[专升本类试卷]专升本英语(词汇与语法)模拟试卷94.doc 下载本文

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一、Part I Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

1 It' s high time that we______to bed; we have an examination tomorrow early in the morning. (A)go


(C)will go

(D)have gone

2 Jim always backs______his friends in a debate. (A)up

(B)away (C)out


3 My gloves are______. I must buy a new pair.

(A)worn out

(B)broken through


(C)at hand

(D)out of order

4 Old Wang' s apple trees will start to______fruit this year.





5 As films are______to light, they can only be processed in darkness.





6 \visitor to the boy.

(A)more or less

(B)may just as well

(C)sort of


(D)may just as soon

7 To postpone______the debt will ruin our business reputation.


(B)to pay



8 The milk smells______ sour.

(A)as if it is

(B)like it is

(C)as if it was

(D)like it was

9 After April 30, we will have no choice but______your credit.



(C)will cancel

(D)to cancel

10 ______salary, I do not know what to say. Would $4,500 a month be too much?
