2017学年浙江省高三“五校联考”第一次考试 下载本文

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For me personally, I could write for days about many different situations where adversity (逆境)(1) my life. Now let me tell you one experience where I almost let adversity (2) .

We had a glass studio, which was located 50 feet from our home. A couple of years ago we experienced an (3) winter; we had a lot of snow and ice. The(4) of the ice and snow (5) the roof on our studio, taking with it one of our sources of income. (6) it fall down, we got on the roof and tried to (7) the snow and ice, but when you have 5 feet of ice and temperatures of minus 20 Celsius, it was pretty (8) to do.

We had a partner come in to help us try to (9) the roof by supporting. In the end, there was (10) that could be done. The roof came down. We had moved a lot of our goods and tools from the studio (11) we lost a lot also: glass, kilns, workbenches, to name only a few of the items. It was a (12) experience. Here we were in the middle of winter with our studio collapsed. We couldn't work as we had almost (13) all the material in a building we were not using. We could have done one of two things: we could simply say that we can no longer(14) our glass business. Let me tell you that this was certainly a thought that (15) our mind. Or we could find a way to get our studio back up and running.

We picked the (16) option. We had a large barn that we were not using. So we renovated(翻新)the barn, (17) our working area and today we have a nicer studio than we (18) had. If the adversity we were (19) had not happened, we probably would (20) be working in the old studio---a studio that was less efficient. 1. A. promoted B.influenced C.destroyed D.prevented 2. A.suffer B.escape C.win D.work 3. A.awkward B.awesome C.agreeable D.awful

4. A.size B.height C.weight D.temperature 5. A.collapsed B.limited C.pressed D.struck 6. A.Before B.Unless C.Although D.When 7. A.replace B.reduce C.recycle D.remove 8. A.worthwhile B.tough C.rewarding D.annoying 9. A.examine B.test C.secure D.restore 10. A.something B.enough C.all D.nothing 11. A.for B.but C.or D.so

12. A.vain B.valid C.disastrous D.treasured 13. A.displayed B.arranged C.piled D.presented 14. A.predict B.conduct C.instruct D.quit

15. A.approached B.crossed C.cleared D.comforted 16. A.latter B.former C.easier D.further 17. A.evaluated B.redesigned C.organized D.reserved 18. A.desperately B.hopeful C.eventually D.previously 19. A.faced with B.concerned with C.cautious about D.aware of

20. A.ever B.already C.even D.still 【答案】1-5ACDCA 6-10ADBCD 11-15BCCBB 16-20ABDAD


注意:将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 In order to understand the role and function of belief in our society, one way is to compare the (1)______ (different) between a society with belief and a society without it. And through this process of comparison, it might be easier for us to understand (2)________ important belief really is.

Without belief, we do not know what we are fighting (3)_______. This is the fundamental difference between someone who has (4)_______ belief system and someone who does not. A parent who is working so hard for the benefits and financial security of the children tend to give more and complain (5)________. A man or a woman in love, who is trying to maintain or change their situation in the belief that they could one day be with their beloved ones, would not even feel the burden of work. A student, who (6)________ (strong) believes that a brighter future is

available, would not mind a few extra hours to be better academically. And a public servant, who makes the interest of the general public as priority, would not mind (7)________ (burn) some late night oil so that the required work could (8)_______(finish) in high quality. For all the examples mentioned above, we can easily imagine how the situation would change dramatically when they do not have the belief system of their own.

It’s a given fact (9)_______ life is hard but whatever difficulties occur,

those (10)_______ belief is stronger are more likely to overcome them successfully.

【答案】1.differences 2.how 3.for 4.a 5.less 6.strongly 7.burning 8.be finished 9.that 10.whose

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)

假定你是李华,最近你发现有学生将共享单车停到了校园内并且上了私锁。请你就此现象,写一份倡议书发表在校英文报上,倡议同学们文明使用共享单车。 内容提示: 1. 共享单车带给人们的便利;

2. 如何正确使用共享单车。

注意: 1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:共享单车:shared bikes



Li Hua


My dear fellow students,

Recently I’ve noticed shared bikes, such as Mobike and Ofo, parked in our campus, and even own locks are put on them. Shared bikes bring people great convenience as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem. Hence, shared bikes should be left in public for next users. It is morally wrong that we take possession of one for our own selfish interest. I advocate raising our awareness of using shared bikes reasonably so that everyone can benefit from this service.

Li Hua



A new, first-of-its-kind study examines the connection between teacher burnout and students’ stress levels.Researchers from the University of British Columbia collected saliva (唾液) samples from over 400 elementary school children, grades four to seven, at 17 public schools. Cortisol (皮质醇) levels were then assessed from thesamples as the hormone isnly used as a biological indicator of stress. Correspondingly, teacher burnout was determined through survey results.

Investigators found that in classrooms in which teachers experienced more burnout, or feelings of emotional exhaustion, students’ cortisol levels were elevated (提升). Higher cortisol levels in elementary school children have been linked to learning difficulties as well as mental health problems. The study appears in the journal Social Science & Medicine. “This suggests that stress contagion (蔓延) might be taking place in the classroom among students and their teachers,” said Eva Oberle, Ph.D., the study’s lead author.

Indeed, the relationship between student stress and teacher burnout is a chicken and egg question. “It is unknown what came first, elevated cortisol or teacher burnout. We consider the connection between student and teacher stress a cyclical problem in the classroom.” Oberle said a stressful classroom climate could be a result of inadequate support for teachers, which may impact teachers’ ability to effectively manage their students. A poorly managed classan contribute to students’ needs not being met and increasing stress. This could be reflected in elevated cortisol levels in students.

Alternatively, stress could originate from students, who may be more challenging to teach because of increases in anxiety, behavioral problems, or special needs. In this case, teachers could feel overwhelmed and report higher levels of burnout.

“Our study is a reminder of the systemic issues facing teachers and educators as classroom sizes increase and supports for teachers are cut,” said Oberle. “It is clear from a number of recent research studies that teaching is one of the most stressful professions, and that teachers need adequate resources and support in their jobs in order to battle burnout and relieve stress in the classroom,” said University of British Columbia education professor Kimberly Schonert Reichl, Ph.D., the study’s co-author. “If we do not support teachers, we risk the damage of students.”


A new research shows that student strain often coexists with teacher exhaustion. (要点1) Students, who find their requirements unsatisfied as a result of teachers’ low-level management over class, may feel overwhelmingly stressed. (要点2) Conversely, teachers, who encounter great teaching challenge from students, tend to be burned out. (要点3) Therefore, more sufficient resources and support to teachers should be guaranteed, or students are likely to be ruined. (要点4) (63 words)