实用综合教程第二版 下载本文

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Whitson had worked for NASA(美国国家航空和航天局)for 10 years before 8 being selected as an astronaut in 1996. When Endeavor 9 reached the ISS on June 7, 2002.........and the second woman 10 to serve on the ISS. B.Translate the following sentences into English.(P98) 1. 当今越来越多的男性开始帮忙做家务了(help out)

Today more and more males helping out to do housework now 2. 妻子弄不明白她们的丈夫为何有如此大的压力(figure out) The wives cannot figure out why their husbands are under so great. 3. 不管是女性还是男性都承担着同样的社会责任(take on) Women and men have to take on the samesocial responsibility. 4. 很多女性除了工作还要做大量家务(apart from)

Many women have to do a lot of housework apart from their job. 5. 我外出时你照料这个婴儿好吗(watch over) Will you take care of the baby while I'm out?

C.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(P98)

随着妇女和男子进入彼此的传统领域,这似乎合乎情理的,我们将终于能够理解彼此的经验。现在,妇女不得不日复一日辛苦工作支撑他们的家庭。他们经常和男人一样瞄准相同的目标,今天是这样,例如,在很多的专业学校女性多于男性。现在妇女肯定能理解她们的夫一直觉得的社会压力。 Unit6 Disaster

Full in each blank with a word given below. Change the form where necessary. (P108) 1.What is the impact of the tropical climate on the raw materials? 热带气候对原材料的影响是什么?

2.The old woman spread the good news around the town. 老妇人在镇上到处传播好消息。

3.he saved the little boy's life at the risk of his own. 他冒着危险挽救了这个小男孩的生命。 4.I am willing to accept his challenge. 我愿意接受他的挑战

5.He's quite crazy:he goes to school in very odd clothes. 他很疯狂:他上学穿着非常古怪的衣服。 6.He threw his cigarette end on the floor. 他把烟头扔在地板上。

7.here are some difficult tasks given by the boss to challenge you and your friends. 这是老板给你和你的朋友挑战的一些困难的任务。 8.They end the party with a song. 他们用一首歌结束了聚会。

B.Full in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.(P109) 1.Many kinds of rare animals and birds are now extinct. 许多稀有动物和鸟类现已灭绝。

2.His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work. 他的长期疾病和随之而来的缺席使他的工作远远落后。 3.What’s more, to be a doctor is very challenging. 更重要的是,成为一名医生是非常具有挑战性的。

enge challend d spreact impaodd risk 4.The car was severely damaged by the force of the collision. 汽车因碰撞而严重受损。

5.Information must be stored so that it is secure from mistaken deletion. 信息必须存储起来,以免被错误删除。

6.The ship was completely wrecked after the enemy’s attack. 这艘船在敌人进攻后完全被毁了。

7.Those two countries agreed to interconnect the services after the severe earthquake. 这两个国家同意在强烈地震后互相服务。 8.Our civil rights should be preserved. 我们的公民权利应该得到保护。

Grammar Tips: Complete each of the following sentences.(P111) 1.Many a student has missed the opportunity to further study abroad. 许多学生错过了出国深造的机会.

2.A pair of chopsticks was in front of every foreign guest. 每位外宾面前都有一双筷子。

3.This kind of women is fit for this kind of work. 这种女人适合这种工作。

4.This Japanese works in the electronic company. 这个日本人在电子公司工作。

5.Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit. 早睡早起是一个好习惯。 6.A knife and fork is on the table. 桌子上有一把刀叉。

7.Your shoes are black,while ours are brown. 你的鞋是黑色的,而我们的是棕色的。

8.Those who want to go please sign your names here. 那些想去的人请在这里签名。

Comprehensive Exercises

A.Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.(P115) There appear to be more and more natural disasters 1 happening on our earth,..........Our

technology is not yet good enough to 2 predict these events accurately, so people can only try to 3 minimize the losses afterwards.

In order to deal with natural disasters, we should try to get ready in a number of 4 different ways.

1. More money should be 5 invested in disaster prediction...........

2.Rescue teams should be based on the country’s military forces........The training would not 6 affect the army’s regular military training or practice.

3.A certain percentage of the country’s economy should be reserved as a fund for 7 emergency use or for sponsoring scientific research.

4.Emergency response training should be arranged by local community centers and school to educate the citizens about the 8 right things to do when a natural disaster 9 occurs. We may not be able to 10 get rid of natural disasters............. B.Translate the following sentences into English.(P116) 1. 天气转暖,冰层就会分裂(break up)

The ice will break up when the warm weather comes.

2. 市民可以自由使用图书馆(have access to) Citizens may have free access to the library.

3. 他认为他的成功是艰苦工作是结果(attribute to) He attributes his success to working hard.

4. 闪电打下来之后,突然爆发了一场森林大火(break out) A huge forest fire broke out after the lighting struck.

5. 假如我们努力做的话,我们将能够提前完成任务(ahead of) If we work hard, we’ll finish it ahead of time.

