《创新设计》江苏专用高考英语二轮专题复习——冲刺演练第14练完形填空+阅读理解+短文改错.doc 下载本文

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第14练 完形填空+阅读理解+短文改错

1 ?完形填空 体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:礼物 词数:300时间:15^

During the 1960s, my father had lay-offs(解雇)now and then.My mother _1_ the family's money.She worked, but money was tight as she _2_ to pay the bills until my dad was rehired.At that time I was too young to know her _3_?

But one spring, when 1 was 10, during one of my father's lay-offs, I could _4_ my mother was upset.I 5 that I would cheer her up by buying her a special Mother's Day gift

I could remember my mother once Q a store, the Agins, with great admiration.So I rode my bike to the store and told Mrs.Agins I was looking for a Mother's Day present.

She didn't 7 me but treated me like a valued customer and suggested an Italian purse? \” she askcd? \” I said.


You're in 8 , ” she smiled. It's only $1 l.You have a dollar left for the 9 . ”

Then I 」0_ off happily.

When my mother opened the gift, she appeared rather angry, \” \” 1 said, \5 Then my mother was surprised into J 2


It wasn't until many years later that I leamed that the 」3_ was worth several hundred dollars, that I 」4_ just how wonderful Mrs.Agins had been to me.

repair, is now 90.She said

she can still recall every _17_ about

it: the leather, the color and even the buttons.

\」8_ me to this day, ” my mother said.4fcLctting you have the purse for just a few dollars was _J9_ enough.But the fact that she let you leave the store with a dollar for the card was of much _20_ that 111 never forget?\

【语篇解读】作者小时候家里经济条件不好,但为了使妈妈高兴,作者决定给妈妈买礼物。好心 的Agins夫人以低价卖给了作者一个贵重的皮夹。这件事令作者的妈妈终生难忘。

1 ? A.controlled

B ? managed

答案B [根据上下句可知,此处应为妈妈管理(managed)家里的钱。control意为“控制”; spend意为\花费\;pay意为“付钱”。]

2? A.struggled

C. continued

B. wished D. prepared

答案 A [由上文的“money was tight\可推知,妈妈付账单都很费劲,故用struggle to do sth, 意为’‘净扎着做某事,努力做某事”。]

3? A.hopes

C. worries

B? attitudes D. opinions

答案C [从上下文语境可知,此处指,“我”当时太小,还不了解妈妈的烦恼(经济总是紧 张)。]

4? A.tell

C. believe

B? understand D. remember

答案 A [由下文中的\可知,但是一年春天,爸爸失业的时 候,“我”能感觉到妈妈的难过。tell \知道,了解,觉察”。]

5. A .said B. chose C. insisted D. decided

答案 D [由前一句“我”可以感觉到妈妈很难过和下文\我”买礼物给妈妈可知,这里指 “我”决定(decided)为妈妈买礼物。]

6? A.saw

C. stared

B. mentioned D. observed

答案B [由上下文可知这里应是妈妈曾经提到过一家名叫the Agins的商店。]

7? A.serve

C. welcome

B? receive D. ignore

答案 D [根据下文的\可知,Agins夫人并没有忽视(ignore) 我,反而待我像一位尊贵的顾客。]

8? A.luck B. surprise C. fashion D. doubt

答案 A [根据下文中的<4Ifs only $11\可知,“我”有12美元,礼物只要11美元,所以店主 应说