Unit3-Grammar过去分词作状语导学案 下载本文

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1.I found this broken plate on the floor. 2.I saw a tall, dark and handsome man called Xiaoming . 3.So many thousands of terrified people died. 4.John Snow decided to help ordinary people exposed to cholera. 5. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 6. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

7.Awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, the scientist is still working hard. 8.Given time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player. 二. 用非谓语动词做状语改写下列状语从句。

1. When our future school is seen from the space, our future school looks like a plate.

2. As Lily classroom is surrounded by water, Lily classroom looks beautiful.

3. As she is surprised at the schoolbag, she turns her head back to find out what happens.

4. If I am given a time machine, I will pay a visit to the future.

5. As it was written in a hurry, this article was not so good. 答案:1. Seen from the space, our future school looks like a plate.

2. Surrounded by water, Lily classroom looks beautiful.

3. Surprised at the schoolbag, she turns her head back to find out what happens. 4. Given a time machine, I will pay a visit to the future. 5. Written in a hurry, this article was not so good.


1.过去分词作状语表示_____ 的和/或 ______ 的动作, 相当一个状语从句。 所以过去分词作状语和状语从句可以互相转换。

2.过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语为主句的主语,此时应注意主语人称______。实际上过去分词作状语,相当是状语从句的省略,省略的条件是主从句主语________或从句的主语是_____, 状语从句中的谓语又含有________, 这时省略从句的_______和__________.

答案:1. 被动;完成

2. 一致;一致;it;be;主语;be

三. 完成课本练习第21页,第2大题 四.注意


作状语时不强调被动,而注重在描述主语的___________. (答案:状态) 这样的过去分词及短语有:

lost 迷失的,迷路的, seated 坐着的, hidden 藏着的, satisfied with满意的, surprised at 吃惊的, worried about担心的, interested in感兴趣的, located in 坐落于,位于 disappointed at 失望的,


lost /absorbed in陷于/沉溺……., pleased with 对…….感到高兴/满意 dressed in穿着…, tired of 厌烦了……, faced with面对…….

1. ____________ ( disappoint) at the examination results, the girl stood there ,silent.

2. __________ ( dress) in a white dress, she is the most beautiful girl in the party.


_______ (see)from upside, it looks like a lily which is in full bloom(盛开)in the sea. _______ (see)from upside, you will find a lily which is in full bloom(盛开)in the sea. _______ (see)from the top of the tower, we can get a wonderful view of the city. _______ (see)from the top of the tower, our city looks very beautiful. 如果句子的主语和分词的逻辑主语是主动关系, 用 _______ , 如果句子的主语和分词的逻辑主语是被动关系,用_________。

答案:Seen; Seeing; Seeing; Seen; 现在分词; 过去分词

六.Having done 的结构(只能作状语),它所表示的动作发生在句子谓语动词的

动作之前。即它所表示的动作先于谓语动词的动作。 “being+过去分词” 表示一个正在被进行的动作。

“having been+过去分词” 表示过去分词既表被动关系,又说明过去分词的动作发生在句子谓语动词的动作之前,有明显的先后顺序。 eg. 1._____________ (ask) to give a speech, she couldn’t refuse.

2._________________ (tell) many times, he finally understood it. 3. _____________ (paint), the house looks like a mess. 4.__________ ( protect)by many guards, he felt safe. 由于有很多警卫保护,他觉得很安全. 答案:1.Being asked 2.Having been told 3.Being pained 4. Being protected

七.分词作状语记忆口诀 分词作状语,主语是问题。

逗号前后两动作,共用一主语。 主语找出后,再来判关系。 主动用-ing, 被动用-ed,

having done表先后,千万要牢记。 分词作定语,所修饰名词时问题 所修名词找出后,再来判断 主动用-ing,被动用-ed



用所给单词的正确形式填空 build frighten follow shoot see

1.__________by noises in the night, the girl no longer dared to sleep in her room. 2.The lady returned home, __________ by two policemen. The old man went upstairs, __________ (follow) a dog.

3._________in 1949, the bridge is over 50 years old.

4._________ from the hill, you will get a beautiful view of the city. 5. Although _________ in the leg, he continued firing at the police.

答案:1. Frightened 2. followed; following 3.Built 4. Seeing 5. shot


1.______ (see)from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. (陕西2010)

2. ______(bite) twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.(北京2009)

3.Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______ (compare) with his old one. (重庆2009)

4. (compare) with other boys, Tom is luckier.

5._____ _ (drive)by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. (2007 浙江卷)

6. The trees (blow down) in the storm have been moved off the road. (2008湖南卷)

7.To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English ___________(speak) as much as we can. (2008江苏卷)

8. (lose)in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound.

答案:1.Seen 2.Bitten 3.compared 4.Comparing

5.Driven 6.blown down 7.spoken 8.Lost 九.复习练习

1. In AD 3008 Li Qiang finds his hometown greatly __________ (change). Li Qiang was____________(surprise).

The ________ (surprise) boy was very happy.

The boy________________(surprise) the hovering carriages was very happy. 2.The man has the water ________ (deliver) by the computer. The water is___________.

The water_________by the computer is very clean.

3. With the dining room _______ (build) in the sea, the girl and her mother are having a meal.

答案:1.changed;surprised; surprised; surprised at

2. delivered; delivered; delivered; 3.built 过去分词作定语 表语 宾补的用法

单个过去分词作定语,常放在被修饰词的______; 过去分词短语作定语,常放在被修饰词的______。