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新译林版英语九年级上册期末复习Units5--8单元重点短语、句型、语法归纳Mr. Sun

九上 Unit 5 Art world


1. 艺术世界 art world

2. 令人愉快的事情 something pleasant

3. 停止做某事(同一件事情) stop doing sth. 4. 停下来去做某事(另一件事情) stop to do sth.

5. 你最喜欢的艺术形式 the art form you like best = your favourite art form 6. 更喜欢流行音乐prefer pop music=like pop music better 7. 更喜欢、宁愿做某事 prefer to do sth 8. 相对于B更喜欢 A prefer A to B

9. 相对于做B更喜欢做 A prefer doing A to doing B 10. 流行音乐之王 the king of Pop 11. 他的音乐天赋 his musical talent

12. 你为什么在那儿停止? Why do you stop there?

13. 我已经发现了比艺术更令人愉快的事情。 I’ve found something more pleasant than art. 14. 你喜欢什么艺术形式? What art form do you like?

15. 你最喜欢什么种类的音乐? What kind of music do you like best? She prefers to live in a quiet place.16. 她更喜欢住在一个安静的地方。 17. 比起咖啡,他更喜欢茶。 He prefers tea to coffee.

18. 相对于踢足球,他更喜欢去游泳。He prefers going swimming to playing football. 19. 音乐无边界 music without boundaries

20. 给获胜者颁发奖牌 present a medal to a winner 21. 由……写的 be written by…

22. 一个世界著名的作曲家 a world-famous composer 23. 在湖南省中部地区 in central Hunan 24. 对音乐表现出乐趣 show an interest in

25. 淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声 the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind 26. 来自自然 come from nature

27. 用像石头和纸之类的普通东西来制作音乐 make music with common objects like stones and paper 28. 八年过后 eight years later

29. 继续去美国学习 go on to study in the USA

30. 来自世界各地的伟大的音乐家 great musicians from around the world 31. 一首令人惊奇的乐曲 an amazing piece of music

32. 通过控制水流的速度 by controlling the speed of water flow

33. 在不同的人的脑海中产生不同的画面 create different pictures in different minds 34. 帮助搭建东西方之间的桥梁 help build a bridge between the East and the West

35. 成功地把中西方音乐融合在一起 successfully bring Chinese and Western music together 36. 一种中国古钟 an ancient Chinese bell 37. 以西方的形式 in a Western style

38. 融合在一起制作一种新的类型 mix together to make a new type 39. 在…的中心 in the centre of

40. 尤其是在重要的场合 especially at an important event 41. 自然的声音 the sounds of nature

42. 世界上最伟大的作曲家之一 one of the greatest composers in the world 43. 过去常常做某事 used to do sth. 44. 习惯做某事 be used to doing sth.

45. 中国传统音乐 traditional Chinese music


46. 在2008年北京奥运会上,每当给获胜者颁发奖牌时,颁奖音乐就会响起。

Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played. 47. 1958年出生于中国湖南省的中部地区,谭盾是在浏阳河边长大的。 Born in 1958 in central Hunan, China, Tan Dun grew up near the Liuyang River.

48. 他喜欢淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声,因为对他来说,最美妙的音乐来自于大自然。

He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because, to him, the best music comes from nature. 49. 因为当时没有任何乐器,他就用一些普通的东西,比如石头、纸什么的,来创作音乐。 Since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and paper.

50. 作为一位作曲家,也许他最为人知的是为电影《卧虎藏龙》作Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 作曲而赢得奥斯卡大奖。

As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 51. 她过去曾是为老师。(as) She used to work as a teacher. 52. 因为喜欢天籁之音,谭盾多次将其运用于他的音乐中。As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses them a lot in his music. 53. 我的音乐就是梦想无边。My music is to dream without boundaries.

54. 被选择为北京奥运会写乐曲 be chosen to write music for the Beijing Olympics 55. 能够做某事 be able to do sth. 56. 高度评价 think highly of 57. 拉小提琴 play the violin

58. 在歌舞表演中 at the song and dance show 59. 努力操练 practise hard

60. 为艺术节设计海报 design the posters for the art festival 61. 学生艺术展 a students’ art show

62. 对所有的学生家长开放 be open to all students and parents 63. 给我们一场歌剧的免费门票 give us free tickets to an opera

64. 帮助我们了解更多不同的艺术形式 help us learn more about different art forms 65. 等某人 wait for sb.

