2015专业技术人员创新能力的提升试题答案 下载本文

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sound and fast economic and social development in China, the party's 17 generals, the scientific Outlook on development into the party Constitution. 5 years, the scientific Outlook on development has been a practice, learn, practice and understanding of processes, theory evolves, emerging practice effectiveness. Put the scientific Outlook on development in the party's guiding ideology, are 18 of the party's major decision to proclaim to the world the Communist Party people's firm determination to take the road of scientific development is bound to the scientific development thought and action into the whole party up, follow-up to the scientific Outlook on development of China's socialist modernization process and reflect all aspects of party building have a major and far-reaching impact. New Constitution master part seventh natural paragraph full has party of 16 big yilai party of theory innovaon especially science development views of positioning of content, expressed for: 16 big yilai, to Hu Jintao comrade for main representative of CPC people, insisted to Deng Xiao-ping's theory and three a representative important thought for guide, according to new of development requirements, deep awareness and answered has new situation Xia achieved what of development, and howdevelopment, major problem, formed has people, and full coordination sustainable development of science development views. The scientific Outlook on development, is with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of the three represents not only one continuous line and keeping pace with scientific theories, is the Marxist development Outlook and Law reflects the latest achievement of Marxism in China, and is a crystallization of collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China, is the guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics and must follow. This profoundly expounded the scientific development view background and scientific connotation, spiritual essence and the basic requirements for implementing the scientific concept of development. According to the new requirements of the development of, and clarify the background of scientific concept of development, the new requirements of the development stages of China's development in the new century new demands on development. The \-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development\c connotation of scientific development. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, pragmatic, is the most distinctive essence of scientific Outlook on development. The whole party must more consciously to promote economic and social development as the first meaning of thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development, thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development-oriented as the core, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable as a basic requirement of thoroughly implementthe scientific Outlook on development, integrated as the fundamental way to thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development一、单选题(单选题) 共 20 题 红色为答案 1、创新,始于意识与思想观念,成于智慧与知识技能。身处快速发展的时代,专业技术人员始终处于激烈竞争的前沿。而决定竞争成败的关键,是专业技术人员的( )。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、创新能力 B、思维能力 C、实践能力 2、在全面深化改革的进程中,各类专业技术人员要敢于超越( )和习惯。习惯、经验所形成的定式,会对专业技术人员进行开创性的工作带来巨大的阻碍。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、权威 B、书本 C、经验 3、在人类的整个文明史中,创新扮演着重要的角色。人类的每一次进步都是一个创新的过程,可以说,创新是推动人类社会发展的( )。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、强大动力 B、强大工具 C、强力支撑 4、解放思想就是打破已有的条条框框,冲破各种旧思想、旧观念的束缚,与时俱进,适应变化的形势。解放思想、实事求是是我们党的( ),也是我们进行创新的前提和条件。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、政治路线 B、思想路线 C、干部路线 5、只要有( )的人就有产生创新思维的可能性。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、思维能力 B、分析能力 C、判断能力 6、创新在汉语中的基本词义是创造、革新,抛开旧的,打造新的。我国早在古代典籍( )中,就曾提出“革故鼎新”的创新范畴,其中“革”指除故,“鼎”指取新。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、《论语》 B、《老子》 C、《周易》 enrich and perfect the new Constitution new Constitution master the most important achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics the opening sentence of the eighth paragraph as follows: since reform and opening up the root cause of all the achievements and progress we have achived, it all boils down to is: open up the Socialist road with Chinese characteristics, forming a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, establishes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. While stressing that all party members to cherish, long-term insist and continue to develop this way, this system, this system. Among them, \blishes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics\on added content. The Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, is the fundamental political system of the people's Congress system, the CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation system, the autonomy system and grass-root level, such as the basipolitical system, a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, public ownership is dominant and diverse forms of ownership develop the basic economic system, and the establishment of these systems on the basis of the economic system, political system, culture, social system and other systems. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics system, the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics is socialism with Chinese characteristics of three interrelated parts. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the way system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a guide to action, is the fundamental guarantee of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, which United in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party leading the people in building socialism the most distinctive characteristics of long practice. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory ofbuilding socialism with Chinese characteristics system, the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics as a whole complete representation in the party Constitution, and for the whole party to deepen the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively grasp the scientific connotation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to further enhance the system of road theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, determined to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is of great significance. (C) to enrich the content of reform and opening up and the new Constitution reform ... (Four) new Constitution full has China features Socialist general layout of content new Constitution according to party of 17 big yilai advance China features Socialist career of new practice new awareness, on master in the related part for has full and adjustment, on economic construction, and political construction, and culture construction, and social construction 4 a natural paragraph full has content, and increased wrotesound and fast economic and social development in China, the party's 17 generals, the scientific Outlook on development into the party Constitution. 