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The Fifth Perid (Disvering Useful Strutures) Teahing ais:

Let the Ss use the Diret Speeh and Indiret Speeh better.

Teahing ethds: 1.disvery learning 2.pera tive learning Teahing aterials: Page 12 Teahing predures: Step ne: Revisin

1. hek the hewrk with the Ss

2. Revise what we have learned abut the Diret Speeh and Indiret Speeh in unit1. Rewrite the fllwing sentenes.xkb1.

1.I like singing. (He said)

2.ill yu e t see e trrw? (ary asked hi…) 3.hen did yu tell hi the truth? (They asked e…) 4.hat has he dne? ( D yu knw…)

5.Anne is washing lthe s nw. (ther tld e …) Step Tw: disvering useful strutures

2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创

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1.Lk at the fllwing three sentenes and see whih ne is nt p lite and whih is very plite. pen the windw. (nt plit e) Please pen the windw. (plite)

uld yu Please pen the windw? (very plite) 2 Use “Please…./ uld yu please…? / uld yu please…?” t hange the fllwing ANDS int REQUESTS. lse the dr.

Give se thing t drink. Take the dg fr a walk. Speak luder. lean yur r.

3 G thrugh the tw exaples in Part1 with the whle lass, then present se ther sentenes fr Ss: (1) She said t us, “Please sit dwn.” She asked us t sit dwn. (2) He said t hi, “G away.” He rdered hi t g away.

(3 ) ther said t e, “e bak befre 10:00.” ther tld e t g bak bef re 10:00.

(4) He said , “ Dn’t ake s uh nise, bys.” He tld the bys nt t ake s uh nise.

2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创

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*转述祈使句时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带t的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加 上tell, ask, rder等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,在不定式的前面加 nt 。 注意:1)不定式的否定形式中,nt必须放在t前面。 2)祈使句间接引语的引述动词除了ask, tell, rder外,也可根据情况使用advise, reind, warn等。 E.g.. “Reeber t swith ff all the lights.” She said. She re ebered e t swith ff all the lights. “Dn’t ake t he sae istake any re. ” she said. She tld / asked / warned e nt t ake the sae istake any re.


Step Three: Pratie

1.D the three exerises n P12.(Disuss in pairs first and then ask se individual students t d.). Step Fur: Assignents

1.b, Page 50:Using struture 1 and2. 2.Prepare fr Reading n Page13.

2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创

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