66. 门口的那个男的 the man at the door 67. 过了一会 after a while

68. 看到Amy朝我们跑来 see Amy running towards us 69. 急忙进入剧院 hurry into the theatre

70. 持续一个半小时 last for one and a half hours

71. 我喜欢听音乐,因为它使我感到放松。 I like listening to music because it makes me feel relaxed. 72. 我迟到了,因为交通太拥挤。 I’m late because there was too much traffic.

73. 我们最好快点,因为歌剧20分钟后开始。 We’d better be quick since/as the opera will begin in 20 minutes. 74. 因为歌剧刚开始,我们没有错过许多。 Since / As the opera had just started, we did not miss much. 75. 我们到达的时候,Kitty已经在那儿了。 When we arrived, Kitty had already been there. 76. 我们一点也不感到无聊。 We did not get bored at all.

77. 歌剧马上就要开始了。 The opera is going to start in a minute. 78. 每个人都受欢迎。 Everybody is welcome.

79.每次我画画的时候,我都会在色彩的世界中玩得很开心。 80. 不同种类的音乐 different kinds of music 81. 各种各样的 all kinds of

82. 艺术节的音乐会 concerts at the art festival 83. 古典音乐 classical music

84. 有持久的价值 have a lasting value

85. 由美国黑人创造 be created by African American

86. 在玩的过程中编音乐 make up the music while playing 87. 以传统的方式 in the traditional style

88. 有很强的地方特色 have strong local colour 89. 一场音乐演出 a music show


90. 参加所有的音乐会 attend all the concerts 91. 太吵 be too noisy

92. 由于鼓 because of the drums

93. 在剧院门口 at the gate of the theatre

94. 来享受音乐的一天吧! Come and enjoy a day of music!

95. 这种音乐是有关乡村生活和牛仔的。 This kind of music is about country life and cowboys. 96. 今晚你想要去音乐会吗?Would you like to go to a concert tonight? 97. 叫他下车 tell him to get off 98. 农业科学 the science of farming 99. 闻起来难闻 smell bad

100. 对…产生了兴趣 become interested in

101. 夸奖我为艺术节做的设计 praise my designs for the art festival 102. 由于某事称赞某人 praise sb. for sth.

103. 真的很有绘画的天赋 have a real gift for painting 104. 和某人玩 play with sb.

105. 玩、摆弄某物 play with sth. 106. 像往常一样 as usual

107. 把颜料盒水混在一起 mix the paint the paint with water 108. 拿走,拿开 take away

109. 四处跑 run in all directions

110. 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.

111. 痴迷于蜡笔和颜料 be crazy about crayons and paints

112. 你觉得这种艺术形式怎么样?(2) As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper. What do you think of/How do you like this art form?

113. 我曾经不喜欢美术课,因为我不能画得很好。

I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw very well.

114. 当我拿开刷子时,我滴了点颜料在纸上。 I enjoy myself in the world of colours every time I paint. 115. 看着这块水彩印,我决定吹一下。 Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it.

116. 我忘了是在上课,直到罗老师来到我的桌子旁边。 I forgot that I was in class until Ms Luo came by my desk. 117. 她鼓励我继续尝试并创作出更多精彩的画。 She encouraged me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures.


because, because of, since 和as表达原因

(1)because 引导原因状语从句。语气强烈,可用来回答why .because of 是介词短语,后面不能直接加句子,可以加的成分有:名词,名词短语,动名词(短语)。

(2) since 引导的从句表达显然的或为人所知的理由,常译“因为”“既然”,语气比because 弱。 Since everyone is here, let’s start.

(3) as 是常用词,含义与since 相同。但语气更弱,常译“由于”“鉴于”。 As I had a cold, I was absent from school. 辨析because,since和as

三者都可以用作表示“原因”的连词,语气由强到弱依次为because→since Because Since As 九上 Unit 6 TV programmes 一、词汇句型大集合:

电视台 a TV station 电视频道 a TV channel 遥控器 a remote control

从属连词 从属连词 因为 因为,既然 表直接原因,回答why的提问,一般放在主句之后,可单独存在 侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已知的理由 主句说明结果,主从并重。 3