ݷʱ : 2025/3/16 23:08:42һ µȫĶ
: I missed the last bus yesterday. Ҵһ. He missed his mother. ĸ. My God! I missed(=lost) my key. 찡! ҰԿŪ. 5. be sure to do sth. = be sure that + ȷij¡
: We are sure to win next time. =
We are sure that we will win next time. ȷ´һӮ
be sorry for Ϊij±Ǹ
be sorry to do sth. = be sorry (that) +
ܱǸij¡ : I am very sorry for what I said. Ϊ
Im sorry I lost your book. = Im sorry
to lose your book.ܱǸŪ顣
7tired adj. еƣġ ,
: I feel tired today. Ҹ
tiring adj. ƣ͵ġ, :This job is tiring. ݹƣ.
Ƶ: excited е˷ܵ exciting
interested еȤ interesting Ȥ
8.15-year-old 15ġ 15 years old 15ꡱ : He is a 15-year-old boy. = The boy is 15 years old. ÷: 2.5-mile / 2.5 miles 9. instead ;෴, һ㵥ʹ,ھĩ,ǰöŸ. instead of;,෴ : I wont go to Shanghai. Ill go to Beijing, instead. ҲȥϺȥ. = Ill go to Beijing instead of Shanghai. I drank a lot of milk instead of water. Һţ̶ˮ. have fun doing sth. = enjoy doing sth. ʾ .лȤ : I have great fun running. = I enjoy running.ܲеõܴȤ ġ (2) ͻش Requests
Responses Could you please do me a favor? Sure. What is it?
Will you join us? Id be glad to. Would you mind teaching me? Not at all. Lets go and practice. Ǹͻش
Apologies Responses Im sorry I didnt call you last night. Never mind.I guess you were busy last night. Im sorry Im late for class. Thats OK. Please take a seat. Im sorry I lost your book. It doesnt matter.
That book isnt important to me. Im sorry I broke your pen. Dont worry. I have another pen. Topic 3 Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. һص: join the English club Ӣֲ host the 2008 Olympics ٰ2008˻ fill out / go on all the interesting places Ȥĵط quite a lot ൱
make friends wit 롭 ォкܴ. be afraid 5.Please fill it out. .
6.What will the weather be like this
be free weekend? = How will the weather be this
weekend? п
see you then ĩ ? ټ win the first gold medal Ӯõһö get 28 gold medals 28ö the winner of the first gold medal һöƵĻʤ every four years ÿ;ÿ the mascot for the Beijing Olympics ˻ļ behave well ֹ improve the environment ƻ plant trees and grass ֲľ
a symbol of һ֡ stand for the five parts of the world do morning exercises be fond of (doing) sth. ϲ()
ij ص 1.Could you tell me your name? ܸ? = Whats your name? 2.What do you do? = Whats your job? = What are you? Ǹʲô? 3. More and more foreign friends ride in my taxi (= take my taxi) now. ԽԽѴҵij.
4.Speaking English will help me a lot. ˵Ӣ
7..There will be more roads in Beijing. ڱи·. . صԵ fill out + á fill + /+out : Please fill out this form. = Please fill this form out. ű. Please fill it/them out. (Ǵʱ, ֻܷм) (). be afraid ¡ ָòءίؾܾ. be afraid of () : Im afraid I wont be free. ҿûп. He is afraid of dogs. ¹.
They are afraid of losing the game. Ǻ˱. may be ǡ may̬ + be maybe ; ܡ maybeǸ : He may be a teacher. = Maybe he is a teacher. һʦ.
He may know her name. = Maybe he knows her name. ֪. between ֮ among ߵ : The answer is between A and B. AB ֮. The winner is among of us. ʤǵ. 5. There be ͵һ㽫ʱ :There will be a sports meeting in our
school this weekend. = There is going to be a sports meeting in our school this weekend.
:There will have a sports meeting in our school this weekend.
= There is going to have a sports meeting in our school this weekend. ġ Ὠľ:
Would you like to go hiking with us? һȥԶ?
What/How about going hiking with us? һȥԶô?
Why dont you go hiking with us? ΪʲôһȥԶ?
