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Unit4 What’s the best movie theater

Period 2

ⅠTeaching aims

1. Knowledge aims:

①Students will be able to master the following words and phrases: worst, cheaply, song, DJ, choose, carefully, reporter, so far, fresh, comfortably, worse, service, pretty, menu, act, meal.

②Students will be able to master the following sentence structures: --Which is the worst clothes store in town?

--Dream Clothes. It’s worse than Blue Moon. It has the worst service.

--What do you think of 970AM? --I think it’s pretty bad. It has the worst music.

2. Ability aims:

①Students will be able to discuss their preferences.

②Students will be able to make comparisons about stores or other things. 3. Emotional aims:

Ss will learn to share their preferences to each other.. ⅡTeaching important points

1. Ss can use the comparative and superlative to discuss their preferences.. 2. Ss can make comparisons about stores. ⅢTeaching difficult points

Students can use comparative and superlative forms correctly. ⅣTeaching aid

PPT , a computer ⅤTeaching Procedures Teacher’ s activities Ss’ activities Purposes Try to revise what have learned yesterday. To present the key words and phrases and help Ss learn them. Step 1 Free talk T: What’s the best movie theater in Ss answer the questions. our town? Why? Step 2 Presentation T: What are they? What kind of clothes store do you like to go to? What do you think is a good clothes store? Present some pictures and get Ss to learn the new words and phrases, then try to answer the questions. Step 3 Practice T: There are three clothes stores, which one is the best? Present pictures of different Ss look at the pictures and learn new words and phrases. Answer the questions like this: Quality of the clothes, service and price are important. Ss look at the pictures say: Miller’s has the best clothes. Dream Clothes has the worst To arouse Ss’ interests and help them master the words and phrases better. To help stores, ask Ss to make comparisons clothes. Ss make comparisons. about the quality, service and Ss use “comfortable, cheap, price. good, popular …”to talk about the price and service.. Step 4 Discussion T: What do you think is a good radio station? There are 3radio stations, 970AM, 97.9FM, 107.9FM, which one is the best? Ss try to discuss and compare To help Ss to consolidate the three radio stations. phrases and structures. To improve Ss’ listening ability and consolidate the knowledge. To help Ss to practice the sentence structure and consolidate the knowledge. Step 5 Listening Get Ss to listen to the tapes and do Ss listen to the tape and 2a, 2b. finish the exercises. Step 6 Pairwork Get Ss to work in pairs and make conversations like this. A: Hello. I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions? B: Sure. A: What’s the best clothes store in town? B: I think Miller’s is the best. A: Why do you think so? B: Well, Miller’s has … Ss work in pairs and make dialogues like this. Step 7 Reading Get Ss to read 2d and answer the Ss read 2d carefully and then questions. 1. Is Greg new in town? answer the questions. 2.Where is the best supermarket? What can you buy there? 3. Which cinema is the newest? What does Helen think of it? To develop Ss reading skills. Step 8 Role-play the conversation Ss try to role-play the Make Ss to cooperate with Ask Ss to role-play the conversation conversation with their each other and practice and then act in front of others. partner. their oral English. Step 9 Exercise Ask Ss do 3a, 3b and 3c. Step 10 Homework 1.Read and recite 2d. 2.Read 2a,2b on page 98. Ss finish the exercises. To consolidate knowledge. the

Bb design:

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? -- Which is the worst clothes store in town? -- Dream Clothes. It’s worse than Blue Moon. It carefully more has the worst service. the most carefully -- What do you think of 970AM? bad worse worst -- I think it is pretty bad. It has the worst music. carefully