财务会计方向毕业论文:伊泰集团财务分析 下载本文

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题 目:伊泰集团财务分析 学生姓名:

学 院:**学院 专 业:财务管理 第一专业:******** 班 级:**级财管双学位 指导教师:********



摘 要

伊泰集团是内蒙古地区乃至全国的一个大型煤炭企业。经过短短25年的发展,员工总数达到20000多人,资产700多亿元,成为是煤炭行业的领先者。目前已成功的在上海和香港两地上市,成为国内少数的几个煤炭上市企业。对伊泰集团进行财务分析,不仅能了解这个企业的发展状况,我们也能对这个行业的现状有更深刻的认识。 公司财务报表是关于公司经营活动的原始资料的重要来源。尤其是作为上市公司,必须遵守财务公开的原则,定期公开自己的财务状况,提供有关财务资料,便于投资者查询.我们通过财务报表分析,才可以准确理解财务报表数据本身的含义,使我们获得对企业财务状况、经营成果和现金流量的准确认识,为进一步分析奠定基础。通过分析比较了解了该企业偿债能力、营运能力、盈利能力、发展能力等方面的财务指标及其近年来的发展趋势,这些分析的结果都可以从不同的角度给公司的决策者提供参考。




Is for the area of Inner Mongolia yitai group a large coal enterprises. After 25 years of development, more than a total of 20000 employees, assets of more than 700 one hundred million yuan, is to be the leader of the coal industry. At present has been successfully listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong, become a handful of domestic coal listed companies. Financial analysis was carried out on the yitai group, not only to understand the development of the enterprise, we can also to a deep understanding of the current situation of the industry.

The company's financial statements is an important source of raw material about the company's business activities. Especially as a listed company, must abide by the principle of public finance, public finances on a regular basis, provide relevant financial information, investors can query. We use financial statement analysis, can accurately understand the meaning of financial statement data itself, we get to the enterprise financial position, operating results and cash flow of accurate understanding, laying the groundwork for further analysis. Through the comparative analysis to understand the enterprise debt paying ability, operation ability, profit ability and development ability of financial indicators and the trend of development in recent years, these analysis results are available from different Angle to the company's decision makers to provide the reference.

Keywords:Yitai group; Financial analysis; Development;