2019届江苏省南京市和盐城市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 下载本文

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(Lord Chesterfield).

So, now you know what style is, you’ll need to buy some clothes. But where? In the UK, you can get really cheap, stylish, second-hand clothes at charity shops. They’re great if you want exclusive labels but don’t want to pay the price. The only difficulty is discovering where the really good bargains are. But don’t worry, Leila Gray can help you here. She’s the proud owner of a vintage Hardy Amies coat, picked up at a charity shop for £20---a good deal when you realize it cost more than £800 new. “You have to go to the richer areas of a city,” she says. “That’s where all the labels are. It can take a bit of hunting around, but that is half the fun, and there’s a lot of buried treasure just waiting to be discovered.”

So, now you know where to buy your new, stylish clothes, how do you acquire your style? Experts say that mixing and matching from charity shops can help you find your own style----something that’s really you. That’s what Scottish musician Morus did. “My fashion tip is this,” he says, “Look at yourself with the eye of a graphic designer. If you can’t be attractive, aim for ‘interesting’ or ‘original’.” Momus’ unique style could even make him happier, too. As psychologist Marilyn Elias explains, the happiest people “judge themselves by their own yardsticks, never against what others do or have”.

Shoichi Aoki, the founder of Japanese street style magazine FRUiTS, agrees. “I think real fashion is what people wear on the streets, the clothes that they wear, the way that they wear them,” he says. “What you see in fashion magazines and on models has been styled and it’s more commercial.” He says that his inspiration for FRUiTS came from people combining traditional Japanese clothing such as the kimono and “geta” (Japanese wooden clogs) with Western fashion. “This really caught my eye,” Aoki adds. These styles may seem wild, but Aoki’s idea is not: be bold, be creative and find something that suits you.

Maybe it’s time to create your own look. There are many online guides to help you. Perhaps the best advice comes from a website called wikiHow, “If you see something you like,” it says, “feel free to copy, but don’t make yourself a clone… mix it up and make it yours.” Think about it!

41. What should you first do to choose they style that best suits you? A. Follow the images of the wise people. B. Go for whatever is fashionable. C. Simplify complicated expressions. D. Figure out what a true style is. 42. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

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A. Getting clothes of leading brands. B. Buying clothes at rather low prices. C. Searching for really good bargains. D. Starting a charity shop selling clothes. 43. What is the focus of Shoichi Aoki and his magazine FRUiTS? A. Commercialization of fashion magazines. B. Expression of something personal and creative. C. Designing fashionable wear for men in the street. D. Promoting Japanese traditional clothing worldwide. 44. What is probably the best title for the passage?

A. How to find the style that suits you B. Where to pick up a bargain C. What to wear to develop your style D. Whom to model to be popular 【答案】41. D 42. C 43. B 44. A 【解析】

本文为议论文。讲述的是风格时尚是什么,如何实现自我的风格时尚。 【41题详解】

推理判断题。由第一段How would you describe your style? Formal? Classical? Casual? Smart? First of all, what is style? 提出的设问,“你怎样描述你的风格?”和“首先,什么是风格?”可知,要选择自己的风格,首先要弄明白究竟什么是真正的“style”,故选D。 【42题详解】

词义指代题。that通常指代上文的事物,本段第二句指出In the UK, you can get really cheap, stylish, second-hand clothes at charity shops. They’re great if you want exclusive labels but don’t want to pay the price,得知答案为寻找真正物美价廉的商品。故选C。 【43题详解】

推理判断题。根据原文中倒数第二段最后一句These styles may seem wild, but Aoki' idea is not: be bold, be creative and find something that suits you.可知和服给Shoichi Aoki带来的是创刊的灵感,因此答案为B。 【44题详解】



J.K. Rowling is the author of the most successful book series in history, but her attempt to take on a new career as a screenwriter hasn’t been as smooth as she may have thought it would

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be. The sequel(续篇), “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald”, shows that even the most successful author in the world is in need of checks and balances when making the transition to cinema.

Following the sale of half a billion copies of the Harry Potter series, Rowling is working hard to extend and enrich the mythology she created around the child wizard. In contrast to the eight Harry Potter movies, which were based on the seven books and most of which were written by experienced screenwriter Steve Kloves, the “Fantastic Beasts” series is scripted only by Rowling. This time she skipped the bookstores and went straight to the movie theater.

The “Fantastic Beasts” series takes its title from one of Harry Potter’s textbooks. The leap backward in time, a new set of adult heroes and a globe-spanning background show that Rowling is in tune with her fans and the spirit of the times. Harry Potter and his friends started out as a typical product of 1990s naivety, but since then the loyal veteran audience has experienced the shocks of the 21st century and grown mature and discouraged. The “Fantastic Beasts” series feel less like children’s fare; they deal with adults and frightening events that occurred in Europe at the end of the 1920s.

