新河中学2018-2019学年第一学期八年级英语第三次月考试卷 下载本文

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C .It is in the supermarket.

( )9.A.He was ill in bed. B.He had a fight with his best friend. C.He was late for class.

( )10.A.At home. .B.In a restaurant. C. In a library. Ⅲ、听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍 ( )11.What is Maria worried about?

A. How to pass the exam. B.How to learn English well C. How to tell her parents the results. ( )12.Who will help Maria with her study?


听力 题 号 得 分 评卷人 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ V VI. VII Ⅷ 总分 复核人 A.David B. Maria’s teacher C. Maria’s parents. ( )13. Why does Li Min look unhappy?

A Because her mother is ill. B. Because she didn’t pass the exam.

C.Because she argued with her friend. ( )14.Where was Zhao Na yesterday.

A in the cinema. B in the hospital C in the library. ( )15.What is LiMin going to do?

A .To give Zhao Na a surprise. B .To call Zhao Na up. C To write Zhao Na a letter Ⅳ、听材料,根据所听内容完成表格。材料读两遍。

A letter to Mike What Mike? Mike’s feeling about the He feels very__________________(17) exam Who can Mike ask for _________________(18) some advice What should Mike do? He should_______________(19)his best friend and try to talk with her. How will Mike feel if he He will feel__________________(20) happened to He didn’t pass the exam and_____his friend. Ⅰ、听句子,根据所听内容选择合适的应答语。句子读两遍

( )1.A.I’m going to the park. B.I didn’t get enough sleep last night.

C. I will hang out with my friend.

( )2. A That’s kind of you B .Take it easy.I’ll help you

C. .Not at all.

( )3 A.It’s very tall. B. You’re beautiful C .That’s a good idea ( )4.A.You also need some rest. B.You’re smart. C.They are too stupid. ( )5 A.It’s time to do homework. .B..I don’t think so. C. You should have a talk with him.

Ⅱ、听对话和问题,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。句子读两遍 ( )6.A.To have a good rest. B.To eat some fruit. C.To take a holiday ( )7. A. To have a talk with his parents. B .To do more housework.

C. To hang out with his friend.

( )8 A.It is next to the supermarket. B. It is across from the supermarket.

follows Grace’s advice? 笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共25分) ( )21.Last Sunday we didn't go out __________ the rain. A.because B.because of C.in front of D.before ( )22.I want to watch the sports news.Please the TV. A.turn on B turn off C.turn down D.turn up ( )23.The problem is very difficult,but we worked it out . A.last B.end C.final D.finally ( )24.Mike decided_______ the museum this Sunday. A.visit B.visits C.visiting D.to visit ( )25.It is winter now and the weather is getting . A.higher and higher B.lower and lower C.hotter and hotter D.colder and colder ( )26.﹣My New Year's resolution is to study computer science.﹣__________ A.Sounds good! B.What about you? C.I'm sorry to hear that. D.Sure,I'd love to. ( )27.Please peel the bananas and . A.cut up it . B.cut them up C.cut it up D cut up them . ( )28.There ______ a parents' meeting sometime next week. A.is going to have B.is going to has C.is going to be D.are going to be ( )29.I _______my pen everywhere in the classroom,but I couldn't find it. A.looked like B.looked at C.looked after D.looked for ( )30.I don't like summer because there is____ rain. A.much too B.too many C.too much D.many too

( )31.My father often tells funny stories to make us .

A.laughing B.to laugh C.laugh


( )32.I went to school____ it rained heavily.

A.but B.although C.if D.because

( )33.Do you enjoy___ in China? A.live B.to live C.living


( )34.﹣______ does your father do morning exercises? ﹣Hardly ever.

A.How B.How often C.When

D.What time

( )35._____is important for us _______sports every day. A.It; do B.That;to do C.This;to do D.It;to do.

( )36.﹣_____________?﹣I have a sore back.

A.What's the wrong B.What's matter

C.What's trouble D.What's wrong

( )37.Mr.Green ______for America the day after tomorrow.

A.left B.leaves C.is leaving D.is going to leaving

( )38.I'm hungry.Would you please give me ______to eat?

A.delicious something B.something delicious C.anything delicious D.nothing delicious

( )39.It _____ my daughter half an hour _______ her homework last night.A.takes,to finish B.took,finish C.took,to finish D.took,finished

( )40.﹣Would you like to play football with us?﹣.____________.

A.Yes,I can. B.Yes,please.C.Yes,I'd like to. D.Yes,I'd like

( )41.Her dress is _________than ________.

A. more beautiful,mine B. more beautiful,my

C. the most beautiful,I D. beautiful,me ( )42.It's ______ colder today than it was yesterday.





( )43.﹣Let's make a banana milk shake.﹣﹣﹣_________________.

A.That's a good idea. B.You're welcome C.Thank you.

D.No,we don't.

( )44.The earth is our home.We should play a part in the earth.

A.save B.to save C.saved


( )45.There are on the table.

A.two cups of yogurt B.Two cup of yogurt C.a cup of yogurt

Ⅱ. 用所给词的正确形式填空, 每空不限词数. (10分)

46. Keep on (Practice) and you can speak English well.

47. She is good at (write)stories。 48.What is the (mean) of this word?

49. Which chair is ____ _________(comfortable), the first, the second or the third? 50.My father __________(not go) to that factory next week. 51.Emma __________(be) fourteen years old next month. 52.We ________(have) a more beautiful world in the future.

53. The old ___________told us how to learn_______ well. (science) 54.At the (begin) of the class,we sing an English song. 55. He spent a whole day__________ (build) the house.

Ⅲ. 改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词(10分)

56. She will go climbing with me next week.(否定句) She _____ _____ go climbing with me next week

57.Mr. Green will visit the museum in two weeks.(划线提问) _______ ______ ______ Mr Green visit the museum.

58.He hopes that he will be an astronaut in the future.(同义句) He hopes _______ _______ an astronaut in the future.

59.There are few cats under the tree,__________ _________?(反意疑问句)

60. He was so sad that he couldn’t say a word. (同义句) He was ______ sad______ say a word.


fly to, turn off, fall down, in the future, look for , 61.Lily _______ and hurt herself.

62Mr, Wang always believes he will be a very good writer ________. 63When you leave the room, please the light. 64.One way I hope I can ______________the moon.

65.I help Lily ________her pen. But we can’t find it anywhere. V、完形填空(10分)

What must you (66) when you receive a present for your birthday?You have to sit down and write a thank﹣you letter.The words\you\very important.We have to use them often.We (67) when someone gives us a drink,helps us to pick up things,hands us a letter,lends us a book,gives us a book or a present.

(68) important word is\.Many people forget (69) it.It is not polite to ask someone to do something (70) saying\.We have to use it when we (71) something,too.It may be a book or a pencil,more rice or more tea.It may be used in the classroom,at home,at the bus stop or in a shop.We have to use\ other (72) .

We have to (73) to say\.When we have hurt someone,we go up and say we are(74) .When we have told lie (说谎 ) and feel sorry,we use (75) word.When we have forgotten something or broken something,we use the word\,too.\wrongs.