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一、课程概况(Course Overview) 课程名称:数理逻辑
Course:Mathematics Logic
课程编号: 1704069 适用学生: 数学专业四年级本科生
Course Number: 1704069 Designed for: grade four undergraduates
of mathematical profession
学 分: 2 学 时: 32
Credit: 2 Class hour: 32 预修课程:集合论
Preparatory Courses: Set Theory
二、课程简介 (Course Descriptions)
本课程是一门数学专业的选修课程。课程介绍数理逻辑的基本内容,包括命题演算、 谓词演算以及模型论、证明论、递归论,还将介绍哥德尔不完全性定理。这门课程通过分 析数理逻辑研究问题的抽象性及高度概括性,有助于锻炼数学逻辑思想,培养运用较高层 次的数学观点和数学知识,对实际问题进行抽象、归纳、提炼和解决的能力,提高数学素 养。`
课程的教学目标是使学生理解形式和非形式的命题演算本质并能掌握命题的形式化, 能熟练运用联结词和真值表对逻辑公式进行判定,理解等值式和重言式的概念并掌握它们 的应用;理解形式和非形式的谓词演算,掌握用谓词和量词对命题进行表示并理解解释的 概念,掌握范式与前束范式的求法;了解数学系统和哥德尔不完全性定理的基本知识。
This course is an elective course for undergraduates of mathematical profession. It introduces the elements of mathematics logic,including statement calculus, predicate calculus and model theory, proof theory, recursion theory, and also introduces the G?del Incompleteness Theorem. This course helps to exercising the thought of mathematical logic, training the ability of abstracti- on, induction, extraction and resolution to practical problems by applying higher level views and knowledge of mathematics, and improving mathematical literacy.
Teaching goal of the course is to make students understand informal statement calculus and formal statement calculus and master the formal propositional, and can determine the logical
formula by skilled using of connectives and truth tables, understand the concept of equivalent and tautology and master their applications ;comprehend formal and imformal predicate calculus, can express proposition by predicates and quantifiers and comprehend the concept of interpretation, master the method of normal form and prenex normal form; learn the mathematical system and the basic knowledges of the G?del Incompleteness Theorem.
三、教学内容与教学安排(Course Content and Arrangement)
教学方式 教学章节 Chapters and Sections 第一章 非形式的命题演算 1. Informal statement calculus 教学目标 Teaching Aims 理解命题、联结词、真值的概念,掌握范式的计算 第二章 形式的命题演算 2. Formal statement calculus 了解形式系统L的概念及其完备性定理 第三章 非形式的谓词演算 3. Informal predicate calculus 理解谓词、量词、解释的概念,并掌握一阶语言 第四章 形式的谓词演算 4. Formal predicate calculus 了解形式系统KL及其完备性,理解前束范式的概念 第五章 数学系统 5. Mathematical systems 理解一阶系统、算术、模型的概念,了解形式集合论 第六章 哥德尔不完全性定理 理解递归函数和(讲授、示范操作、指导参观、课堂讨论等) Teaching Methods 讲授 讲授 讲授 讲授 讲授 讲授 讲授 2 2 3 6 6 5 8 学时安排 Class hour 6. The G?del Incompleteness 关系,了解哥德尔Theorem 不完全性的证明 第七章 可计算性 不可解性 了解算法、可计算不可判定性 性的概念和形式7. Computability,unsolvability,系统的不可判定undecidability 总 计
性 32 四、推荐教材及参考书目 (Recommended Teaching Materials and Reference Books)
1.推荐教材:Logic for Mathematicians, A.G.HAMILTON, Cambridge University, 1978. (朱水林翻译, 数理逻辑, 华东师范大学出版社, 1986.)
Recommended Teaching Materials: Logic for Mathematicians, A.G.HAMILTON, Cambridge University, 1978.
(Zhu Shuilin translation,Mathematics Logic, East China Normal University,1986)
1. 数理逻辑与集合论(第二版), 石纯一, 清华大学出版社, 2000. 2. 数理逻辑(第二版), Herbert B.Enderton, 人民邮电出版社,2006. 3. 数理逻辑教程, 莫绍登, 华中工学院出版社, 1982.
Reference Books:
1. Mathematics Logic and Set Theory (The Second Edition), Shi Chunyi, Tsinghua University, 2000.
2. Mathematics Logic(The Second Edition),Herbert B.Enderton,Post and Telecom Press,2006.
3. Course of Mathematics Logic,Mo Shaodeng,Engineering College of Huazhong, 1982.
五、考核与评价方式(Course Evaluation)
考核方式:闭卷考试。总成绩由平时成绩占20%和期末考试成绩占80%构成。 Evaluation methods: Close examination. Total performance is constituted by usually score account for 20% and final exam score account for 80%.
撰写人: 陶波 审定人: