2019版高考英语一轮复习Module6OldandNew预习案外研版必修3 下载本文

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Module 6 Old and New


Ⅰ.课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练 Practicemakesperfect. 『阅读识记单词』 1.bulletin n.小型报刊;短新闻;报告 2.relic n.(常作复数)(历史的)遗迹;遗物 3.generate vt.发(电);产生 4.terminal n.(机场的)集散站;终点站;候机厅 5.harness vt.利用;将(自然力)变成动力 6.watchtower n.望台 7.observatory n.观察台 『话题必记单词』 1.civiladj.民用的;国内的 2.structuren.建筑物;结构 3.datevi.始于(某一历史时期)n.日期;约会 4.submergevt.浸入水中;淹没 5.ridiculousadj.荒唐的;可笑的 6.enormousadj.巨大的;庞大的 7.crashvi.(飞机)失事;坠毁 『构织连脉词族』 1.accommodatevt.容纳(乘客等);提供住宿;使适应→accommodationn.膳宿,适应 2.carvingn.(尤指木头、象牙等的)雕刻(品)→carvev.雕刻 3.constructionn.建造;建设;建筑→constructv.建设 4.historicaladj.历史的;有关历史的→historyn.历史→historicadj.具有历史意义的 5.narrowadj.狭窄的 v.(使) 变窄→narrowlyadv.勉强地,狭窄地 6.poemn.诗;诗歌→poetn.诗人→poetryn.诗歌(总称) 7.globaladj.全球的→globen.地球;地球仪 8.removevt.迁移;搬迁→removaln.移动,免职 9.freezingadj.冷冰冰的;极冷的→freezev.(使)结冰,(使)冷冻,冻结→frozenadj.冻结的,冷冰的 10.foggyadj.有浓雾的→fogn.雾 『语用规律归纳』 ??容易曲解的抽象副词 ①narrowly勉强地 ②widely广泛地 ③deeply深深地 ④closely密切地 ??形容词的阴晴雨雾雪 ①foggy有雾的 ②sunny晴朗的 ③rainy下雨的 ④cloudy多云的 ⑤snowy下雪的 『语境活用』 1.In the freezing weather,the whole river got frozen.(freeze) 2.The hotel has average accommodation and can only accommodate 500 guests.It is planning to expand to be in accommodation with the fast developing tourism.(accommodate) 3.A new railway is under construction and several bridges are being constructed as well in my city.(construct) 4.Johnson is a famous poet and most of his poems are based on real life stories.(poem) 5.My car finally came to a narrow road,some part of which narrowed to only 5 meters in width.At the moment,another car ran in our direction.It was running so fast that it narrowly missed hitting mine.How dangerous it was!(narrow)

Ⅱ.课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律 Observationisthebestteacher. 1.datefrom起源于 2.holdback阻止 3.cometrue(梦想等)变成现实 4.makesense有意义;有道理 5.bringanendto结束;终止 6.onaclearday在一个晴朗的日子 7.dreamof梦到

续 表

8.beequalto等于 9.live a...life 过着……的生活

10.all the way 一路上;自始至终

Ⅲ.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用 Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart. 『领悟教材语境』 1.Ittook six years tobuild and cost US$20 billion. 它花费了6年的时间才建成,耗资200亿美元。(教材Page 51) 要点提炼it为形式主语,后面的不定式短语to do sth为真正的主语。 2.Isitpossibletosee the relics nowthat they have been submerged? 既然这些遗迹都已被淹没,还有再看到它们的可能吗?(教材Page 52) 要点提炼Is it possible to do...?做……有可能吗?now 4.It just doesn’t makesense.Why would she do a thing like that?

5.Many people throughout history have dreamedof a world without war.

『语境活用』 1.Stick to your dream and in time your dream will cometrue. 2.It’s hoped that the talks may bringanendto the violence. 3.A temple datingfrom 1600 A.D.was ruined in the flood. 『高考写作情景』 ①有可能坐火车到这个城市去吗?或者我是不是必须坐公共汽车? Isitpossibletogettothecitybytrain,ormustItakeabus? ②既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。 NowthatIamfree,Icanenjoymusicforawhile. ③你认为体育为什么如此流行? Whydoyouthinksportissopopular? that引导原因状语从句,意为“既然……”。

3.Whydoyouthink there are so many tall buildings in the world now?

你认为为什么现在世界上有这么多的高层建筑?(教材Page 59)

要点提炼本句采用的句型是:特殊疑问词+do you think/believe/say/suggest...+陈述句?do you think做插入语。 Ⅳ.语篇旧材新用探究根源 Killtwobirdswithonestone. 『话题与短文改错』 Most of the tallest buildings in the world were built in 『话题与语篇填空』 As we all know,the Three Gorges Dam,which harnesses the power of 1.the Yangtze River and makes 2.itself the largest hydro-electric power station in the world,3.hasmade(make) the dream of Mao Zedong come 4.true(true).5.As a multi-purpose construction project,it can control 6.flooding(flood),as well as provide hydro-electric power 7.for the central region of China.Furthermore,the Dam generates electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without 8.causing(cause) so much air pollution. To build the Dam,9.however,many cities,towns and villages as well as historical relics had all to be submerged.Some of them are being removed and some 10.arebeingput(put) into museums. 1990s and in the twenty-first century. the two tallest buildings in the US were built earlier.In the fact,the second tallest building in the US is than 75 years old! The Empire State Building,which the tallest building at the finished in May time,was 1931. was the tallest building in the world the World Trade Centre was built in New York in 1972.The World Trade Centre twin