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老子山九年制学校5年级英语上册 主备人:杨德云 准印人:

1. between 2. forest 3. hard 4. cup 5. find 6.just right

7. cold soup 8. in the fridge 9. Bobby is afraid. 10. There’s a cup on the table. 二、听录音,选择合适的答句。(每小题读两遍) 1. I have a cold.

2. What’s in the bedroom? 3. Where’s the house? 4. Are you afraid? 5. I’m cold.



Hello, I’m Jim. Now I’m in my living room. There’s a sofa. On the sofa, there are three caps. The blue one is big. The brown one is small. The black one is just right. I like it very much. Beside the sofa, there is a big table. There is a basketball under it. I can’t play basketball, but my brother can. Can you play basketball? 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(每小题读三遍) 1. There is a big dog in front of me. I’m afraid. 2. The girl is in the room. She is hungry and thirsty. There is some soup on the table. 3. There is a river beside the house. 4. The girl is between the three bears.

Unit One单元练习卷参考答案


老子山九年制学校5年级英语上册 主备人:杨德云 准印人:



四、1. front, afraid 2. room, hungry, thirsty, soup

3. beside, house 4. between, bears 笔试部分

一、1. their, hair 2. soup, too 3. cold, doctor 4. many, then 5. ruler, move 二、1. in the forest 2. a hard bed 3. in the fridge 4. too soft 5. just right

6. 感冒 7. 救命 8. 找到表弟 9. 记住(得)单词 10. 多么漂亮的房子啊! 三、CACCB BAACC

四、1. mangoes 2. Whose, Su Hai’s 3. them, easy 4. is 5. her

6. any 7. are, They’re

五、1. there’s, in, forest 2. Come, soup, too, hot 3. can’t(cannot), any, fruit 六、FFTFF BCBCC

七、(仅供参考)This is my bedroom. There is a toy bear on the bed.

There’s a dress on the bed, too.

There are some flowers beside the bed. There are two trees in front of the bed. There’s a TV between the two trees. Beside the TV there’s a toy car/jeep. There’s a picture behind the TV. There’s chair beside a tree.

Under the chair there’s a football. On the chair there are some books. Do you like my room?
