2014年九年级英语上册Unit 9课文知识点(新目标) 下载本文

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2014年九年级英语上册Unit 9课文知识点(新目标)

八上Unit 9知识点 一,词组

1,备考prepare fr an exa 2,去看病g t the dtr 3,患流感have the flu/a ld 4去参加聚会g t the part 去看电影g t the vies 6去听音乐会g t the nert 7太多的作业t uh her 8太多的书籍t an bs

9有空做某事be available/free t d sth 10去骑车g bie riding 11在周一晚上n nda night=n the night f nda

12周一见ath/see u n nda 13看着她离开see her g/leave 14带领某人去…bring/tae sb t/fr…P69/71 1去旅行tae/g n a trip 16在本月底at the end f this nth 17帮某人解决困难help sb ut 18不迟于本周五b this Frida 19未事先告诉她ithut telling her 20期待做某事l frard t (ding)sth=expet (sb) t d sth P69 21收到某人的信/电hear fr sb=get/reeive a letter/all fr sb 22伦敦路2号 at 2 Lndn Rad 23成功ae it=sueed

24邀请某人…invite sb t (d) sth P71 2(书面)回复repl(in riting) t… 二.重点词汇 1)till/until

a) I aited fr(持续性动词)hi till/until he ae ba我一直等到他回(为止)


b)I didn’t leave until he ae ba 直到…才…(我直到他回才离开----用肯定形式翻译)


I n’t start t ae drea e true until I finish llege

当主句为一般将时,hen/until 引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将时。

Bb ent t bed after he finished the her = Bb didn’t g t bed until he finished the her 2)aept/reeive

a)reeive通常指被动地收到,而aept 则指主动地接受。 b)接受礼物aept a gift, 接受教育reeive/get an eduatin 3)have t /ust

a)have t 强调客观上的原因(外在的原因逼迫,非心甘情愿的),不得不

ther is ill, I have t l after her(Beause father ased e t d s) b)have t 有单复数及时态的变化。 She has t finish her her She had t d se ashing esterda



ther is ill, I ust l after her

d)D I have t stp eating hlate? es,u d/N,u dn’t

ust I finish the her tda? es, u ust N, u dn’t have t/u needn’t不必 4)ith/ithut

a)和…一起 He ent t the nert ith e last night e left ithut hi

b)带有,含有/没有,缺少 I lie tea ith sugar我喜欢加糖的茶。 He gave e a bx ithut anthing/ith nthing in it他给了我一个空盒子。 )表条。The part ill be re surprising ith re peple if there are re peple

I n’t finish the r n tie ithut ur help if u dn’t help e

d)以方式,用 He eats ith a spn/uts the eat ith a nife=using e)拥护,赞成 I agree/disagree ith u

)surprise n惊喜,惊讶。e ill give u a surprise T surprise(让我大吃一惊的是),he n the first plae He led at e in surprise(吃惊地,相当于副词) v使…吃惊 The result ill surprise all the peple

Surprised ad吃惊的 All the peple ill be surprised at/abut the result 6)b prepa)在…的旁边,靠近 He sits b/near the ind b)经过 He aled b/past e ithut speaing Ten ears ent b(副词)