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毕业论文题目: 作 者: 指 导 教 师: 所在学习中心: 所 学 专 业: 学 号: 年 级: 完 成 日 期: 联 系 电 话: 电 子 邮 箱:
目 录
Abstract ????????????????????????1 Key words??????????????????????1 一、绝句题材形式多样???????????????????2 二、用绝句体现人生境界??????????????????4
三、语言自然朴素 ????????????????????? 6 四、意境积极浪漫??????????????????????8 五、想象大胆奇特??????????????????????9
李白“诗仙”雅号的由来,更多的反映出其在诗词上面的成就。不论是艺术手法,还是表达的精神境界,他的诗歌都给我们留下了丰富的精神财富。欣赏李白诗歌的人很多,而研究李白诗歌艺术特色的人更是不可胜数。而我想从绝句的表现方式这一角度对其艺术成就做简要的分析。“窗前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡”(《夜思》)、“玉阶坐白露,夜久侵罗袜;却下水晶簾,玲珑望秋月”(《玉阶怨》)、“羌笛梅花引,吴溪陇水情;寒山秋浦月,肠断玉关声”(《清溪夜半闻笛》),同一个意向“月”的绝句诗,李白却写出了不同的感觉与境界。由于本人阅历浅薄,下面我就李白绝句中的艺术成就进行一个浅析。 关键词:
李白 绝句 艺术成就 境界 Abstract :
In the Chinese literary world, the poet is known as the poet. The ancient poet Li bai, brilliant, the poetic wind is strange, has elegant and elegant artistic conception. In the tang dynasty, the poet of the tang dynasty advocated li bai, who was praised as \trouble yanyu \(li ho) devil of a genius, not. The white fairy, changji ghost in the immortal words.\In the Ming dynasty, the poem by Yang shen, a poem by Yang shen, said, \the poems of li bai had to be popularized by li bai's \
The origin of li bai's \is more reflected in the achievements of his poems. His poetry has left us a wealth of spiritual wealth, both artistic and expressive. There are many people who admire li bai's poems, and those who study the art of li bai's poetry are more than the number. And I want to do a brief analysis of its artistic achievement from this point of view. Key words:
Li bai rhyme artistic achievements state