《大学英语跨文化交际》课程教案 下载本文

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data.(赋予信息意义) 6.3

high context culture(高语境文化):Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people are labeled high context.(在高语境文化中,在人们交际时,有较多的信息量或者蕴涵在社会文化环境和情景中,或者内化于交际者的心中;相对地讲,明显的语码则负载较少的信息量。这也意味着,在强交际环境文化的人们对微妙的环境提示较为敏感。)

low context culture(低语境文化):Cultures in which little of the meaning is determined by the context because the message is encoded in the explicit code are labeled low context. (在低语境文化中,交际过程中所产生的信息量的大部分由显性的语码负载,相对地讲,只有少量的信息蕴涵在隐性的环境和情景中。这也意味着,在低语境文化中的人们习惯用语言本身的力量来进行交际。) 4.Supplementary Case and material. Supplementary English case: 6.2.1.a

This demonstrates that even stimuli we can be aware of we do not attend to continually. Being in a busy airport terminal is a good example. While there, you are confronted with many competing stimuli. You simply cannot attend to everything. However, if in the airport terminal an announcement is made asking you by name to report to a courtesy telephone, you would probably hear your name even in that environment of competing stimuli. 6.2.1.c

Think of how speakers of English categorize life. Most probably use the categories of human life and animal life. Now think of how you typically categorize animal life: probably into wild animals and domesticated animals.

Now think of how you typically categorize domesticated animal life: probably into animals use for food, animals used for sport and recreation, and pets. Look at the picture of the puppy and capture your feelings. Most of us see this puppy in


the category of pet for which we have learned to relate warm, loving feelings. Puppies are cute, cuddly, warm, loving creatures. Now look at the pictures below and capture your feelings. Most of us who love dogs find these pictures uncomfortable and disgusting. How can people eat dogs? They’re pets, not food! It all depends on where you categorize them. Dogs are pets in some cultures and food in others. In the Arab world, dogs are acceptable as watchdogs and as hunting dogs but are not kept in the home as pets because they are seen as unclean and a low form of life. To call someone a dog is an insult among Arabs.

People in most cultures have strong ideas about which foods are acceptable for human consumption and which are not. People in some countries think the custom in the United States of eating corn on the cob is disgusting because that food is fit only for pigs. The Ukrainian favorite food salo, raw pig fat with black bread and vodka, might cause nausea in some, as would knowing that horse meat from California is served in restaurants in Belgium, France, and Japan. Your reaction of disgust is a culturally learned interpretation and that interpretation can be quite strong. In 1989, California made it a misdemeanor for any person to sell, buy, or accept any animal traditionally kept as a pet with the intent of killing the animal for food. More recently, animal rights groups have protested the sale of live animals, such as turtles, frogs, lobsters, crabs, fish, and chicken, for food at Asian-American markets. Asian tradition is that fresh meat is tastier and more healthful, that the best meat is that “that enters your house still breathing.” Animal rights activists contend that the animals are treated inhumanely in the shops and are killed in ways that cause them unnecessary pain. Asian-American groups argue that eating dogs and cats is an extreme rarity among Southeast Asian immigrants and call the law and the animal rights activists racist.

In some cultures, parts of some animals are categorized as medicine. In other cultures, certain animals are considered sacred and would certainly not be eaten. The Hindu elephant-headed God Ganesh is accompanied by a rat whenever he travels.


Rats, like cows, are deified in India. No Hindu worship is complete without an offering to Ganesh and his companion, the rat. Rats are fed and rarely killed in India.

A case analysis

Can you use Confucianism to explain why Chinese people have both fan and chai in one meal?

Confucianism encourages a sense of balance and harmony. The distinctive process of preparing Chinese cuisine is based on Confucius and his philosophy of balance. There is a division between fan, Chinese for grains and other starch foods, and chai, vegetable and meat dishes. A balanced meal, then, must have an appropriate amount of fan and chai. 4中文补充案例及材料:

6.2.1.a (选择)英语国家重长大的人对理解某些日语发音有一定的困难。有些日语的发音现象在英语里不存在。 例如:obasan aunt obaasan grandmother kita came kitta hear

6.2.1.b(释义)不同的文化对狗的态度不同:西方国家视之为宠物;韩国视之为美食。 龙在中国文化是吉祥的象征,而在西方文化中却是邪恶的象征。

英语中有,“lucky dog”“而在汉语中却有“狗眼看人低”,“狗仗人势”等词语。 6.3 (高语境,低语境)美国的课堂上经常放映关于日本茶道的电影。日本茶道是道教传统的反映,崇尚精神高于物质,崇尚繁忙生活中的安宁。茶道在和谐的音乐中把主人和客人联系在一起。此处无声胜有声。一切尽在共同的经历,一切尽在茶室,插花,书法,瓷器之中。茶道是高语境的典型例子。而在低语境中人们会说“快点,喝杯茶!”茶中没有共同的经历可分享。




中国的食物注重色,香,味俱全是平衡和和谐的表现。 中国就餐时既吃饭又吃菜也是平衡和和谐的表现。

Many consider dogs as pets.

Can you explain your feelings about this photograph?

Chapter VII Intercultural Communication Barriers


本章首先阐述了跨文化交际障碍的主要表现形式:焦虑、假定一致性、种族优越感、定势、偏见、语言障碍等,进而从语言学、翻译的角度对语言障碍进行了深入地分析。然后,提出了克服跨文化交际障碍有效的建议,如:提高跨文化交际的意识、丰富自己的知识、 掌握一些克服跨文化交际的技巧等等。

Ⅱ.Teaching Objectives.

1.To understand the intercultural communication barriers 2.To understand the translation problems

3.To understand how to overcome intercultural communication barriers

Ⅲ.Teaching Course


1.Present the Cultural Phenomena to Students

To describe the anxiety when students firstly come to the new environment 2.Warm-up Questions

Let the students to discuss about the famous Chinese film The Treatment of Gua Sha..

The discussion should cover the following key points: male and female protagonists, main plots, theme (culture clash, Americanized, being proud of American citizenship), setting etc. 3.Analyze in details 7.1 焦虑

焦虑产生的原因:在新的环境下,人们不知道如何应对,过多的关注自己情绪。 例如:第一天到大学报到或第一天到新环境上班时的情绪。 7.2 假定一致性

从自己看待事物的角度来判断别人的想法被称之为认知角度的假定一致性.例如:一位丹麦女性将自己14月大的孩子放在餐馆外,被涉嫌侵犯当地法律而被监禁。 这是因为她出到纽约,感到周围的外部环境与哥本哈根的相似,因此,她误认为这里的一切都与自己的家乡一样,自己的这种行为不有不当之处。

7.3 民族优越感从本文化的角度片面的审视其他民族的文化。例如:“西方”“东方”的界定被称为典型的欧洲中心种族主义。所谓“东方”是在欧洲的东面,换言之,是以欧洲为参照物来界定的

7.4 定势:针对目标群体的成员所持有的(过于简单的)正面或反面的判断。 人们经常认为定势只含有否定贬义的意思。然而,定势还包括盲目积极方面的判断, 例如:认为所有的医生都是聪明机智的。

7.5 偏见:对于某一特定群体、种族、宗教、或性取向的无端地憎恶和怀疑 。例如: 对非裔美国人和西班牙裔美国人的报到普遍都是否定的。 7.5.1 种族主义/种族偏见

指基于种族把性格特点或地位归因于个人的任一政策、做法、信仰或态度。 例如:T恤风波