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拉克洪提出价值观是一种外显或内隐的概念,它是个人或群体的风格特征,可能会影响人们对行为方式、手段及其结果的选择。) 5.1.1.c.

Albert’s value system(价值体系):A value system represents what is expected or hoped for, required or forbidden.(价值体系体现的是人们期望的、希望的、被要求的以及不允许做的事情) 5.1.2

worldview(世界观):worldview deals with a culture’s most fundamental beliefs about ts place in the cosmos, beliefs about God, and beliefs about the nature of humanity and nature.(世界观是对一种文化在宇宙中所处的位置,对神、人本质及自然的最根本的看法)。 5.1.3

religion(宗教):Religion refers to belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.(宗教指对超自然力量、宇宙创造者和控制者权利的相信与崇敬) 5.2.1.a.

crucifixion: crucifying or being crucified (钉死在十字架上) Resurrection: the rising of Jesus from the tomb (耶稣复活) Ascension: departure of Jesus from the earth into heaven(耶稣升天) Salvation: saving of a person’s soul from sin and its consequences; state of being saved in this way (对人的灵魂的拯救,超度) 5.2.2

revelation: the last book of the New Testament, also called The Revelation of St John the Divine. 《启示录》(《圣经新约》的最后一卷)

umma: the nation of Islam. (阿拉伯语《古兰经》中对人群称为“Umma”(乌玛),这个词汇其含义是:一种宗教信仰、社团、民族、道路、日期、身材、表率、独特等,在《古兰经》中是不同地域、不同时期、不同文化的人群的称谓。伊斯兰教认为人类是同源的,因而也是平等的。人类不分种族、肤色、宗教信仰和贫富贵贱都是同胞和兄弟姐妹,是真主在大地上的“代治者”。《古兰经》中说:“众人啊,我确以从一男一女创造你们,



five basic requirements or “pillars”: five religious obligations of Muslims. (伊斯兰教的五个基本信仰/五大基柱/五功)

shahadah (念):the public witness (证言)。“I testify that there is no God but God; I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”(我作证,除安拉外别无神灵,安拉独一无偶;我又作证,穆罕默德是安拉的仆人与使者。/ 万物非主,唯有真主,穆罕默德是安拉的使者。)

salah(礼):short prayers(礼拜)。The five daily ritual prayers.(每日守五次拜功)。

Zakat(课):alms giving(施天课)。The duty of sharing with the poor a small percentage ofwealthbeyond one’s basic expenses. (每年一度的义务扫献,用作帮助贫困者及社会中需要援助的人)。

Sawm(斋):fasting(斋戒)。The dawn-to-sunset fast during the lunar month of Ramadan(在回历九月里守足一个月的主命斋戒)

Hajj(朝):the pilgrimage to Mecca(朝觐)。A believer is expectedto make a pilgrimage to Mecca.(在身体健康和经济能力许可的情况下,一生中到麦加的卡亚巴〔Ka’aba〕天房朝觐一次)。 5.2.3

four noble truths: 四谛法

existence is suffering (苦谛):佛教认为众生生命的根本特征就是苦。释迦牟尼认为人生皆苦,其中又分生苦、老苦、病苦、死苦、怨憎苦、爱别离苦、求不得苦、五盛阴苦(即八苦)

The cause of suffering(集谛):集是招集之意,即招赶集起苦果的因,包括一切烦恼和由烦恼所生的业

The end of suffering(灭谛):要想解脱苦果,只有除烦恼业因而达到“寂灭为乐”的涅盘境界.

The path leading to the end of suffering(道谛):旨在达到涅盘境界的一切说教与修习的方法,称为道谛。此道通常指佛教最常见的八正道。


Eightfold path: 八正道

right views: 正见 (对四谛的正确解释)

right resolve:正思维(对四谛等佛教教义的正确思维) right speech :正语(以智慧收摄口业,不忘语、恶口、两舌)

right action:正业(住于清净之身业,不做杀生、偷盗、邪淫、麻醉等恶业) right livelihood: 正命(符合佛教戒律之正当合法的生活) right effort:正精进(勤修涅盘之道法) right mindfulness:正念(明记四谛等佛教之理)

right concentration: 正定(心专注於一境,观察四谛之理。) 5.2.3.a

five aggregates(五蕴):即色、受、想、行、识五蕴(也称五阴)。蕴有积聚、类别义,即色等五蕴都是因缘和合(积聚)而生的类别不同的五种事物。前一色蕴,概括了我们所说的物质世界;后四蕴心法,概括了我们所说的精神世界。

form(色蕴):material existence色蕴,指一切有质碍的外境。这里的色,不是指青、黄、赤、白等颜色,而是一个概括了一切物质的专有名词。色蕴是由地、水、火、风四大造成。地大以坚硬为性,水大以流湿为性,火大以温热为性,风大以流动为性。这四大也不同于我们通常所说的地、水、火、风,而是起造一切色法的基本要素,略近于现代科学上所说的质力。


perceptions(想蕴):想蕴,想是聚像义,指取着于感受的印象而产生的概念。 Psychic constructs(行蕴):行蕴,行是造作义,指除去受、想之外其它一切思想活动,因念念不住地迁流变化着,所以称之为行。

Consciousness(识蕴):psychological processes(识蕴,识是了别义,指了别外境的各种认识活动的本体。) 4.Supplementary Case and material. Supplementary English case: 5.2.3.


The truth of suffering

Suffering, he said, may be physical or mental. The Buddha’s most important teachings were focused on a way to end the suffering he had experienced and had seen in other people. His discovery of the solution began with the recognition that life is suffering. This is the first of the Four Noble Truths.

Suffering is a fact of life. There are four unavoidable physical sufferings; birth, old age, sickness and death. There are also three forms of mental suffering; separation from the people we love; contact with people we dislike and frustration of desires. Happiness is real and comes in many ways, but happiness does not last forever and does not stop suffering. Buddhists believe that the way to end suffering is to first accept the fact that suffering is actually a fact of life. The cause of suffering

By watching people Buddha found out that the causes of suffering are craving and desire, and ignorance. The power of these things to cause all suffering is what Buddhists call The Second Noble Truth.

The way to end suffering in life is to understand what causes it. Craving and ignorance are the two main causes of suffering. People suffer with their craving for the pleasures of the senses and become unsatisfied and disappointed until they can replace their cravings with new ones. People suffer too when they are unable to see the world as it really is and live with illusions about life and fears, hopes, facts and behaviors based on ignorance. Craving and misunderstanding can be solved by developing the mind, thinking carefully and meditating. Solving these main causes of suffering will lead a person to true happiness, just as it did for the Buddha himself 2,500 years ago. The end of suffering

Buddhists have confidence that the Buddha did find an end to suffering, and that His teachings can bring them the same experience. The key to ending suffering is to remove all desire, ill will and ignorance. Without these causes of suffering we can experience absolute happiness, perfect wisdom, peace and all


the qualities of Enlightenment. Nirvana cannot be described, it is only understood truly by a person who has experienced it. The middle path

The way to the end of suffering is called the Middle Path. It is an Eightfold Path involving understanding and practice of Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration, Right Attitude and Right View. These eight elements can be divided into three ways of practice; Good Conduct, Mental Development and Wisdom. The goal of the Noble Eightfold Path is to bring a true understanding of the Four Noble Truths and deliver their ultimate Teaching - the end of suffering.

Good Conduct:Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood

Mental Development:Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration Wisdom:Right Attitude Right View

中文补充案例及材料: 5.2.1 基督教教义


