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Unit 5 Food and Health

Clip one Ordering Food Culture Tips

1. In the western hemisphere cookery has evolved largely according to the ethnic background of the settlers, as modified by their immediate requirements and the available produce in the regions they settled. Thus, in Canada, native foodstuffs have been adapted to a need, in a harsh climate, for high caloric intake and are cooked according to French and English tastes. In the United States food has been and still is cooked according to the styles of successive waves of immigrants ---with English, German, Dutch, Creole, and African influences predominating until recently. In Latin American, cookery has been influenced, in varying degrees, by the methods of Spain, Portugal, and Africa.

2. In Britain and the US, many bars and restaurants offer dishes from all over the world. However, if you especially like French, Italian, Lebanese, Indian or Chinese food, you can choose restaurants which specialize in this kind of cooking. There are Chinese restaurants in most big cities in the West.

3. Most meals have two or three courses: a starter, a main course and a dessert. The dessert is usually something sweet. 4. Full English Breakfast

Cereal Bacon, eggs, tomato, mushroom and sausage Toast with jam, marmalade Tea, coffee

5. Continental Breakfast Orange Juice Fruit

Toast, rolls or croissants with jam Tea, coffee

New Words & Expressions spicy a, (食物)辛辣的 raw a, 未煮过的 recommend v, 推荐 curry n, 咖喱 spice n, 香料,调味品 moussaka n, 莫萨卡(由碎肉,茄子和奶酪做成的希腊菜肴) strudel n, 果馅卷 pastry n, 油酥点心 brownie n,(小方块)巧克力蛋糕 selection, n, 供挑选的东西 starter n, (一餐的)第一道菜 minestrone n, 意大利浓菜汤 pasta n, 意大利面食 prawn n, 对虾 chill con carne n, 辣味肉末 dessert n, 甜点 bake v, 烘,烤焙 vanilla n,香草制的,香草味的 oven n, 烤箱,烤炉 garlic n, 蒜 文案大全


Warm up yourself

What’s your favorite food?

Can you cook? If yes, what kind of food can you cook? if no, do you want to learn? Why or why not?

Do you know what the best-liked Chinese cuisine? Can you name some of the representative dishes? Exercises

Look at the Menu. Which dishes do you recognize? Which ones would you like to try? SPECIALS


Main courses MOUSSAKA



Watch conversation 1 and check(√) the dishes on the menu that Janet asks about. 3 Work in pairs and complete the table. Janet Kate Mark 1 What do they chicken curry choose as a main course? 2 What is it made with? 3 Where is it from? 4 How is it cooked?/What’s it like? beef and beans baked in the oven 4 Work in pairs and talk about what Jane, Kate and Mark are going to eat next.

5 Watch Conversation 2 and answer the questions, Using the following words and expressions.

apple strudel flour pastry fruit salad eggs chocolate butter What does Kate suggest for a dessert?



What does Janet not like?

How is a chocolate brownie made? What does Kate choose for a dessert?

6 Compound dictation

Janet: That was great! Except I don’t like cold water. I usually drink hot water. Kate: Hot water? We never drink hot water except with tea. Let’s have a dessert. 1) _________, Janet?

Janet: Any suggestions?

Kate: well, 2)__________the apple strudel? It’s an Austrian dish. It’s made with apple, pastry and spices.

Janet: No,3)___________pastry…What’s a chocolate brownie? Mark: It’s a kind of chocolate cake. Janet: How is it made?

Kate: 4)____________flour, eggs and butter… Mark: And lots of chocolate! Kate: You ‘ll love it.

Janet: What kind of ice cream is there?

Kate: I’ll ask…Excuse me…5)________ice cream do you have? Waitress: Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Janet: I’ll just have a fruit salad, I think. Mark: And Kate,6)________________? Kate: Same for me.

Mark: Could you bring us two fruit salad, and a chocolate brownie? Waitress: sure.

Oral Practice 1 Everyday English Cool.

That sounds good.

I’m not so keen on pastry. Same for me

2 Talking about food

3 Saying what food you like or dislike 4 Asking about or ordering food.

Clip two Vegetarian Warm up yourself

1.Are you vegetarian or do you have friends who are? 2.Why do people become vegetarian?

New Words & Expressions vegetarian n, 素食(主义)者 文案大全

chef n, 厨师