5 years, the scientific Outlook on development has been a practice, learn, practice and understanding of processes, theory evolves, emerging practice effectiveness. Put the scientific Outlook on development in the party's guiding ideology, are 18 of the party's major decision to proclaim to the world the Communist Party people's firm determination to take the road of scientific development is bound to the scientific development thought and action into the whole party up, follow-up to the scientific Outlook on development of China's socialist modernization process and reflect all aspects of party building have a major and far-reaching impact. New Constitution master part seventh natural paragraph full has party of 16 big yilai party of theory innovaon especially science development views of positioning of content, expressed for: 16 big yilai, to Hu Jintao comrade for main representative of CPC people, insisted to Deng Xiao-ping's theory and three a representative important thought for guide, according to new of development requirements, deep awareness and answered has new situation Xia achieved what of development, and howdevelopment, major problem, formed has people, and full coordination sustainable development of science development views. The scientific Outlook on development, is with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of the three represents not only one continuous line and keeping pace with scientific theories, is the Marxist development Outlook and Law reflects the latest achievement of Marxism in China, and is a crystallization of collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China, is the guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics and must follow. This profoundly expounded the scientific developmnt view background and scientific connotation, spiritual essence and the basic requirements for implementing the scientific concept of development. According to the new requirements of the development of, and clarify the background of scientific concept of development, the new requirements of the development stages of China's development in the new century new demands on development. The \-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development\c connotation of scientific development. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, pragmatic, is the most distinctive essence of scientific Outlook on development. The whole party must more consciously to promote economic and social development as the first meaning of thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development, thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development-oriented as the core, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable as a basic requirement of thoroughly implementthe scientific Outlook on development, integrated as the fundamental way to thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development7、对创新活动的基本要求,就是必须努力做到一切( ),主观符合客观,这不仅是对创新实践的起码要求,也是创新能否取得成功的关键之所在。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、从意愿出来 B、从实际出发 C、从思维出发 8、要创新,就必须要有脚踏实地的实干精神和( )。创新不是想入非非,更不是“闭门造车”。要坚持艰苦奋斗的工作作风,走从实践中来、到实践中去的创新思路。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、奉献精神 B、实干作风 C、敬业精神 9、当前,我国改革已处于深水区和攻坚阶段,与以往相比,改革的( )、复杂性和艰巨性前所未有。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、深刻性 B、原始性 C、广泛性 10、人的创新意识并非与生俱来,而是在学习和工作过程中逐步建立并逐步发展的。它可以通过( )加以激发,也可以通过培养和锻炼加以巩固。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、学习和实践 B、学习与思考 C、勤奋实践 11、任何创新活动,其主观意识的内容都来自创新者对客观世界的认识,因为任何正确的思想、观念和科学的理论来自( ),而不是从天上掉下来的或人脑里固有的。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、外部世界 B、主观世界 C、客观世界 12、我国现在既处于发展的重要战略机遇期,同时也处于经济社会矛盾的凸显期。抓住机遇、化解矛盾、实现目标,关键的一招就是要进一步( )。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、统筹兼顾 B、深化改革 C、发展农业 enrich and perfect the new Constitution new Constitution master the most important achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics the opening sentence of the eighth paragraph as follows: since reform and opening up the root cause of all the achievements and progress we have achived, it all boils down to is: open up the Socialist road with Chinese characteristics, forming a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, establishes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. While stressing that all party members to cherish, long-term insist and continue to develop this way, this system, this system. Among them, \blishes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics\on added content. The Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, is the fundamental political system of the people's Congress system, the CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation system, the autonomy system and grass-root level, such as the basipolitical system, a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, public ownership is dominant and diverse forms of ownership develop the basic economic system, and the establishment of these systems on the basis of the economic system, political system, culture, social system and other systems. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics system, the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics is socialism with Chinese characteristics of three interrelated parts. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the way system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a guide to action, is the fundamental guarantee of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, which United in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party leading the people in building socialism the most distinctive characteristics of long practice. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory ofbuilding socialism with Chinese characteristics system, the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics as a whole complete representation in the party Constitution, and for the whole party to deepen the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively grasp the scientific connotation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to further enhance the system of road theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, determined to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is of great significance. (C) to enrich the content of reform and opening up and the new Constitution reform ... (Four) new Constitution full has China features Socialist general layout of content new Constitution according to party of 17 big yilai advance China features Socialist career of new practice new awareness, on master in the related part for has full and adjustment, on economic construction, and political construction, and culture construction, and social construction 4 a natural paragraph full has content, and increased wrotesound and fast economic and social development in China, the party's 17 generals, the scientific Outlook on development into the party Constitution. 