C.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(P98)

其他自然灾害包括气候突变或火山爆发。这些都可能导致全球性的灾难,将消灭地球上的大部分的生命,但鉴于我们已经生存了几十万年,而面临这些灾难,这种自然灾害不可能在未来几个世纪造成灾难。 Unit 7 Problems Facing Cities

Full in each blank with a word given below. Change the form where necessary. (P127) 1.Be sure to put the bottle out of the reach of children. 一定要将瓶子放在儿童接触不到的地方。

2.The rain was beating heavily against the windows. 雨水猛烈地打在窗户上。

3.Who will bear the expense of the trip? 谁负担这次旅行的费用?

4.There has been a switch in classes between the teachers. 老师和班级之间进行了转换

5.why is she always in such a rush? 为什么她总是这么忙?

6.what he says bears little relation to what he does.

bear no\\little relation to sth.: 与什么极不相称; 与某事(某物)无关 他所说的与他所做的一点关系不大。 7.your letter reached me yesterday. 昨天你的信送到我手上

8.she suddenly switched the conversation to another subject. 她突然将对话切换到另一个主题。

B.Full in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.(P128) 1.She sounded the horn in irritation but the car in front wouldn’t move. 她愤怒地鸣喇叭,但前面的汽车不动。

2.Decorating the house will be a considerable expense. 装修房子将是一笔相当大的开支。 3.It’s wonderful to see you so cheerful. 看到你这么高兴真是太好了。

4.I think his proposal is quite acceptable. 我认为他的建议是可以接受的。

5.His rude behavior drove her to the very limit of her patience. 他粗鲁的行为把她逼到了忍耐的极限。

6.She is very weak and hasn’t enough strength to walk upstairs. 她很虚弱,没有足够的力气上楼。

rush beat h switcreach bear 7.He sold information that may have damaged our national security. 他出售了可能损害我们国家安全的情报。

8.There is a shortage of low-cost housing in the city. 这个城市缺少廉价住房。

Grammar Tips: Complete each of the following sentences.(P129) 1.Arriving at the school,we found that class had begun. 我们赶到学校时,发现已经开始上课了。

2.Not having checked the watch the night before,they found it had stopped when they woke up. 由于前一天晚上没有检查手表,他们醒来时发现表已经停了。 3.Being asked to give a performance,he couldn’t very well refuse. 有人邀请他表演一个节目,他不好拒绝。

4.Having been made at the meeting,the decision could be carried out. 会议已经作出了决议,这个决议可以执行 5.He is a promising actor. 他是一个很有前途的演员。

6.We met many foreigners visiting in the nearby areas. 我们遇到了许多在附近地区参观的外国人。 7.They lived in a room facing the east. 他们住在一间朝东的房间里。

8.Having fulfilled the task, he felt a stone lifted from his heart. 这项任务完成后,他心中的一块石头落了下来。

Comprehensive Exercises

A.Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.(P134)

Many people believe that cities will continue to draw people. But 1 whatever the future may hold today’s cities are in trouble now! And no 2 solution is in sight for.......Nor has anyone found a means to 3 eliminate crime..........

Some would argue that governments...........But is solving the problems of cities as simple as writing out a(n)4 check ?Decades ago the book The Death and Life of Great American Cities said, “There is a myth 5 that if only we had ..........But look at the low-income projects we have built 6 with the first several billions.They have become worse centers of pollution and crime than the slums they were supposed to 7replace !” These words ring true even today.

But if money is not the solution, what is? We must remember that cities are 8 made up of

people...........So in the final 9 analysis , it is people..........If pollution, crime , social inequality and other problems are to be eliminated , 10 more is required than an increased................

Review Test 2(Units 5-8)

PartⅡ Structure(P157)

16.It is high time we D home.

A.will go B.would go C.have gone D.went

17.I wonder why Jenny A us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A.hasn’t written B.doesn’t written C.hasn’t written D.hasn’t written 18.There C be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

A.mustn’t B.shan’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t

19. B help if you can, and our country will improve more quickly and grow better. A.Giving B. Give C.Given D.To give 20. The storm left, D a lot of damage to this area.

A.caused B.to have caused C.to caused D.having caused 21.So carelessly D that he almost killed himself.

A.he drives B.he drove C.does he drive D.did he drive 22.Try not to be absent A class again for the rest of the term. A.from B. on C. in D. of

23.There is not doubt C Robert is the most hard-working student in our class. A.whether B.what C.that D. if 24.He will go to America next month, if he A ready then.

A. is B. will be C. shall be D. is going to be 25.The government official explained that there’s no point C about inflation. A.to worry B.with them worrying C.in worrying D.worry

PartⅢ Reading Comprehension(P158)

Task 1 Nike is one of the world’s best-known sports shoes and clothes companies........... 36.C 37.A 38.A 39.C 40.A

Task 2 Sponsorship may seem to someone a simple matter of asking a rich company for money and the money may be treated as a donation.............. 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.A