【初中英语】河南省2018年中考英语总复习训练试题(65份) 通用10 下载本文

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第二十一节 九年级(全)Units 11~12


1. (2017武威)The whole family were ______agreement about what they should do next.

A. about C. in

B. of D. on

2. (2017西宁)—Why was the young man so ______in himself? —Because he had too many failures. A. disappointed C. interested

B. surprised D. excited

3. With ______and determination(决心), she set out to achieve her childhood dream to be a world famous actress.

A. wealth C. truth

B. courage D. choice

4. If you heat a pot of water, sooner or later, the water will______, do you know where it's going?

A. disagree C. discuss

B. disappoint D. disappear

5. (2017河南说明与检测模拟试题三)Don't be hard ______your children and don't be rude ______your parents. They are all your friends.

A. on; to C. with; to

B. with; with D. to; with

6. David promised that he would come to the party, but he didn't ______. A. stay up C. wake up

7. —Why do you like this story?

—Because it is so moving that it makes me______. A. cry C. to cry

B. crying D. cried B. show up D. grow up

8. —Let's play football on the playground.

—It's so hot outside. I would rather ______at home than ______. A. to stay; go

B. staying; going

C. stay; to go D. stay; go

9. (2017郴州改编)The harder we study, the ______result we will get. A. good C. best

B. better D. well

10. (2017鄂州)If you do that, you will ______with an egg on your face. —But I won't regret it. A. take up C. keep up

11. —Is Jack in the next room?

—Well, it's hard to say. But I heard him______ loudly when I passed by just now.

A. speak C. spoken

B. to speak D. speaking B. end up D. catch up

12. (2017西宁) My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents? —______my dad and ______my mom likes it. They prefer The Reader. A. Neither; nor C. Either; or

B. Both; and

D. Not only; but also

13. It always makes me very disappointed when my favorite programme ______. A. canceled C. was canceled

B. is canceled D. has canceled

14. —I didn't enjoy myself at the party. I just felt______. —Well, maybe there were too many people at the party. A. leaving out C. left out

B. to leave out D. be left out

15. (2017郑州八中模拟)—Did you go to the concert last night?

—Yes, but by the time I ______to the theater, the concert ______for twenty minutes.

A. got; has begun C. got; had begun 二、完形填空(2017聊城)

A man got a new car and he was very proud of it.One day, when he came back home,he saw his three-year-old son happily hitting the new car with a toy__1__.He broke off the paint on the car.The man was so__2__ that he ran to his son,took away his hammer(锤子) from him,and used the hammer to hit the boy's__3__ as hard as he could

B. got; had been on D. got; has been on

for punishment.The poor boy cried__4__ but his father didn't care at all.

When the father calmed down,he took his son to the__5__ as soon as he could.Although the doctor tried to save the broken bones, he had to __6__ the fingers from both of the boy's hands in the end.

When the boy__7__ in the hospital and saw his hands,he innocently (天真地) said,“Daddy,I'm sorry about your car.” Then he asked,“But when are my fingers going to grow back?” The father felt very sad and regretted this very much.

Think about this story when someone steps (踩)__8__your feet and you want to argue (争吵) with him.Think first before you __9__your patience with someone.Cars can be repaired,__10__broken bones and hurt feelings often can't.So always remember:excusing is greater than argument and think before you act!

( )1. A. gun C. plane

( )2. A. satisfied C. patient ( )3. A. hands C. back

( )4. A. silently C. proudly ( )5. A. school C. hospital ( )6. A. cut C. clean

( )7. A. went up C. woke up ( )8. A. in C. by

( )9. A. lose C. protect ( )10. A. and C. or


In the city of Guiyang, China, lives a girl named Li Fang. When she was a teenager, she dreamed of going to the United States. 1.______“I had a picture of the daddy

B. hammer D. car B. afraid D. angry B. feet D. head B. softly D. loudly B. shop D. restaurant B. connect D. fix B. caught up D. hurried up B. on D. at B. share D. show B. so D. but