5 years, the scientific Outlook on development has been a practice, learn, practice and understanding of processes, theory evolves, emerging practice effectiveness. Put the scientific Outlook on development in the party's guiding ideology, are 18 of the party's major decision to proclaim to the world the Communist Party people's firm determination to take the road of scientific development is bound to the scientific development thought and action into the whole party up, follow-up to the scientific Outlook on development of China's socialist modernization process and reflect all aspects of party building have a major and far-reaching impact. New Constitution master part seventh natural paragraph full has party of 16 big yilai party of theory innovaon especially science development views of positioning of content, expressed for: 16 big yilai, to Hu Jintao comrade for main representative of CPC people, insisted to Deng Xiao-ping's theory and three a representative important thought for guide, according to new of development requirements, deep awareness and answered has new situation Xia achieved what of development, and howdevelopment, major problem, formed has people, and full coordination sustainable development of science development views. The scientific Outlook on development, is with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of the three represents not only one continuous line and keeping pace with scientific theories, is the Marxist development Outlook and Law reflects the latest achievement of Marxism in China, and is a crystallization of collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China, is the guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics and must follow. This profoundly expounded the scientific development view background and scientific connotation, spiritual essence and the basic requirements for implementing the scientific concept of development. According to the new requirements of the development of, and clarify the background of scientific concept of development, the new requirements of the development stages of China's development in the new century new demands on development. The \-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development\c connotation of scientific development. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, pragmatic, is the most distinctive essence of scientific Outlook on development. The whole party must more consciously to promote economic and social development as the first meaning of thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development, thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development-oriented as the core, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable as a basic requirement of thoroughly implementthe scientific Outlook on development, integrated as the fundamental way to thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development13、创新意识是人类意识活动中一种最积极的、富有成果性的意识形态,是人们从事创造活动的( ),是创新思维和创造能力的前提。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、引领者 B、驱动力 C、出发点 14、改革开放的历史进程证明:创新是实现中国特色社会主义跨越式发展的( ),是振兴中华的重要途径。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、捷径 B、桥梁 C、必由之路 15、思维是一种复杂的心理现象。人的思维一旦沿着一定方向,按照一定次序思考,久而久之,就形成一种惯性,即( )。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、行为惯性 B、思维惯性 C、工作惯性 16、要创新,就必须借助创新思维。( )是在一定知识、经验和智力的基础上,灵活运用各种思维方法,创造新的思维成果的思维活动。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、创新思维 B、逻辑思维 C、辩证思维 17、在创新思维活动中,顽强的意志是激发创新思维的重要因素,是维持创造性活动的“精神能源”,是任何有志于创新的人尤其是科学工作者所必须具备的( )。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、身体素质 B、思想素质 C、心理素质 18、创新思维的内涵,可以作狭义与( )两种不同的解释。(本题分数:3 分)存疑 A、原义 B、广义 C、新意 enrich and perfect the new Constitution new Constitution master the most important achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics the opening sentence of the eighth paragraph as follows: since reform and opening up the root cause of all the achievements and progress we have achived, it all boils down to is: open up the Socialist road with Chinese characteristics, forming a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, establishes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. While stressing that all party members to cherish, long-term insist and continue to develop this way, this system, this system. Among them, \blishes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics\on added content. The Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, is the fundamental political system of the people's Congress system, the CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation system, the autonomy system and grass-root level, such as the basipolitical system, a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, public ownership is dominant and diverse forms of ownership develop the basic economic system, and the establishment of these systems on the basis of the economic system, political system, culture, social system and other systems. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics system, the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics is socialism with Chinese characteristics of three interrelated parts. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the way system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a guide to action, is the fundamental guarantee of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, which United in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party leading the people in building socialism the most distinctive characteristics of long practice. Road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory ofbuilding socialism with Chinese characteristics system, the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics as a whole complete representation in the party Constitution, and for the whole party to deepen the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively grasp the scientific connotation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to further enhance the system of road theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, determined to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is of great significance. (C) to enrich the content of reform and opening up and the new Constitution reform ... (Four) new Constitution full has China features Socialist general layout of content new Constitution according to party of 17 big yilai advance China features Socialist career of new practice new awareness, on master in the related part for has full and adjustment, on economic construction, and political construction, and culture construction, and social construction 4 a natural paragraph full has content, and increased wrote