It’s 1927, and the criminal Grindelwald has escaped from prison to Europe. The hero, Newt Scamander, a zoologist of fantastic beasts, prefers to distance himself from politics and maintain his improvised nature reserve in London. But the young Prof. Dumbledore reminds him that neutrality is not an option in hard times. Dumbledore urges him to cross the Channel to Paris and stop Grindelwald, who is trying to plot a war to ensure the purity of the wizard race.

The rough outline of the plot constitutes only part of the movie. There are many other characters who appear in the mystery. I will mention the boy Credence who continues to have a central role in the struggle between the hero and the villain, even as his background remains a mystery. Similarly, Newt’s brother and partner, the snake-woman Nagini, and other new and old characters hint at an obscure past and future. Rowling populates her world with characters large and small, odd beasts and simplifies its story to lay the foundation work of the universe. The film lays strong foundations of mystery, but forgets to build any sort of structure above them. It’s like a construction site where the budget ran out too fast.

With movie screens full of superheroes and fantasy films, and every studio trying to float a fictional universe, Rowling is today’s most creative builder of cinema worlds, but there’s still a difference between her and a mega-corporation like Disney. Every character and beast is

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there because Rowling said so, not because the marketing division thought it would promote sales of merchandise. Rowling clearly has a true passion to create a mythology, and just as clearly, she hasn’t yet finished creating it.

The “Fantastic Beasts” series offers a world even fuller than that of Harry Potter. Once more she collaborates with David Yates, who directed the last four Harry Potter movies and now the two “Fantastic Beasts” pictures. Still, the world she’s created would be even more wondrous if Rowling had only filled it out with a crystallized or at least coherent plot. In the Harry Potter series, she mostly succeeded in making the films into independent works. But without experienced screenwriters to mediate between her imagination and the screen, the two “Fantastic Beasts” episodes are more like a chess game in which the creator moves characters from A to B as part of a broader strategy---which remains unclear.

“Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” is a film made for existing fans and doesn’t bother to appeal to a new audience. Not by chance does it offer a more mature world for fans who have grown up at least as much as Daniel Radcliffe. For them, the movie delivers the goods, but little of the magic remains. If Rowling continues to put out films without a beginning and an end, her world will collapse, leaving only the middle. It may be entertainment with captivating characters and effects, but it’s not a movie.

45. What changes has J.K. Rowling made in her writing career?

A. She was forced to abandon her original writing career and start a new one. B. She was determined to skip the bookstores and publish books on her own.

C. She started a new fantasy book having nothing to do with the Harry Potter series. D. She tried to enrich the Harry Potter series as a screenwriter rather than a novelist. 46. Who are probably the target audience of the “Fantastic Beasts” series? A. Kids newly introduced to magic. B. Teenage students with grand dreams. C. Adults going through life changes. D. Professional critics of fantasy books. 47. What are the features of the “Fantastic Beasts” series? A. Complex story and exciting characters. B. Simple story but abundant characters. C. Childish story and strange characters. D. Sad story but inspiring characters.

48. Big corporations like Disney choose movie characters and beasts based on _____.

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A. potential profitability of the movies B. preference of their screenwriters C. consultation with the original author D. investigation into successful films 49. How does the author explain Rowling’s failure to create a clear plot? A. By describing shooting processes. B. By listing official statistics. C. By drawing a comparison. D. By citing examples.

50. What does the author think of J. K. Rowling’s performance as a screenwriter? A. It is really a disappointment for movie goers. B. It is widely acknowledged by her book fans. C. There exits much more magic in her screenplay. D. There is still much room for improvement.

【答案】45. D 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. D 【解析】

本文是一篇记叙文。文章对J.K. Rowling的新角色—《神奇动物在哪里》编剧做了评价,同时涉及到部分《神奇动物在哪里》情节和人物相关知识。 【45题详解】

细节理解题。根据文章第一段“her attempt to take on a new career as a screenwriter hasn’t been as smooth as she may have thought it would be”和第二段的“Following the sale of half a billion copies of the Harry Potter series, Rowling is working hard to extend and enrich the mythology she created around the child wizard.”以及“the “Fantastic Beasts” series is scripted only by Rowling. This time she skipped the bookstores and went straight to the movie theater.”可知J.K. Rowling开始尝试从事做编剧而不是小说家来丰富自己的哈利波特系列。故选D。 【46题详解】

细节理解题。根据文章第三段 “The Fantastic Beasts series feel less like children s fare; they deal with adults and frightening events that occurred in Europe at the end of the 1920s.”得知《神奇动物在哪里》系列不太像儿童电影;这个系列处讨论成人事件,涉及20世纪20年代末发生在欧洲的可怕事件。故选C。 【47题详解】

细节理解题。根据文章第五段 “Rowling populates her world with characters large and small, odd beasts and simplifies its story to lay the foundation work of the universe.”《神奇动物在哪里》包括大大小小的、稀奇古怪的动物角色,并且Rowling简化了故事情节,可知此书故事简单,人物丰富。答案为B选项。

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