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___ 答 _____ 题 译林版小学英语六上期末复习卷 2018.1


一、 听句子,选出你所听到的内容(听两遍)。(10分) ( )1. A. seat ( )2. A. little

B. city

C. sit C. bin D. sat D. litter B. clean _ _ _ _ 号 要学 _ _ _ _ _ 请 名 _ _姓 级 班 内 _ _ _ _ 校 学 线 _ _ _ 封 _ _ _ 密 .( )3. A. dead B. dad

C. did

D. dirty

( )4. A. tin B. bin C. mean D. fin ( )5. A. plant B. plane C. paper D. plan ( )6. A. smoe

B. snow C. slow

D. still

( )7. A. posters B.projects

C. protects D. plastics

( )8. A. cut out

B. cut down C. cut into

D. climb up

( )9. A. mae a sentence B. mae friends C. mae a ite D. mae a cae ( )10. A. There is not much water.

B. There is too much water.

C. There is not much oil. D. There is too much oil.

二、听录音,根据所听问句,选择正确答案。(听两遍)(5分) ( ) 1.A. We should waste energy.

B. We should save water.

C. We should throw rubbish. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am. C. No. I can’t. ( ) 3. A. No, he did. B. Yes, you did. C. Yes, he did. ( ) 4. A. Yes, there is.

B. Yes, it does. C. Yes, there are.

( ) 5. A. I can pic up the plastic bottles. B. I cleaned the house.

C. I’m sweeping the floor.

三、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍) (5分) _____

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


What can we do to ________ our city clean? We can _________a bus or _______ to school. We can ________ some factories ________ from our city _______. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can’t _______ rubbish in the river or on the _______. We can also ________ more trees. What ________ things can we do?



1.很久很久以前_________ _________ 6.reuse water _________________ 2.等待答案______ _____ _____ ______ 7.Chinese New Year’s Day__________ 3.观看舞狮_______ _____ ______ ______ 8.save energy ________________ 4.全世界 ______ _____ ____ _______ 9. messy and dirty ________________ 5.上海博物馆 ____ ______ ____ 10.get a red pacet _______________


1.catch(过去式)_______ 2.much(比较词)________ 3.foolish (反义词)_________ 4.cloudy (名词)_________ 5.were (原形)_________ 6.holiday (复数)_________ 7.wear (过去式)_____________ 8.we (宾格)_______ 四、选择题 (15分)

( ) 1.---What do you do _______ Chinese New Year’s Eve?

--- We usually _________ a big dinner with our family.


on, have B on, are going to have C. in, had D. at, having

( ) 2. ‘No paring.’ means we ______ par our cars here.

A. can

B. shouldn’t

C. must

D. should

( ) 3. All the children are _______ the party. A. eciting with,eciting B ecited about,eciting C. ecited on,eciting D. eciting about,ecited ( ) 4. He _______ a banana sin on the floor.

A. give

B. cuts

C. throws

D. litter

( ) 5. Mr Green usually his friends when he was young.

A. writes to B. is writing to

C. wrote to

D. write to

( ) 6. Does the sign ‘No ’?——Yes, it does. A. say, writing

B. says, write C. says, writing

D. say, write

( ) 7. It ________Children’s Day net Monday.

A. is going to B. is going to be C. was D. is ( ) 8. Where were my shoes? ________________________

A. It’s on the des. C. They were under the des.

( ) 9. There is not ______ coal ____ oil on the Earth.

A. too many , or B. many too, and C. too much, or D. much too, and ( )10. I called yesterday afternoon. But she in.

A. she, isn’t

B. her, wasn’t

C. her, isn’t D. her, is

B. They are under the des.

( )11.I’m going to watch a film________.

A. yesterday B. last weeend C. tomorrow D. now

( )12. Trees help__________ the air clean.

A. eep B. to eeping C. eeping D. ept ( )13. Mie lies _________ in the city, but I _______. A. living; can’t

B. lives; can’t C. living; don’t D. live, don’t

( )14. There_____ rubbish in the water and the fish ______dead. A. is; are

B. are; is C. am; is D. are, are

( )15.--- What about ______ basetball on the playground? --- All right. Let’s ____ now.