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第一部分 客观题


Ⅰ.Vocabulary and structure(Question 1 to 20)

Directions:In this part,there are 20 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,C andD.choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. As far as he's concerned,one piece of music is very much like A . A.another B.one another C.other D.the other

2 Recently,Jim has lost all his D .

A. wage and saving at card B.wages and saving at card C.wages and saving at card D.wages and savings at cards

3. Your friend really ought to make D most of this opportunity, because she won't get second chance.

A. the;the B.a;a. C.a;the D.the;a

4.Clever girls need never work very hard, B ? A.needn't they B.need they C.don't they D.do they

5.——Why didn't Peter give you one of his books?

——I didn't want one,but he would have given me one if I D_.

A.do B.would C.will D.had

6. A he can't finish reading the magazine in a day.

A.Fast as Harry read B.Harry readfast C.Harry fast read D.Fast Harry read

7.I don't think Helen'll be upset,but I'll seeher in case B . A. she will B. she is C.she does D.she would

8.——Are you going to the basketball game?

——No.The ticket are B_ expensive for us. A.highly B. far too C. less D.so much

9.—— D ?

——NO.If you don't mind,I've just come here for a rest.

A.Do you serve B.Did you serve C.Are you being served D.Have you been served

10. It was with great joy B_David received the news that his long lost daughter would soon return home.

A. as B.that C.so D.for

11.To take the motorbike apart now would mean B alot of labor. A.to

waste B.wasting C.to be wasted D.being wasted

12.I knew Mr.Smith was_C Tom when be spoke of a clever young boy. A.appealing to B.sticking to C.referring to D.attending to

13.I'm getting tired——it's time A .

A. we got some rest B.we get some rest C.we are getting some rest D.we must get some rest

14.You're better care more about the student, for B_ she needs is love and affection.

A.that B.what C.which D.whether

15.More and more Chinese are learning foreign languages, B English.

A.previously B.predominantly C.practically D.permanently

16. My parents began to C a small sum of money every month for my college education when I was still a child. A. put up B.cut down C.set aside D.place apart

17.These dogs become A when they are restless as their surroundings suddenly change. A.aggressive B.tedious C.vigorous D.puzzled

18.——Mary doesn't want to join in the game.

—— A Football isn't really her cup of tea,after all. A. It doesn't matter. B.It depends. C.Who says? D.What for?

19. The factory uses Mike as a go-between when the management and the trade union are having one of their A .

A. disputes B. disturbances C. dissatisfactions D.disorders

20.My sister B the first party in her life tomorrow night.

A.gives B. is giving C. has given D.has been given


The standard of living of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services which the country produces.A country's standard of living,therefore,depends on its 21 to produce weather.

Wealth,in this sense is not money, 22 we do not live on money but on things that money can23 :\as food and clothing,and \as 24 and entertainment. A country's capacity to 25 wealth is influenced by many factors,most of which have an effect on 26 .Wealth is dependent to a great extend 27 a country's natural resources.Some regions are well 28 with coal and minerals,and have a fertile soil and a favorable29 ;other regions possess perhaps only one of these things,and some regions have 30 of them.The USA is one of the wealthiest regions of the world 31 she had vast natural resources within her borders. The Sahara Desert on the other hand,is one of the 32 wealthy.Next to natural resources 33 the ability to turn them to use.China is perhaps as 34 as the USA in natural resources,but suffered from 35 and external wars,and for this and other reasons was unable to 36 her resources. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country's people. Old countries that have numerous 37 craftsmen are

better placed to produce wealthy than countries 38 workers are largely