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文件编号 第1页 共4页 行车安全操作规程 作业指导书 1.目的 1. Purpose
文件版本 页 次 To enhance the safety of bridge crane operations, safety regulations are formulated.
2.范围 2. Range
This regulation applies to XXXXXX for bridge crane safety practice
3. 职责
3. Responsibility
Bridge crane operator of all departments.
4. 定义 4. Definition
The bridge crane in our company which are used by production department, Tooling department and equipment department
5. 作业指导: 5. Instruction:
Crane must operate by special person who are familiar with the safety operate procedure and the common sense of the maintenance and repair.
修订履历 版本 修订日期 修订内容 制作 审核 批准 文件编号 第2页 共4页 行车安全操作规程 作业指导书 文件版本 页 次 Commissioning: operate under no-load. Checking all operate organ, control system, safe devices are sound and reliable
Loading operate staff must obey the command of hooks operate staff, but should be executed by the people who blurted the stop signal
The cargos are not allowed to exceed the crane’s regulated weight of 5000KG. e.垂直起吊物品,检查吊环及起吊钢绳。
Should be checked the hook and steel rope when hang objects upright
It is good to press start knob for every hanging that can make the steel rope to strain the object g.吊运物品一般离开地面50cm,目测起吊物件至要求位置。
The distance from the hanged objects to ground should be 50cm, and keep the hanged objects to required position.
Lightly put the hanged object and put out the hook and steel rope
The hook must be placed in regulated position after finished work, and must be raise to 2meter from the ground, and then cut off the power supply.
6. 禁止事项: 6. Prohibited issue:
Not allowed the people go into under the hanged projects or the hanged objects go through above the people.
修订履历 版本 修订日期 修订内容 制作 审核 批准 文件编号 第3页 共4页 行车安全操作规程 作业指导书 2)严禁超荷吊物。
Not allowed to overload (Non-overloading) 3)严禁带故障操作。
Not allowed to operate with barriers 4)严禁湿手操作行车控制盘。
Not allowed damp hands to operate the control wheel
文件版本 页 次 7. 危险事项: 7. Dangerous issue:
Not allowed to climb on the crossbeam of the crane when operation 2)不准斜吊、沿地面拖动或用钩头端部起吊物品。
Not allowed to skew hang, drag along the floor or hang the object use the hook’s head 3)不准用链条和钢绳直接做吊具,防止吊件打滑。
Not allowed to use chain and steel rope as hanged tool for avoiding the objects skid
8. 注意事项: 8. Noticed issue:
Should be insured the depth of objects more than 1.5 times of the hook’s diameter when hanging.
修订履历 版本 修订日期 修订内容 制作 审核 批准