内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/13 16:03:31星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
1. : a phone you can use in your car and which you don't need to hold in your hands Correct answer hands-free phone
2. : beer which doesn't contain any alcohol Correct answer alcohol-free beer
3. : sweetener you can add to drinks like coffee or tea and which doesn't contain sugar Correct answer
sugar-free sweetener
4. : an area in a town where traffic is not allowed Correct answer traffic-free area
5. : petrol which does not have any lead in it Correct answer lead-free petrol
Rewrite the sentences using used to do or used to doing. Follow the examples.
Students were different in the past.
Students aren't what they used to be.
Many students have lost the habit of reading books.
Many students are not used to reading books anymore.
1. Once people thought time travel was impossible. Suggested answer:
People used to think time travel was impossible.
2. Today some of us are beginning to accept the idea. Suggested answer:
Today some of us are getting used to accepting the idea.
3. In the old days people believed everything they saw at the cinema. Suggested answer:
People used to believe everything they saw at the cinema.
4. Some students are not in the habit of thinking critically. Suggested answer:
Some students are not used to thinking critically.
5. In the past people thought exploring outer space impossible. Suggested answer:
People used to think exploring outer space impossible.
6. Some people are not in the habit of keeping up with the latest fashion. Suggested answer:
Some people are not used to keeping up with the latest fashion.
Rewrite the sentences using what. Follow the example.
This effect of warping spacetime gives rise to gravity.
This effect of warping spacetime is what gives rise to gravity.
1. Four dimensions are difficult to imagine. Suggested answer:
Four dimensions are what is difficult to imagine.
2. We know we can travel forwards, backwards and sideways in space. Suggested answer:
That we can travel forwards, backwards and sideways in space is what we know.
3. Any object with a smaller mass appears attracted to the sun. Suggested answer:
Any object with a smaller mass is what appears attracted to the Sun.
4. They rely on the new technology to increase their output. Suggested answer:
The new technology is what they reply on to increase their output.
5. Time, space, matter and energy no longer have well-defined meaning. Suggested answer:
Time, space, matter and energy are what no longer have well-defined meaning.
6. We call them traditional virtues, which still have great significance today. Suggested answer:
They are what we call traditional virtues, which still have great significance today.
7. Scientists of the future may well pursue a new form of futuristic technology based on quantum effects. Suggested answer:
A new form of futuristic technology based on quantum effects is what scientists of the future may well pursue.
Translate the sentences into Chinese.
1. But unfortunately, once inside the box, it explodes, and Kugelmass finds himself not back in the world of literature, but in an old textbook, Remedial Spanish, being chased by an irregular verb. It's a surreal story, one among many in novels since H.G. Wells wrote The Time Machine in 1895. Suggested answer:
2. Because the universe is filled with heavy objects exerting gravitational pull, spacetime is not flat but an irregular series of curves. We know this because astronomers can see stars which should be invisible because they're blocked by closer obstructions. Instead of travelling in a straight line, the light from these stars bends round anything which gets in the way.
Suggested answer:
3. Supposing it hurled a hundred million tons of rock and debris into space. This explosion would require a bomb far greater than any that has ever exploded. But a few basic sums would show that such a blast, as well as killing every single inhabitant of the earth, would only shift the earth about a quarter of an inch out of its orbit. Suggested answer:
4. As the spaceship revolves round the sun, it gathers so much speed that it moves backwards into history. But this is nonsense, not relativity. As Jones puts it, \said that nothing travels at more than the speed of light, not that the clocks will run the other way if you go fast enough.\Suggested answer:
Translate the sentences into English.
1. 他说得对。那座建筑物倒塌的样子表明承包商偷工减料,工人违规操作。但我们需要展开调查,以便获取具体的、确凿的证据。(be right about; suggest; carry out) Suggested answer:
He was right about that. The way the building fell suggests that the contractor had cut corners and the workers had not followed regular procedures. But we need to carry out an investigation to gain specific, hard evidence against them.
2. 尽管这个村子离城不远,村民们要想进城也得翻山越岭走约四小时的山路。最后他们决定挖一条隧道,打通挡路的那座山。(right through; block) Suggested answer:
Despite the short distance between the village and the town, it took the villagers about four hours to go over the mountains to reach the town. Finally they decided to make a tunnel that goes right through the mountain that blocked their way.
3. 天气非常冷,他们只得围着炉子取暖。他们遭遇了暴风雪。暴风雪不仅冻死了许多野生动物和家畜,也切断了他们的粮食供应。(soak up; fall victim to; as well as) Suggested answer:
So cold was the weather that they gathered around the stove to soak up warmth. They had fallen victims to the snow storm which, as well as killing many wild animals and livestock, had cut off their food supplies.
4. 这纯粹是谎言。我知道他心里在想什么。他是要把失败的责任推到这些年来为了这个项目日夜辛劳的那些人身上,自己却逃避失败的罪责。(nothing but; lay the finger of blame on)
Suggested answer:
This is nothing but a lie. I know what he has in mind. He is trying to lay the finger of blame on those who have for all these years worked day and night for the project and escape his own responsibility for the failure.
“1944年6月13日。 又一个生日过去了,我现在15岁了。 我收到了不少礼物:一本艺术史、一套内衣、两根腰带、一幅手帕、两罐酸奶、一罐果酱和两小块蜂蜜饼干……彼得和我在藏身所里待了两年了——我们经常谈论将来、过去和现在,可是……我想念外面真实的世界,而且我知道它存在。”
弗兰克一家实际上是难民,是从德国移民到荷兰的犹太人,定居在阿姆斯特丹以逃避纳粹的迫害。 但是在1940年5月,当德国军队入侵并占领了荷兰之后,对荷兰犹太人的迫害也很快就开始了。