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JJF 1001-1998 通用计量术语及定义General Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions
JJF 1002-1998 国家计量检定规程编定规则The Rules forDeafting Nationl Metrological verification Regulation
JJF 1004-2004 流量计量名词术语及定义Metrological Terms and Their Definitions for Flow Rate JJF 1005-2005 标准物质常用术语和定义Terms and Difinitions Used in Reference Materials JJF 1006-1994 一级标准物质技术规范Technical Norm of Primary Reference Materials
JJF 1007-1987 温度计量名词术语(试行)Temperature Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1007-2007 温度计量名词术语(试行)Temperature Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1008-1987 压力计量名词术语及定义Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1008-2008 压力计量名词术语及定义Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1009-2006 容量计量术语及定义Metrological Terms and Definittions for Capacity JJF 1010-1987 长度计量名词术语及定义Length Metological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1011-2006 力值与硬度计量术语及定义Terminology and Definitions for Metrology of Force and Hardness
JJF 1012-2007 常用湿度计量名词术语(试行)General Terms for Humidity Measurement
JJF 1013-1989 磁学计量常用名词术语及定义(试行)Terms in Common Use and Their Difinition for the Magneic Metrology
JJF 1014-1989 罐内液体石油产品计量技术规范Technical Norm of the Measurement of Liquid Petroleum Products in Tands
JJF 1015-2002 计量器具型式评价和型式批准通用规范General Norm for Pattren Evaluation and Pattern Approval of Measuring Instruments
JJF 1016-2002 计量器具型式评价大纲编写导则The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments
JJF 1017-1990 使用硫酸铈-亚铈剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Ceric-Cerous Sulfate Dosimeter to Measure γ-ray Absorted Dose in Water
JJF 1018-1990 使用重铬酸钾(银)剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Potassium(silver)Dichromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-ray Absorbed Dose in Water JJF 1019-1990 60Co远距离治疗束吸收剂量的邮寄监测方法Postcheck Method for 60Co radiothorapy Beam Absorbed Dose
JJF 1020-1990 r射线辐射加工剂量保证监测方法Dose Assurence Monitoring Method for γ-Ray Radiation Processing Level
JJF 1021-1990 产品质量检验机构计量认证技术考核规范The Technical Examination Norm for Metrology Accreditation of Testing Unit for Testing of Product Quality
JJF 1022-1991 计量标准命名规范The Technical Norm of Designation for Metrological Staandard
JJF 1023-1991 常用电学计量名词术语(试行)Greneral Metrological Terms for electrical Measurement
JJF 1023-2008 常用电学计量名词术语(试行)Greneral Metrological Terms for electrical Measurement
JJF 1024-2006 计量器具的可靠性分析Reliability Analysis for Measuring Instruments JJF 1024-2008 计量器具的可靠性分析Reliability Analysis for Measuring Instruments JJF 1025-1991 机械秤改装规范Technical Norm of Machine Scale Remake JJF 1025-2008 机械秤改装规范Technical Norm of Machine Scale Remake
JJF 1026-1991 光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法Absorbed Dose Determination in Poton and
Electron Beams
JJF 1026-2008 光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法Absorbed Dose Determination in Poton and Electron Beams
JJF 1028-1991 使用重铬酸钾银剂量计测量r射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Silver Dichromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-Ray Absorbed Dose in Water
JJF 1029-1991 电子探针定量分析用标准物质研制规范The Technical Norm for Development of Cerified Reference Materied Used in Quantitative Analysis of Electron Microprobe
JJF 1030-1998 恒温槽技术性能测试规范Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic Bath's Technological Characteristic
JJF 1031-1992 依法管理的物理化学计量器具分类规范The chassifical Norm of Physical and Chemical Measuring Instruments Managed by Metrogical Los
JJF 1032-2005 光学辐射计量名词及定义(试行)Terminology and definitions for optical Radiation Measurement
JJF 1033-2003* 计量标准考核规范Rule for the Examination of Measurement Standard[过期] JJF 1033-2008 计量标准考核规范Rule for the Examination of Measurement Standard[更新] JJF 1034-2005 声学计量名词及定义(试行)Metrological Terms and their Definitions for Acoustics JJF 1035-2006 电离辐射计量术语及定义Ionizing Radiation Metrological Terms
JJF 1036-1993 交流电能表检定装置试验规范Test Norm of Verification Equipment for AC Electrical Energy Meter
