供方基本情况supplier structure 下载本文

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企业名称company name 企业性质□国有state-owned□三资foreign-Company organization 地址 Add. 法人代表姓名: 电话: Registered holder 工厂总面积 total area 建筑物面积 building area 班次shift model 员工staff Name: Tel: invested□集体collectively-owned□联营associated□私营private undertaking 网址website 电话 Tel 邮编 Zipe code 传真 Fax □正常normal □两班two shifts □三班three shifts 生产工人worker: 人person 管理人员management: 人person 技术人员technician/engineer: 人person 总数total: 人person 1、营业执照business license Y□ N□ 2、税务登记证证书taxation registration license Y□ N□ 3、法人代码证书Registered Holder Code Y□ N□ 4、银行开户证明bank account certificate Y□ N□ 资格证书certificates 5、银行资信证明banker's reference Y□ N□ 6、制造商授权书Manufacturer Authorization Y□ N□ 7、产品鉴定证书Production Validation Y□ N□ 8、生产许可证书Manufacturing license Y□ N□ 9、进出口企业资格证书 Qualification certificate of import-export enterprise Y□ N□ 10、产品适用标准Applicable standard to products 净值(万元) Net value(ten thousand RMB) 财务状况Financial status 2. 主要机构organization 销 售 Sales 近三年经营情况 business in near triennium 年 度 year 年销售额(万元)利润(万元)annual sales revenue profit (ten (ten thousand) thousand) 目前负债(万元)payable accounts (ten thousand RMB) 目前资产(万元) current assets(ten thousand RMB) 供方基本情况1. supplier structure 负责人person in charge: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 技 术质 量Quality 负责人person in charge: 负责人person in charge: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 标杆单位 Pilot unit Engineering 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 是否建立 质量保证体系 whether the quality assurance system is established? 是否通过第三方认证 (认证标准及证书)质量保证体系3. Quantity assurance System whether acquired the certification of the third Party? (Cert. standard & certificate) 有何第二方对您的质量保证体系进行确认 Any other party have your quality assurance system confirmed EHS体系调查EHS investigation 制造设备 按<附表一>填写 fill it out in accordance with the attached table 1 4. Manufacturing 按<附表二>填写fill it out in accordance with the attached table 2 Machinery 检测设备 5. Inspection Equipment 产品能力produce capability 供货产品Supplied parts 6. 其它产品 other parts 产品名称 product description 年产量 PPM/顾客满意度/等级 annual output PPM/CSI/ Level 客户customers 按<附表三>填写 fill it out in accordance with the attached table 3 供货产品 7. 工艺路线 process route to supplied parts 技术支持/来源□无 □有,提供材料证明 8. technical support/source □N □Y,proof against documents 分供方名称 name 9. 分供方状况subcontracts structure 顾客情况10. customer structure 顾客名称customer 销售额% sales revenue 工序或零件process or part 厂商状况 status of the subcontract 供应商填表人: 负责人: 年 月 日 (盖章) filled by: checked by: YY MM DD(seal) 填表说明Instructions:

? 本表由供应商负责填写,需方根据情况必要时将到供方现场进行调查;

The sheet is filled by the Supplier; the Buyer investigates on site if necessary.

? 本表第3项如通过第三方或第二方认证,需提供认证证书复印件;EHS体系调查使用附表一填写;

The Xerox Copy of the Certificate is required to be provided if acquiring the certification from the 3rd or 2nd party as stated above Item 3; the attached table 1 is applicable to EHS investigation.

? 本表第4项按附表二填写;Fill it out in accordance with Attached Table 2 as stated above Item 4. ? 本表第5项按附表三填写;Fill it out in accordance with Attached Table 2 as stated above Item 5. ? 本表第6项是指供应商提供需方的产品供其它厂家的供货情况;

Item 6 refers to the supply status to other customers with the supplied parts. ? 本表第8项是指供应商有何技术背景或技术支持;

Item 8 refers to what technical background or support supplier has.

? 本表第9项厂商状况是指分供方质量保证能力的证明材料;

Item 9 refers to Quality Assurance Capability and verification documents.

? 如果本表内容纳不下,请附页。

Please enclose another page if this sheet is not enough to hold.