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Unit 1 How can I get there?



Main scene & Part A Let's learn,Make a map and talk 教学目标

1.Words(单词):science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital

2.Sentences(句子):—Where is the science museum? —It's near the library. 教学重点


2.掌握句型:Excuse me.Where is the science museum? It's near the library.


Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes) 1.Greetings.(T—teacher,S—student) 2.T:Can you sing English songs? S:Yes,I can. T:What are you doing?

S:I'm reading a book/writing a letter. Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)

1.T:Show word cards to teach the new words:

science,museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital 2.T:Where is our school?(引导学生回答) S:It's near/behind Xinhua Bookstore. T:Where is the bookstore? S:It's near the post office.

3.运用所学句型操练Let's learn。 Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes) 1.运用图片操练重要单词和词组。

2.T:There is a bookstore in our city.Where is it? S:It's next to the post office.(可小组操练) 3.Make a map and talk. Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes) 一、读单词,选汉意。

( )1.science A.博物馆 B.科学 C.邮局( )2.hospital A.书店 B.邮局 C.医院 ( )3.cinema A.书店 B.电影院 C.邮局 ( )4.museum A.科学 B.博物馆 C.书 ( )5.bookstore A.医院 B.书店 C.哪里 ( )6.post office A.邮局 B.医院 C.书 二、填一填,读一读。

1.Where ________(is/are) the cinema? 2.It's ________(附近)the bookstore.

3.It's ________ ________(旁边) the museum. 4.Is there a ________(电影院) near here? 5. ________(Where/How) is the hospital? Step 5 课堂作业(15 minutes)


Step6 课堂小结: 这



Unit 1 How can I get there?

science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital… —Where is the science museum? —It's near the library.