JJF 1037-1993 线列固体图像传感器特性参数测试技术规范Technical Norm of measurement and Test of Characteristic Parameters for Linear Solid State Image Sensors
JJF 1038-1993 直流电阻计量保证方案技术规范(试行)Technical Specification of MAP for D C resistance
JJF 1039-1993 同轴功率计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S.of MAP for Coaxial Power JJF 1040-1993 射频衰减计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S.of MAP for Radio Attenuation
JJF 1041-1993 磁性材料磁参数计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Propertise of Magnetic Materials
JJF 1042-1993 直流电动势计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for DC EMF'S JJF 1043-1993 维氏硬度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Veckers Hardness
JJF 1044-1993 放射性核素活度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of Map for Activity of Radionuclides
JJF 1045-1993 长度(量块)计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Length of Gauge Block JJF 1046-1994 金属电阻应变计的工作特性技术规范T.S. of Performance Characteristics of Metallic Resistance Strain Gauges
JJF 1047-1994 磁耦合直流电流测量变换器校准规范Calibratiom Specification for Magnetical Coupling Measuring
JJF 1048-1995 数据采集系统校准规范C.S.of Data Acguisition System
JJF 1049-1995 温度传感器动态响应校准规范C.S.of Temperature Sensor's Dynamic Response JJF 1050-1996 工作用热传导真空计校准规范C.S.of Working Thermal Conducting Vacuum Gauge
JJF 1051-1996 工作计量器具命名与分类代码规范Norm of Designation for Working Measuring Instrument and its Classification Cade
JJF 1052-1996 气流式纤维细度测定仪的校准规范C.S.of Fibre Fineness Tester of Airflow Method JJF 1053-1996 负荷传感器动态特性校准规范C.S.of Dynamic Characteristic of Load Cell
JJF 1054-1996 人血清无机成分分析结果评定规范Evaluation Specification for Analysis Result of Inorganic Composition in Serum
JJF 1056-1998 燃油加油机税控装置技术规范The Technical Norm For Revenue control Device of Fuel Dispenser
JJF 1057-1998 数字存储示波器校准规范C.S.of Digital Storage Oscilloscope
JJF 1059-1999* 测量不确定度评定与表示Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement
JJF 1061-1999 税控燃油加油机制造许可证考核规范The Examination Specification of Manufacturing Competence for Fuel Dispensers with Revenue Function JJF 1062-1999 电离真空计校准规范C.S.of Ionization Vacuum Gauge
JJF 1063-2000 石油螺纹单项参数检查仪校准规范C.S.for Instruments of Thread Inspection Of Casing,Tubing Line Pipe and New Rotary Shouldered Connection
JJF 1064-2004 坐标测量机校准规范C.S.for Coordinate Measuring Machines JJF 1065-2000 射频通信测试校准规范C.S.for RF Communication Test Set JJF 1066-2000 测长机校准规范C.S.for Length Measuring Instruments
JJF 1067-2000 工频电压比例标准装置校准规范C.S.for Sets of Voltage Ratio Standards at Power Frequency
JJF 1068-2000 工频电流比例标准装置校准规范C.S.for Sets of Current Ratio Standards at Power Frequency
JJF 1069-2007 法定计量检定机构考核规范Rules for the Examination of the Service of Legal Metrological Verification
JJF 1070-2005 定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则Rules of Metrological Testing for Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content
JJF 1071-2000 国家计量校准规范编写规则The Rules for Drafting National Calibration Specifications
JJF 1072-2000 齿厚卡尺校准规范C.S.for Gear Tooth Calipers JJF 1073-2000 高频Q表校准规范C.S.for HF Q-Meters
JJF 1074-2001 酒精密度-浓度测量用表Measurement Tables for Density-Concentration of Alcohol
JJF 1075-2001 钳形电流表校准规范C.S.of Clamp Ammeters JJF 1076-2001 湿度传感器校准规范C.S.of Humidity Sensors
JJF 1077-2002 测微准直望远镜校准规范C.S.for Micro-alignment Telescopes
JJF 1078-2002 光学测角比较仪校准规范C.S.for Optcal Comparators for Angle Measurements JJF 1079-2002 阴极射线管彩色分析仪校准规范C.S.for Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)Color Analyzers JJF 1080-2002 (-50~90)℃黑体辐射源校准规范C.S.for Blackbody Radiators in (-50~90)℃ JJF 1081-2002 垂准仪校准规范C.S.for Plumb Instruments JJF 1082-2002 平板仪校准规范C.S.for Plane Tables
JJF 1083-2002 光学倾斜仪校准规范C.S.for Optical Clinometers
JJF 1084-2002 框式水平仪和条式水平仪校准规范C.S.for Frame Levels and Shaft Levels JJF 1085-2002 水平尺校准规范C.S.for Level Rules
JJF 1087-2002 直流大电流测量过程控制技术规范T.S.for Measurement Control System for Heavy Direct Current
JJF 1088-2002 外径千分尺(测量范围500mm~3000mm)校准规范C.S.for Micrometers with Measuring Range form 500mm~3000mm