2019届高考英语一轮复习高效学案 必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour含解析 下载本文

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必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour



Chaplin-A Great Master of Humour

Chaplin was an extraordinaryperformer who starred in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored watching his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering his own failures to nobody, he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now.

In a small budget film, he played a badly-off and homeless person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. Though he overcame many difficulties, he wasn’t fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so convincing and amusing that everybody couldn’t help bursting into laughter.





1.__________(n.) 幽默;滑稽 →_________(adj.) 幽默的;滑稽的 2.__________(n.) 喜剧

3.__________(adj.) 满足的;满意的(n.)满足(vt.)使满足 4.__________(n.) 表演者;演出者 →_________(vt.) 表演;执行

→_________(n.) 表演;演出‘执行 5.__________(vt.) 使惊诧 → _________(adj.) 令人惊诧的 → _________(adj.) 感到惊诧的 → _________(n.) 惊诧

6.__________ (adj.) 幸运的;吉利的



→ _________(adv.) 幸运地 → _________(adj.) 不幸的 → _________(adv.) 不幸地 7.__________(adj.) 平常的;普通的 8.__________(adj.) 厌烦的 9.__________(vt.&vi.) 使欢乐;款待 → _________(adj.) 愉快的;有趣的 → _________(n.) 娱乐 10._________(prep.) 遍及;贯穿(adv.)到处;始终;全部 11.__________(adj.) 无家的;无家可归的 12. __________(n.) 小胡子 13.__________(adj.) 用坏的;用旧的;破烂的 14. __________(n.) 失败(者) → __________(vi.) 失败 15.__________(vt.&vi.) 战胜;克服 16.__________(n.) 皮革 17.__________(vt.&vi) 嚼碎;咀嚼(食物) 18.__________ (vt.) 使信服 → __________(adj.) 令人信服的 → __________(adj.) 坚信不疑的 19.__________(vt.&vi. )导演;指示;指挥 (adj.) 直的;直接的;直率的 → __________(n.) 导演 → __________(n.) 方向;指导 → __________(adv.) 直接地;径直地 20. _________(adj.) 突出的;杰出的;显著的 21.__________(n.) 姿态;手势 (vi.)做手势 22.__________(adj.) 特殊的;特别的 (n.)细节;细目 → __________(adv.) 特殊地;特别地 23.__________(n.) 时刻;场合 24.__________(n.) 预算;开支 25.__________(n.) 女演员 → __________(n) 男演员 26.__________(vt.&vi.)(使)滑动;(使)滑行 (n.) 滑;滑动;幻灯片 27.__________(vt.) 使发笑;使愉快 →__________(adj.) 好笑的;有趣的 →__________(adj.) 被逗笑的;愉快的 → __________(n.) 消遣;娱乐(活动) 28.__________(n.) 烙饼;薄饼 29.__________(n.) 解释;讲解;说明 →__________(vt.) 解释 30.__________(n.) 侦探 31.__________(adj.) 多山的;山一般的 → __________(n.) 山;山脉;山地 32.__________(n.) 耳语;低语(vt.&vi.) 低语;小声说 33.__________(adj.) 巨大的;辽阔的 34 .__________(n.) 脏或乱的状态 35.___________(vi.) 做出反应;回应 → ___________(n.) 反应;回应 36.___________(n.) 粥;麦片粥 37.___________(adj.) 醉的 II.短语回顾

1.直到现在 __________________ 2.对……满足 __________________ 3.穷的;缺少的 __________________

4.挑出;辨别出 __________________ 5.切断;断绝 __________________ 6.担任主角 __________________




1.As Victor Hugo once said,“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”,and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.(教材P18)


2.Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off,so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.(教材P18)


3.Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.(教材P18)


4. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!(教材P18)


