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徐 岩,等 基于离散傅里叶变换的频谱分析新方法 - 43 - 参考文献 [1] 吴杰康,龙军,王辑祥. 基于数字微分算法的系统频 率快速准确测量[J]. 电工技术学报,2004,19(4) : 93-97. WU Jie-kang, LONG Jun, WANG Ji-xiang. An algorithm for power system frequency measurement based on numerical differentiation[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2004,19(4) :93-97. 姜惠兰,单大鹏,徐建强. 考虑频率变化暂态过程的 自适应测频算法的研究[J]. 继电器,2001,29(2) : 20-22. JIANG Hui-lan,SHAN Da-peng,XU Jian-qiang. Study on self-adaptive frequency measurement algorithm considering frequency transient change process[J]. Relay,2001,29(2) :20-22. 杜永忠, 牛金才. 一种基于 CROSS 原始算法的频率测 量法[J]. 电气传动自动化,2001,23(3) :34-35. DU Yong-zhong,NIU Jin-cai. A method of frequency measurement based on CROSS algorithm[J]. Electrical Drive Automation,2001,23(3) :34-35. 朱曼捷,张君,秦虹,等. 一种基于实时数据误差补 偿的傅立叶频算法[J]. 电力系统保护与控制,2009, :44-48. 37(22) ZHU Man-jie , ZHANG Jun , QIN Hong , et al. An improved fourier frequency measurement algorithm based on error compensation by real-time data
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