Why not go hiking with us? ΪʲôΪʲôһȥԶ?? Lets go hiking. һȥԶ! Would you mind going hiking with us? һȥԶ?
Would you please go hiking with us? һȥԶ?
Shall we go hiking? һȥԶ? (shallʾI we,ʾ. ˼Ϊ ?/ ҪҪ?)
Keeping healthy
Topic 1 How are you feeling today? һص
1. have a cold/a toothache /a fever/a cough/a backache/a stomachache/a sore throat /the flu /sore eyes
2. take a rest=have a rest Ϣ 3. not read for too long Ҫ̫
4. boiled water ˮ
5. stay in bed Բڴڴ 6. have a good sleep ú˯һ 7. feel terrible о 8. day and night ҹҹ
9. You`d better=You had better -------
10. not so well ܲ
11. not too bad ûʲô 12. much better ö
13. go to see a doctor ȥ
14. take /have some medicine ҩ 15. take------to----- ----------------
16. send------to------- -------͵-------
17. hot tea with honey ӷ۵Ȳ 18. lie down
19. look after=take care of տչ 20. brush teeth ˢ
21. have an accident һ/¹
22. don`t worry 23. worry about --------
24. nothing serious ûʲôأûʲô
25. check over ϣϸ
26. thank you for------------ --------л
27. buy------for---- Ϊ------------ 28. not------until---- ֱ----------- 29. ice cream
30. both----and--- -----------------
31. take some cold pills Ըðҩ 32. plenty of ࣬ ص
1. What`s wrong with you/him/her?//ôˣ
ͬһ䣺What`s the matter with-------? What`s the trouble with------?
2.You should see a dentist.Ӧȥ
ҽһֱィľӡ¾ʽ you`d better(not)-------how /what about--------why not/don`t you -------- 3.I`m sorry to hear that.ϢҺѹDZʾͬ˵ľӡ 4.You look pale.㿴ܲס1Ӣбʾɫãףwhitpale 2look ϵʣݴʡ磺
You look beautiful㿴Ưlook÷ͬϵʻ tast sound smell feel 磺
The soup tastes very delicious .㡣
Your voice sound nice.ܶˡ
The flowers smell sweet .Щ㡣
The silk feels smooth ˿ܹ⻬ 5.------Shall I take you to the hospital?ȥҽԺɣ
-------No,thank you.ãлл Shall I do----Ҫ------- take sb to-----------ij͵ij
6. I`ll take some medicine and see how it goes. Ҵȳҩ˵ goesָĽչit ָ顣磺
How is everything going?һнչΣ Everything is going well.һнչ˳ 7.You`d better drink hot tea with honey.úȼӷ۵Ȳ衣
tea with honey ˷۵IJ裬withʾһְ״̬ƵıﻹУ
some coffee with sugar and milkţ̺ǵĿ
some tea without sugarǵIJ
8.Michael had an accident yesterday.˷¹ʡ had an accident¹
9.But my left leg still hurts when I move it.ǵŲʱеۡ СhurtΪʹﶯʡɽӱ磺 my head hurts.
10.Your X-rays show it`s nothing serious.XƬʾûʲôص⡣ nothing serious ûʲôصġnothing something anythingȲʣݴʱݴλ磺 I have something important to say.һЩҪҪ˵
11.Stay in bed and don`t move your leg too much.ڴϣҪŲȡ 12.Michael`s friends bought some chocolate for him .˵ѸһЩɿ
buy sth for sb.˫áʹ˫ʱ˱ǰҪʹýʣʱátoʱáfor 붯ʱйأʾʵķátoʾʵĿģá for
give sth to sb. pass sth to sb. bring sth to sb. take sth to sb. cook sth for sb. buy sth for to sb . 13.------but I couldn`t read them until today.ֱҲŶǡ
not ----untilֱ-------------until ڿ϶䶯һԶʣڷжһΪԶʡ磺
He will wait for his father until ten o`clock.һֱ10ӡ
He won`t leave until his father comes.ֱ뿪 ѧϰ
1 had better ʽ÷
1 ̶had better̬壬ҲԿ̬ʡΪáֻһʽû˳ƺı仯