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全新版大学英语综合教程1课文对照翻译 BY12020212

Jennifer, her father and Duchess were pulled from their island and taken to safety. No trace of their cabin was ever found.


Unit 8 Coping With and Educational Problem Part Text A Fable of the lazy Teenager Ⅱ

Benjamin Stein weaves a tale to bring home to young Americans the need to change the way they think about education. Read it and see whether you think it holds any lessons for us as well. 本杰明·斯坦编了一个故事,以使美国青年彻底认识他们必须改变对教育的态度。读一读这个故事,看看你是否认为它对我们大家同样也有教育意义。

Fable of the Lazy Teenager

Benjamin Stein


One day last fall, I ran out offilefolders and went to the drugstore to buy more. I put a handful of folders on the counter and asked a teenage salesgirl how much they cost. \know,\



去年一个秋日,我文件夹用完了,便去杂货店买。我拿了一大把文件夹搁在柜台上,问一个十几岁的售货员多少钱。“不知道,”她回答说,“反正单价12美分。” 2

I counted the folders. \tax,\

我数了数文件夹。“二十三个,单价12美分,总共2.76美金,不含税,”我说。 3

\in amazement. \

“你心算的?”她惊奇地问道,“你怎么会算出来的?” 4


“靠魔力,” 我说。 5


“真的?” 她问。

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全新版大学英语综合教程1课文对照翻译 BY12020212 6

No modestly educated adult can fail to be upset by such an experience. While our children seem better-natured than ever, they are so ignorant ─ and so ignorant of their ignorance─ that they frighten me. In a class of 60 seniors at a private college where I recently taught, not one student could write a short paper without misspellings. Not one.

略受教育的成年人没有谁不会为这样的经历难过。虽然我们的孩子似乎比以往任何时候都要温厚和气,他们却如此无知 —— 对自己的无知状况也如此无知 —— 以至使我感到可怕。在我最近任教的一所私立大学,一个六十人的四年级班上,没有一个学生写短文时不犯拼写错误。没有一个学生例外。 7

But this is just a tiny slice of the problem. The ability to perform even the simplest calculations is only a memory among many students I see, and their knowledge of world history or geography is nonexistent.

但这只是问题的一小部分。在我所见过的许多学生中,再也没有过去学生都有的哪怕是进行最简单的计算的能力,他们对世界历史和地理都一无所知。 8

Moreover, there is a chillingindifference about all this ignorance. The attitude was summed up by a friend's bright, lazy 16-year-old son, who explained why he preferred not to go to U.C.L.A.\compete with Asians,\everything.\

更有甚者,他们对这种种的无知却毫不在乎,实在令人不寒而栗。一位朋友的聪明但却很懒散的十六岁儿子在解释他为什么不想上加州洛杉矶分校时说的话是对这种态度的高度概括。“我不想去那儿跟亚洲人竞争,”他说,“他们用功,什么都知道。” 9

In fact, this young man will have to compete with Asians whether he wants to or not. He cannot live forever on the financial, material and human capital accumulated by his ancestors. At some point soon, his intellectual laziness will seriously affect his way of life. It will also affect the rest of us. A modern industrial state cannot function with an idle, ignorant labor force. Planes will crash. Computers will jam. Cars will break down.

其实,无论他是否愿意,这位年轻人都将不得不去跟亚洲人竞争。他不能永远躺在先辈积累的经济、物质与人力资本上。用不了多久,他懒于用脑的结果将严重影响他的生活方式,也将影响我们其他所有的人。一个现代工业化国家无法靠一支懒散、无知的劳动大军运行。飞机会坠落。计算机会出故障。汽车会抛锚。 10

To drive this message home to such young Americans, I have a humblesuggestion: a movie, or TV series, dramatizing just how difficult it was for the country to get where it is ─ and how easily it could all be lost. I offer the following fable.

为使这样的美国青年彻底认识到这一点,我的愚见是:拍一部电影,或电视连续剧,生动地描述我们国家的今天如何来之不易 —— 而要丧失这一切又何其容易。下面我奉献一篇寓言故事。 11

As the story opens, our hero, Kevin Hanley 1990, a 17-year-old high school senior, is sitting in his room, feeling bitter. His parents insist he study for his European history test. He wants to go shopping for headphones for his portableCD player. The book he is forced to read ─The Wealth of Nations─ puts him to sleep.

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