is it?”以及“where is she/ he from?”运用于日常生活中。

3.能较灵活地使用自然拼读法的法则拼读单词。 4.能在教师的帮助下仿编简朴的故事。


The First Period

Step 1


2.复习所学歌曲fish fishwhere are you? 引入本课的教学。 Step 2 Work in pairs

1.教师出示实物或图片,复习以前所学的有关事物的单词,教学句型“Is this/ that +不可数名词?’并请同学表演,看哪组说得最多,给予表扬。

T:In Book 4 we have learned many drinks do you remeber what they are? Ps:Water juice tea coke...(根据学生的回答出示对应的饮料图片)

T:Good memory! Now look at the cup can you guess what kind of drink is in the cup?(出示被遮住了外壳的玻璃杯)Is this...?(引出新句型) ps:Water? T:No it isn't. ps:Juice?

T:Yes it is.(揭开杯子外面的纸片)Good! You are so clever.Is that jucietoo?(指着放在离得较远的茶杯,并强调that) P:No it isn't. It's tea. 2.操练此句型。

1)教师把学生分为两人一组,每人轮流抽卡片,并用句型”Is this/ that..?\训练,猜对了就将卡片收为已有,在规定的时间内卡片多者获胜。交换搭档,游戏继承进行。 2)玩”二十问“的游戏。把全班分为六人一组,每组由一个人暂时到教室外回避,小组的其他五位同学在教室里确定一件物品,让回避的那位同学回到教室里用”is it...?“句型预测其他组员确定的物品。如”Is it water?\该物品。 Step 3

Listen and practice: the Great Wall the Eiffel Tower the White House.

1.教师用出示图片的方式引出表示各国名胜的新单词the Great Wall the Eiffel Tower the White House。

1)教学the Great Wall.

T:Boys and girlsnow we are going to learn some new words. Look please guess what this is?(出示长城图片的某个部分,让学生预测。)


T:Good This is the Great Wall Wall Great Wall.(教师一边说wall 一边手指墙壁提示学生。)

PS:Wall wall Great Wall. T:Well done.Do you like it?Ps: Yes. T;Good!

2)教学the Effel Tower.

T:Look at the picture an you guess what it is?(出示埃菲尔特塔的图片) PS:...

T:Great! It's the Eiffel Tower the Eiffel Tower. pS:the Eiffel Tower. T:Is it beautiful? Ps:Yes. T:Where is it? ps:France.

T:Good It's in France France.(边说边指着法国国旗)Now read after me France. It's in France.

ps: FranceIt's in France.

T:Good job! Do you know something else about France?


教师引导学生举出法国香水、塞纳河等与法国有关的事物,加深学生对France的印象。 用同样的方法教学the White House认识美国国旗。 2.训练新单词。


2)将单词放入句型中训练:将单词反贴在黑板上,学生用句型“Is it...?‘和”Where is it?’进行预测。 Step 4 Play a game.

教师把全班分为几个大组,每组请两名学生上台,一人手持图片用“What's this?‘句型提问,另一人背对图片用”Is it...?’预测,其他同学当裁判,看哪组猜得又对又快.