《大学英语跨文化交际》课程教案 下载本文

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ChapterⅩ Nonverbal Communication

I. 主要内容

本文主要介绍非言语语交际,包括非言语交际的定义、文化与非言语交际的关系等。 非言语交际,同语言一样,是重要的交际手段之一,可以代替口语传送信息,也可以表达比较尴尬的信息,可以帮助形成某种印象,可以明确交际双方的关系,可以规范交际方式,同时也可以加强修饰言语信息的表达。虽然人类的行为举止有一定的相似性,例如面部表情、手势等,但是不同文化背景对非言语交际方式的理解存在差异。因此,非言语交际也会造成跨文化交际障碍,例如东、西方文化不同的思维模式所带来的交际困难等。本文详细描述了非言语交际的种类,包括辅助语言、时空行为、身势语行为、时间行为、触觉行为等。

II Teaching Objectives

1.to identify the definitions of nonverbal communication 2.to know the functions of nonverbal communication

3.to understand the various categories of nonverbal communication III. Teaching Course

1.Present the Cultural Phenomena to Students.

The teacher makes several gestures and lets the students guess their meanings. (1) The thumbs-up gesture: widely understood to mean “okay” in the United States: used by hitchhikers to ask for a free ride, in Greece and Sardinia: the idea of “get stuffed”(contempt,rejection) in Australia, Iran, and Nigeria: similar obscene connotations.

Sardinia: An island of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea 撒丁尼亚


(2) the forefinger-to-thumb gesture forming a circle in the United States: “okay” in France: it means zero or worthless in Japan: it can mean “money”

in Brazil: it’s more offensive than the raised middle finger

(3) the pinkie and index finger raised up with the middle two fingers and thumb folded into the palm

to the University of Texas Longhorn fans: it means “Hook ‘em horns” in parts of Africa: it is a curse

to Italians: it is the cornuto signaling that one’s wife is being unfaithful (4) extending one hand, palm forward, in the United states: it means “stop”

in Greece: it’s the moutza or hand push, a sign of confrontation in West Africa, it is more insulting than the upraised middle finger

(5) In Albania and Bulgaria, the yes-no gestures are reversed. In Ceylon, a yes answer to a specific question is indicated by a nod of the head, whereas general agreement is indicated by a slow sideways swaying of the head. Albania: A country of southeast Europe 阿尔巴尼亚

Bulgaria:A country of southeast Europe on the Black Sea.保加利亚

Ceylon:now Sri Lanka. An island country in the Indian Ocean off southeast India.斯里兰卡,原锡兰 3. Warm-up Questions.

(1)How many ways people use often when communicating? (2)Is verbal language enough for effective communication? 4. Key terms.

10.1.1 Nonverbal communication (narrowly defined)(狭义定义): Narrowly speaking, nonverbal communication refers to intentional use of nonspoken symbol to


communicate a specific message. (狭义地说,非言语交际指运用非言语符号传达特定信息的交际行为。)

10.1.2 Nonverbal communication (Broadly Defined)(广义定义): Broadly speaking, the term can be defined to refer to elements of the environment that communicate by virtue of people’s use of them.(广义地说,非言语交际指人们交际时运用的环境因素。)

10.3.2 Paralanguage / Metacommunication are the accompanying features of the voice.(辅助语言或超语言指说话时的发音特征。)

10.3.3 Chronemics: is the study of how people perceive and use time.(时间行为指人们如何看待和使用时间。)

10.3.4 Proxemics:Communicating through the use of space is known as proxemics.(时空行为指使用时空进行沟通的行为)

10.3.5 Oculesics: The study of communications sent by the eyes is termed oculesics. (目光语指目光传递的交流信息。)

10.3.6 Olfactics: The study of communication via smell is called Olfactics. (嗅觉指对通过味道进行交流的研究)

10.3.7 Haptics: Haptics or touch refers to communicating through the use of bodily contact. (触觉行为指通过身体接触进行的交流。

10.3.8 Kinesics is the term used for communicating through various types of body movements including facial expressions, gestures, posture and stance, and other mannerisms that may accompany or replace oral messages.(身势语行为指交际时所使用的不同类型的动作,包括表情、手势、姿势和其他代替语言传达信息的行为举止。) 10.3.9 Chromatics or color can affect your mood, your emotions, and your impression of others.(色彩学指影响你情绪、情感和对他人的印象的颜色。)

10.3.10 Silence is a form of nonverbal communication that may be interpreted in various ways depending upon the situation, the duration of the silence, and the culture.(沉默是非言语交流方式之一,不同文化对于具体情景中沉默的时间长短的理解不同。)

10.3.11 Territoriality refers to how space can be used to communicate messages.


(地盘性指人们运用空间传递沟通信息的方式。) 5. Supplementary Case and material. Supplementary English case:

10.2.2.a. Replacing spoken messages. Swastika Symbol

The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for over 3,000 years. Artifacts such as pottery and coins from ancient Troy show that the swastika was a commonly used symbol as far back as 1000 BC. During the following thousand years, the image of the swastika was used by many cultures around the world, including in China, Japan, India, and southern Europe. By the Middle Ages, the swastika was a well known, if not commonly used, symbol but was called by many different names: China - wan England - fylfot Germany - Hakenkreuz

Greece - tetraskelion and gammadion India - swastika ? The original meaning:

Though it is not known for exactly how long, Native Americans also have long used the symbol of the swastika. Until the Nazis used this symbol, the swastika was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck. Even in the early twentieth century, the swastika was still a symbol with positive connotations. For instance, the swastika was a common decoration that often adorned cigarette cases, postcards, coins, and buildings. During World War I, the swastika could even be found on the shoulder patches of the American 45th Division and on the Finnish air force until after World War II. ? A Change in Meaning

In the 1800s, countries around Germany were growing much larger, forming empires; yet Germany was not a unified country until 1871. To counter the feeling of


vulnerability and the stigma of youth, German nationalists in the mid-nineteenth century began to use the swastika, because it had ancient Aryan/Indian origins, to represent a long Germanic/Aryan history. In the beginning of the twentieth century, the swastika was a common symbol of German nationalism. ? Hitler and the Nazis

In 1920, Adolf Hitler decided that the Nazi Party needed its own insignia and flag. For Hitler, the new flag had to be \symbol of our own struggle\as well as \effective as a poster.\Congress, this flag became the official emblem of the Nazi Party. Salzburg: a city of west-central Austria near the German border southwest of Linz. 萨尔兹堡 In Mein Kampf, Hitler described the Nazis’ new flag: \idea of the movement, in white the nationalistic idea, in the swastika the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work, which as such always has been and always will be anti-Semitic.\(pg. 496-497) Because of the Nazis’ flag, the swastika soon became a symbol of hate, antisemitism, violence, death, and murder. ? What Does the Swastika Mean Now?

There is a great debate as to what the swastika means now. For 3,000 years, the swastika meant life and good luck. But because of the Nazis, it has also taken on a meaning of death and hate. These conflicting meanings are causing problems in today’s society. For Buddhists and Hindus, the swastika is a very religious symbol that is commonly used. Chirag Badlani shares a story about one time when he went to make some photocopies of some Hindu Gods for his temple. While standing in line to pay for the photocopies, some people behind him in line noticed that one of the pictures had a swastika. They called him a Nazi. Unfortunately, the Nazis were so effective at their use of the swastika emblem, that many do not even know any other meaning for the swastika. Can there be two completely opposite meanings for one symbol? In ancient times, the direction of the swastika was interchangeable as can be seen on an ancient Chinese silk drawing. Some cultures