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编制日期Date: 修订日期 Revision Date: 20xx年xx月xx 日 供方/工厂Supplier: Xxxxx有限公司 供方料号Supplier Code:xxxxxx 生 产 控 制 计 划(PMP)
□样件Sample √试生产Pilot Run 联系人/电话: xxx /0000000 □量产MP Contact person/Phone: 控制计划编号 零件号/最新更改水平: 核心小组 Core Team:xxx、xxx、xxx Part Number: 零件名称/描述: 零件料号PN:xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 共 2页 第 1 页
特性 零件/过 程编号 Code 过程名称/操作描述 生产 设备 Equipment 方法 测量方法 样本Sample 数量 Number 时机 Opportunity Name/Description 编号 No. 产品 Product 过程 Process 产品/过程规范/公差 Product / process specification / tolerance Measurement method 控制方法 Control method 反应措施 Measures 来自供应商的材料证明书/检测Certificate of material/test report from supplier 供应商Rohs检测报告/MSDS Supplier's Rohs test report/MSDS
原材料进料检验Incoming inspection 1 材料material PC+ABS CX7240 目视Visual 取样sampling 每批 Each batch 1 HSF技术标准 HSF technical STD 比对数据Compare date 取样sampling 每批 Each batch 反馈采购课 /退货 Feedback to Buyer/Reject XRF 2 Rohs 2 烘料Baking 烘料箱Drying box 1 温度Temp. 90℃±10℃ 仪表Instrument 1 time 4h 进行调整/参工艺参数记数记录录The process Adjustment parameters parameter and recording recording 3 注塑成型Injection molding 注塑机Injection molding machine 1 位置\\温度\\速度\\压力\\时间 Position \\Temp.\\Speed\\Pressure\\Time 参见成型标准 See the molding standard 目视 Visual 5 mold 每次开机starting up each time 工艺参数记录The process parameters recording 调机并记录Adjustment machine and recording 1 外观Appearance 形状完好,无毛边,缺料,油污,缩水等缺陷. Shape in good condition, No burrs, starved feeding, Oil pollution, Shrinkage defects etc. 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 1 mold 每次开机starting up each time 首件检验记录表 FAI Recording Table 调机、检查模具Adjustment machine, check mold 4 首件 First Article 卡尺\\二次元 Caliper\\ projector comparator 2 结构 Structure 产品结构完整、正确 Complete & correct for the product structure 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 1 mold 每次开机starting up each time 首件检验记录表FAI Recording Table 调机、检查模具Adjustment machine, check mold 3 尺寸Size 24.5+/-0.2 6.0+/-0.2 5.6+/-0.1 1.2+/-0.1 卡尺 二次元Caliper\\ projector comparator 1 mold 每次开机starting up each time 首件检验记录表FAI Recording Table 调机、检查模具Adjustment machine, check mold
1 自检 Self-checking 外观Appearance 5 形状完好,无毛边,缺料,油污,缩水等缺陷. Shape in good condition, No burrs, starved feeding, Oil pollution, Shrinkage defects etc. 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 1 mold 1time/1h 生产记录表 The production recording table 隔离/进行调整/再检查Isolation/adjustment/re-check 2 结构Structure 产品结构完整、正确 Complete & correct for the product structure
1 外观Appearance 形状完好,无毛边,缺料,油污,缩水等缺陷. Shape in good condition, No burrs, starved feeding, Oil pollution, Shrinkage defects etc. 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 1 mold 2H 隔离/进行调整/再检查Isolation/adjustment/re-check 6 制程检验IPQC 卡尺\\二次元 2 结构Structure 产品结构完整、正确 Complete & correct for the product structure 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 1 mold 2H 巡检记录表 Inspection record 隔离/进行调整/再检查Isolation/adjustment/re-check 3 尺寸Size 24.5+/-0.2 6.0+/-0.2 5.6+/-0.1 1.2+/-0.1 卡尺、二次元Caliper\\ projector comparator 1 mold 2H 隔离/进行调整/再检查Isolation/adjustment/re-check 5 包装 Package 封口机capper, 电子称electronic scale 数量型号Number & Model 1 标签Label 包装规格Packing specification 手点 Number 100% 标签齐全 label complete 目测 Visual 每次包装时Every time when packing 包装记录表 Packing record table 作标记/重装 Mark/re-packing 1 外观Appearance 形状完好,无毛边,缺料,油污,缩水等缺陷. Shape in good condition, No burrs, starved feeding, Oil pollution, Shrinkage defects etc. 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 0.4/1.0 入库时When need to been putintostorage 入库时When need to been putintostorage 入库时When need to been putintostorage 每次发货时When deliver goods every time 每次发货时When deliver goods every time 工序检验记录 Process inspection records 隔离/全检/再检查 Isolation/ All inspection/re-check 6 入库检验 FQC 卡尺\\二次元Caliper\\ projector comparator 2 结构Structure 产品结构完整、正确 Complete & correct for the product structure 24.5+/-0.2 6.0+/-0.2 5.6+/-0.1 1.2+/-0.1 形状完好,无毛边,缺料,油污,缩水等缺陷. Shape in good condition, No burrs, starved feeding, Oil pollution, Shrinkage defects etc. 0/1.0 3 尺寸Size 卡尺 二次元 0/1.0 1 外观Appearance 7 出货检验 OQC 卡尺\\二次元Caliper\\ projector comparator 2 结构Structure 目测比对封样件 Compare the sample with visual 目测比对封产品结构完整、正确 样件 Complete & correct for the Compare the product structure sample with visual 0.4/1.0 0/1.0 出货检验报告 Shipment inspection report 隔离/全检/再检查 Isolation/ All inspection/re-check 3 尺寸Size 24.5+/-0.2 6.0+/-0.2 5.6+/-0.1 1.2+/-0.1 卡尺 二次元 0/1.0 每次发货时When deliver goods every time 1 包装质量 packing quality 包装箱不损坏 Packing is not damaged 目测Visual 每箱Each box 每次发货时When deliver goods every time 每次发货时When deliver goods every time 2 8 发货Delivery 运输质量Transportation quality 不丢失、不散落、不损坏、不淋湿Don't loss, not scattered, do not damage, do not get wet 目测Visual 每箱Each box 送货单Delivery note 3 发货时间delivery time 准时on time 对照月送货计划表Contrast month delivery schedule 每批Each Batch 每次发货时When deliver goods every time 反馈采购销售部/及时调整 Feedback to sales /purchasing adjust in a timely manner